Project Organization Flashcards
3 phases
Contract and negotiation
Project execution
Closing out
Contract and negotiations
Determine in house authority Draft or review contract -scope of work and fee Determine staff needs type and number Consultants required Schedule of services needed Review all with client Secure contract
Contract elements
Description of the material provided,Scope of work or services
Determination of method of reimbursement
Provisions for terminating the contract, each party’s liability, provision for arbitration
Fair contract, clear description, fair pay
Inform client credentials of employees and consultants.
Project execution
Staff assignments reviews of work Maintenance of schedule Cost control Billing the client Maintenance of project records
How much authority vs delegation.
Project manager duties
Decide who has authority to do and review work
Be familiar with the agreement and see that it is fulfilled to fee and time schedule
Determine is scope of work is inadequate and negotiate a new contract
Establish bench marks- i.e. Time for schematics, design development, and construction drawings
Measure actual vs anticipated costs
Bill client and stop work until client is able to pay.
Establish procedure for filing project information and data and drawings
Project responsibility
Fix and accept responsibility
Responsibility cannot be delegated to others nor shared. Authority can be delegated but not responsibility. Senior members or partners of a firm. Role rode fine the job done, standards to be met, clear description of function of each individual.
Closing out the project
Complete as relates to client
In house tasks such as making final deposition of projects record. Preserved record for future reference, catalogue.
Bid documents
General conditions Supplementary conditions Contractor qualifications Bid bond Performance bond Labor and materials bond
Other Subcontractor agreement form Consultant agreement form Govt specific forms Special conditions
Outline specification
Bare outline of the scope of work, material used and method of construction. Submitted with prelim plans.
CSI specs
construction specifications institute produced the uniform system for construction specifications.
16 divisions split into sections
Divisions sections must be separate from other professions with similar materials i.e. Masonry concrete, to make clear separation in fees.
Three parts to a section
General materials and install. If there is a conflict between drawing and specs, specs govern. Avoid duplication between the two.
Drawings show form of construction.
Bid documents
Good drawings and specs result in accurate estimating and better bids. Unclear contract documents will make bidder raise bid to protect himself from discrepancies. Client is the loser. La is liable for extra construction costs due to ambiguity in drawings.
Bid document list
-title page, legal notice, index to specs, list of drawings
Bidding requirements
-invite to bid, instruction to bidders, sample forms
(bid form, bid bond form, statement of contractors qualifications, performance bond, labor and materials bond, certificate of insurance, acknowledgement of surety, non-collusion affidavit, agreement form, change order, payment) General conditions, supplementary conditions, certificate of substantial completion, contractors affidavit of release of liens.
Addenda, scale of prevailing wages, statement of sales and excise taxes, anti-discrimination agreement, surface and subsurface data, bid security letter
Spec and drawings
Contract form-many copies.
Spec divisions
1 gen requirements 2 site work 3 concrete 4 masonry 5 metals 6 wood plastic and composites 7 thermal and moisture protection 8 doors and windows 9 finishes 10 specialties 11 equipment 12 furnishings 13 special construction 14 conveying systems 15 mechanical 16 electrical
Legal paper affirming qualifications of the bidders and notarized that it is true and lawful statement and non collusive
Base bid
Total amount of work covered in gen specs with no alternatives or substitutes
Substitutes are listed on separate page of bid form with cost or credit
Base bid modified
Two or more property products are specified with no subs. Requires statement allowing modification as a letter.
Bid form
Letter from bidder to owner Receipt of docs Id's docs received Has visited site Will hold bid open to a certain time Will obey instructions Has unit prices and alternatives Bid security List of subcontractors Bidders qualifications Financial statement Non collusion affidavit Signature Notarized Date Seal
Right to reject
State whether owner reserves right to waive irregularities and reject bids
Performance bond
Assure conformity with contract documents. Surety company within the state. 100000 for bodily injury and 300000 for property damage
Cash allowance
When things cannot be determined in advance. Felling of trees that die during construction. Pruning that cannot be determined. Avoid when possible. Permits delay in decision but enables specifier to control product selection.
Clerk of works
Owner hired with knowledge of construction materials test procedures and management.
General conditions
Part of division 1 specs. Contract furnished items or technical and admin matters. Contractors break down of costs. Claims for extra cost contract termination delays damages disputes ownership of drawings an specs care of work accident prevention inspections prevailing wages warranty.
As built drawings, cleaning up a site
Special conditions / supplementary
Time of completion, number of working days, contract time limit, demands requests instructions approvals acceptance of part of work liquidated damages communications
Net cost without overhead or profit from a change of materials labor and equipment
Avoid trade names and proprietary information. Only in specs. No reference to astm. Show horizontal relationship in regards to larger scale.
Shop drawing
Shoes suppliers fabrication of a detail including dimension materials assembly and installation. General conditions indicate whether this shows who is responsible for prep and distribution reproducible required transmittal letter etc.
Bond premiums supervision superintendence wages of timekeepers watchmen and clerks small tools incidentals general office expense
Standards of work, quality control, optional materials, required guarantee, type of grade finish or fabrication. Consistent nomenclature.
Action verb at beginning instead of contractor shall. Concise correct and clear. Indicate a measurable result.
Letter agreement
Informal contractual agreement. Brief description of all primary point of the contract.
Letter notice to proceed
Initiate contract work either before or after award of contract.
Letter of intent to award contract, formal contract unrecorded
Formal contract recorded
Give contractor advance notice to order materials with critical time limit
Not requiring bonding or security deposit. Below 25000 dollars. With reputable contractor.
Mandatory by most governments for larger work. Compliance with time requirements, and commences mechanics Lien period.
Negotiate contract prior to award
1 determine which items are included in contract
2 modify base bid when bidders submit alternates
3 reduce contract amount if lowest bid exceeds available funds
4 arrange work in phases
5 adjust to unforeseen changes