project Flashcards
to make something start happening or start being successful:
Will this be enough to catalyze the country’s moribund industry?
to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving:
He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.
N the act of combining different ideas or things to make a whole that is new and different from the items considered separately:
[ C ] His latest album is a synthesis of African and Latin rhythms.
adj happening or existing at a later time or at the end, especially after a lot of effort, problems, etc.:
Although the original budget for the project was $1 billion, the eventual cost is likely to be 50 percent higher.
N a written agreement between two or more countries, formally approved and signed by their leaders:
a peace treaty
the treaty on European union
the act of reducing how harmful, unpleasant, or bad something is:
effective mitigation of climate change
risk mitigation
N the process of giving someone their part of a total amount of something to use in a particular way:
the allocation of resources/funds/time
business community
companies, financial businesses, banks, etc., considered as a group:
The governor has strong backing in the state’s business community thanks to his success in balancing the budget.
dispute resolution
a set of actions used by an organization to solve disagreements:
There needs to be a timeline for dispute resolution and appeals.
dispute resolution procedure/process
helping to explain or prove something:
Falling house prices are illustrative of the crisis facing the construction industry.
align yourself with sth/sb
to agree with a person or an organization and work with them or support their ideas:
The company has a commitment to align itself closely with specialty retailers.
Developmnet finance corporation
hailuulah uildver
to accept something as true without question or proof:
[ + (that) clause ] We can’t assume (that) he’s innocent simply because he says he is.
Plural consortia
a group of companies, organizations, etc. that have joined together to work on a particular project:
The 11-member consortium, led by BP, sought funding from public bodies such as the World Bank.
V to ask someone for money:
He created a company website to solicit donations for victims of the disaster.
Non-disclosure agreement
draft agreement
gereenii tusul
document drafting
barimt bichgiig bolovsruulah
environmental review
baigal orchnii unelgee
in-person workshop
by meeting with someone rather than talking on the phone, e-mailing, or writing to the person workshop
targeted transaction advisory service
зорилтот зөвлөх үйлчилгээг санхүүжүүлэх
limited duration
тодорхой үргэлжлэх хугацаа
steering committee
удирдах хороо
compliance (with)
the fact of obeying a particular law or rule, or of acting according to an agreement:
compliance with sth He pointed to the building’s lack of compliance with building standards for the disabled.
V to make a decision about a person or situation after considering all the information:
The consultant was hired to assess the impact of the buyout on consumers.
financial structure
the way in which a company gets and organizes the money it needs for its business activities , for example how much debt it has in relation to its share capital:
In view of the difficult conditions in which they were operating, they planned changes to the financial structure of the company.
dispute settlement
dispute resolution
a process in which an independent person makes an official decision that ends a legal disagreement without the need for it to be solved in court:
Arbitration is often preferred by firms in business disputes.
ad hoc
happening or existing only for a particular purpose and not previously planned:
Cooperation is often on an ad hoc basis and relies on personal contacts between individuals.
an ad hoc committee
applicable law
Applicable Law means all applicable provisions of constitutions, laws, statutes, ordinances, rules, treaties, regulations, permits, licenses, approvals, interpretations and orders of courts or Governmental Authorities and all orders and decrees of all courts and arbitrators.
to correct something that is wrong or damaged or to improve a bad situation:
It’s a problem that we will need to continue to monitor and remediate.
solicitation bid
Notifying potential bidders of an opportunity to bid on a project. It can be an invitation to bid, request of proposals, request for quotations, and a request for sealed bids.
transmision line
specialized cable or other structure designed to conduct electromagnetic waves in a contained manner
license holder
tusgai zuvshuurul ezemshigch
to cause something to begin:
Who initiated the violence?
extremely important to the progress or success of something:
critical to/for sth Logistics and distribution are critical to an e-commerce venture’s success.
exploration and production
oil refining, supply and trading product marketing, wholesale and retail
storage and transportation after production
adj additional, or providing additional support or help:
In the last ten years or so we have developed a number of ancillary services, which have grown out of our core business.
ancillary staff/workers
project on project
төсөлд үндэслэсэн төсөл
happening soon:
We have just received the information about the forthcoming conference.
adj being one only; single:
My sole objective is to make the information more widely available.
