Project Planning & Design 1 Flashcards
Name three site considerations in regards to architectural design.
1) The design requires an appropriate relationship between the structure and its site.
2) The design should respond to the natural characteristics of the site: its form, climate, solar orientation, natural vegetation, and existing structures.
3) The design should be placed in the landscape to be seen, conversely, views of the surrounding landscape should be visible from the building.
Describe five concerns regarding site functionality that an architect should address.
1) The design should server the purpose it is intended to serve and function properly.
2) The design should express the purpose it serves.
3) The design should use an economy of means to achieve its purpose.
4) The design should utilize technologies ingeniously.
5) The design should utilize materials properly.
During programming, what aspects of spatial design should be taken into consideration?
The design must have a human scale, in both its material parts and its spaces, and in its interior and exterior.
The design should utilize the familiar and commonplace building techniques of it local.
The design should be graceful in shape and massing.
The design should exhibit a degree of exuberance (expression); it is an assertive act.
The design should exhibit a priority or hierarchy of parts.
The design should offer the human eye a visually rich and interesting field of view.
The design should establish a relationship between interior and exterior spaces.
Architects are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the moral code established in the Architect’s Practice Act. Name at least three moral values essential to well-thought-out design.
The design should have integrity, honesty, and wholeness throughout.
The design should be expressive of the human spirit.
The design should be regarded as an opportunity to demonstrate the basic principles of Architecture.
The design should have an encompassing physical design concept.
The design should be a physical place or spatial forum that encourages human contact.
The design should be a space in which activity, interaction, and accomplishments take place.
Architectural space, therefore, facilitates a broad range of human activities; it does not prescribe or limit them.
Describe how a site can influence a form of a building.
Site: There should be a relationship between the site and its’ buildings. A strong site may require buildings that blend into the landscape. The forms of the building should be inspired by the forms of the site. The roof might mimic the surrounding mountains, or draw colors from the landscape.
Landscape: The form could draw inspiration from the surrounding trees, landscape and vegetation.
Climate: The specific climate should affect the overall form, especially the location of windows, thickness of the walls and the way the building sheds rainwater or snow.
Describe how ground slope can affect the design of your project site.
Relatively flat sites require less grading and excavation, greatly reducing foundation costs and complexity.
The slope of the site also determines the amount of rainwater that can be absorbed by the soil, the areas appropriate for driveways or parking and the access to natural light and views.
Name at least three site features that may need to be preserved on a site.
Landforms (terracing, berms, grading)
Vegetation (trees, shrubs, fields)
Circulation Systems (paths, roads, parking)
Water Features (fountains, streams, ponds)
Furnishings and Fixtures (lights, benches, fences)
Decorative Elements (sculptures, monuments)
Subsurface Archeology (soils, historical artifacts)
What are five methods for preserving features on the site?
Stabilizing, protecting and preserving existing features.
Minimize disturbance of terrain.
Surveying and conducting filed investigations.
Evaluating conditions of existing features.
Repairing and/or replacing site features.
Describe the Neighborhood Concept.
The largest use of land for residential needs.
Designing a well-balanced and useful neighborhood benefits the community as a whole.
Live, work, education and recreation should all be located within a close proximity to one another.
According to Clarency Perry, what 6 elements must exist for a neighborhood to function properly?
1) No major traffic routes pass through the neighborhood.
2) Interior streets use a cul-de-sac and curvilinear layout.
3) Population of neighborhood determined by number of people required to support one elementary school.
4) Elementary school becomes focal point of neighborhood.
5) Neighborhood occupies approximately 160 acres at a density of 10 families per acre.
6) neighborhood is served by shopping centers, churches, etc. and does not require further than a half mile walk to school.
How does the Neighborhood Unit differ from the Neighborhood Theory?
Three Neighborhood groups together, serve one high school.
Maximum walking distance is one mile.
Many neighborhoods can be grouped together to form larger communities.
Describe three land patterns that have developed due to urban growth.
Concentric Pattern: series of rings around a central business district.
Sector Pattern: land usage arranged in pie wedges radiating from city center.
Multiple Nuclei Pattern: city composed of several distinct central points.
What three main forms are most modern cities based on?
Finger Plan: development occurs along each side of a public transit corridor.
Cluster Plan: development contains clusters of activity; major roads connect each cluster.
Satellite Plan: variant of cluster plan but has a dominant center, often the original city.
What are four site conditions that can affect the microclimate of a site?
Site Latitude: areas closer to the Equator are warmer than those further away.
Site Elevation: The height above sea level affects rain and snow fall as well as temperature.
Prevailing Winds: depending on the location, winds on a site can impact air temperature.
Proximity to Water: bodies of water provide humidity and can help maintain site temperatures.
Proximity to Mountains: mountains direct prevailing winds to rise, which cools them and forms clouds.
Topography: steep sloping sites can increase wind velocity thus decreasing site temperature.
What site elements can be studied to determine the effect of the microclimate on the site?
Location of plants and bodies of water.
Amount and location of sun exposure.
Prevailing wind patterns.
Ground surface coverage.