Prohibition in USA Flashcards
When was Prohibition?
From 1919 to 1933
What was prohibition?
A period of time where the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol was illegal throught the US
What was the 18th Amendment?
Change to the consitution which made Volstead Act apple to all states
Why did people want prohibition?
alcohol was sinful and immoral bomestic violence led to increases crime caused diseases wasteful- grain could be used for food Alcohol led to lost production politicians supported it to win votes patriotic move against Germans
How many people died becasue of alcohol?
How many children were under the influence of domestic violence?
Who were bottleggers?
People who transported illegal alcohol (moonshine) to speakeasies
How did the US enforce Prohibition?
Enactment of the Volstead Act Creation of coeast guard Creation of federal agents education adn propaganda prosecution took place if somebody drank police raids on speakeasies
What did the coast guard do?
stop illegal imports from Cuba, Bahamas and Canada
how many agents were hired?
1500-2300 agents
How many area did each agent have?
200,000 miles
Name two famous prohibition agents
Isadore Einstein and Moe Smith
How many arrests did Enstein and Moe make?
How many stills were seized?
How much did the consumption of beer decrease?
20 million gallons in 1920 to 14 million gallons in 1933
How many gallons of spririt did federal agents seize?
How many arrests were made by prohibition agents?
Why was prohibition a failure?
Corruption of the work force
Rise of gangsters and crime
More speakeasies opened
Did not imprve the nation’s health
What ratio were agents corrupt?
1 in 12 agents
How much were prohibition agents paid?
2,500 dollars a year
How much did alcapone pay to have his choice of mayor?
What was the homicide rate?
How many gangland muders happened?
What did the rise of the gangsters increase?
Increase in the rise of: prostitution drug trafficking gambling murder