The sole survivor of the accident was found in the water after six hours.
with special permission not to do or pay something:
be exempt from sth Who is exempt from overtime?
be exempt from doing sth Lawyers would be exempt from reporting information learned through confidential communication with clients.
to collect something, usually after much work or with difficulty:
Coppola garnered several Oscar awards for “The Godfather”.
N something that you want and plan to do:
[ + to infinitive ] It wasn’t my intention to exclude her from the list - I just forgot her.
to imagine or expect that something is a likely or desirable possibility in the future:
He envisioned a partnership between business and government.
to imagine or expect that something will happen:
We don’t anticipate any trouble.
We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn’t anticipate.
to organize people to support something or to make a part of an organization ready for a special purpose:
We’re teaching people to mobilize and show their support for their libraries.
adj. able to affect or influence someone or something in a powerful way:
a new high-impact TV advertising campaign
We’re talking about a high-impact retail facility, maybe even an amusement park that can draw from over 200 miles away.
statement of work
ajliin dalagavar
N an important event in the development or history of something or in someone’s life:
The opening of a branch in New York represented an important milestone for the company.
associated document
to arrange something such as laws or rules into a formal system for people to follow:
The essential function of our organization is to codify best banking practice.
something that can be provided or achieved as a result of a process:
What are the project deliverables?
a person who suggests a subject for discussion:
The proposer of the motion tonight is Jonathan Hesk.
continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment:
an ongoing investigation/process/project
Monitoring and evaluation
costing or worth many billions (= thousand millions) of dollars, pounds, euros, etc.:
Advertising is a multibillion dollar industry.
a multi-billion pound merger
a company, government, or organization that offers shares, bonds, etc. for sale:
bond/equity/warrant issuer You’ll get your principal back at maturity, provided the bond issuer doesn’t default.
corporate/municipal issuer
adv almost:
Their twins are virtually identical.
adv finally, after a series of things have happened:
Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week.
something that you must do:
I don’t have time to do his work for him - I have too many obligations as it is.
to leave forever or to give up completely:
I thought she might forsake ballet in favor of Irish dancing.
financial asset
an asset such as money, shares, bonds, etc. rather than a physical asset such as property or machinery:
In accounting, the three basic categories of financial assets are cash, marketable securities, and receivables.
not considering or being influenced by; despite:
Injuries notwithstanding, this season has been a disappointment to me.
non-financial asset
a physical asset such as property or a machine, rather than money, shares, bonds, etc.:
Through a program of cost cutting and the sale of non-financial assets, the bank has recovered from near-collapse.
a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people:
The general consensus in the office is that he can’t do his job.
an amount of something produced by a person, machine, factory, country, etc.:
Last year manufacturing output fell by 14 percent.
unwilling to take risks or wanting to avoid risks as much as possible:
risk-averse investors
revenue generating
refers to the process of creating sales of products and services, with the goal of creating income.
adj extremely careful and correct, and involving a lot of effort:
It took months of painstaking research to write the book.
risk allocation
contract provisions that determine which party assumes the risk of certain events occuring(or failing to occur)
N. an agreement in an argument in which the people involved reduce their demands or change their opinion in order to agree:
It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in today’s talks.
likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly, especially by getting worse:
Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation.
N a total that is calculated by adding together different prices, amounts, etc.:
an aggregate of sth An aggregate of 18,003 shares of Series B Convertible Preferred Stock will remain outstanding.
N something that makes a product, machine, or system different, and usually better, than others of a similar type:
The new smart phone has all the features of existing models, plus added extras.
innovative design features
something that you agree to give someone or allow them to do, especially in order to end an argument or disagreement:
concession to sb As a concession to environmental groups, the energy giant agreed to scale down its coal plant expansion plans.