PROGtest#4 Flashcards
_____ is the first step in the sterilization process.
What type of air pressure is required for decontamination areas?
Healthcare-associated infections are:
Those that occur in the course of being treated in the hospital.
Subcutaneous means:
Beneath the skin
Surgical instruments should be inspected:
After they are cleaned
The sterile storage area in the Central Service department should be restricted to:
Properly attired personnel meeting facility requirements.
Soiled instruments and other items are received in what area of the CS department?
When arranging plastic-paper pouches in the sterilizer the pouches should be arranged:
Paper to Plastic
Sterile packages should be stored no lower than _____ and _____ inches from the floor.
What is the advantage of rigid sterilization containers?
Eliminates torn wrappers
What material cannot be processed within a gas plasma sterilizer?
Cellulose containing items
What agency regulates the re-use of single-use devices?
A sealing method that allows users to determine if sterile packages have been open (contaminated) and helps users identify packages that are unsafe for patient use.
Tamper Evident Seals
Stock rotation system used where the oldest product (that has been in storage the longest) is used first:
FIFO (First In First Out)
What are examples of Communication?
-Words you Speak
-Words you Write
-Nonverbal Expressions
CS Techs must wear special attire referred to as _____ to minimize their exposure to bloodborne pathogens and other contaminants.
The procedure to remove the stomach is called:
Which of the following is used for the final rinse water used for decontamination cleaning?
When placing ring-handled instruments in an instrument tray, you should:
Unlock the handles and open the instruments
Knowing and understanding medical terminology helps technicians:
Understand what is asked when a request is made.
The human resources tool that identifies major tasks performed by persons in specific positions is called a:
Job description
What test material is used for scissors longer than 4.5”
RED test material
This sterilization process DESTROYS the cell’s ability to metabolize or reproduce by ALKYLATION:
EO (Ethylene Oxide)
ANSI/AAMI/ST77 and ANSI/AAMI ST79 recommend a maximum weight of _____ pounds for containerized trays:
25 lbs.
How many inches should a sterile package be stored from the wall?
2 Inches
The WEAKEST part of the steam sterilizer is the _____.
A class _____ emulating indicator, also called verification indicators or cycle-specific indicators is designed to react to all critical parameters of a steam sterilization cycle.
Who approves the use of HLDs (High-Level Disinfectants), sterilants, packaging material, sterilizers, and quality monitors such as biological indicators?
This is the process by which all forms of microbial life, including bacteria, viruses, spores, and fungi, are completely destroyed.
_____ is a chemical used on inanimate objects such as medical instruments to kill all organisms except spores.
Decontamination of all instruments and equipment starts:
At the Point of Use
FDA class _____ devices are considered LOW-RISK products such as most hand-held surgical instruments and ultrasonic cleaners:
This is an activity or procedure that prevents infection or breaks the chain of infection.
Aseptic Technique
The _____ Program is a voluntary program in which device-related problems are reported.
HLDs are used to process _____ items that may come in contact with mucous membranes of the body.
The use of heat to reduce the amount of microorganisms (excluding spores) on a medical device is called:
Thermal Disinfection
Behavior relating to what is ‘right and wrong’ relative to the standards of conduct for your profession is called:
Ethical Behavior
In Central Service, the concept of a one-way flow of materials refers to the movement of products:
From soiled areas to clean processing areas in the CS Department
______ is a HLD used for semi-critical devices such as endoscopes and ultrasonic probes.
_____ is the process used by ultrasonic cleaner in which low pressure bubbles collapse (implode) and dislodge soil from instrumentation.
_____ breaks down the fatty deposits such as bone marrow.
What test material is used for CHISELS and OSTEOTOMES:
Plastic Dowel Rod
Loaner trays that come from the outside should be considered _____ and handled accordingly.
Air pressure in the PREP and PACK area should be:
_____ compounds have been the agent of choice for housekeeping services because a residual film is left after each use which can be reactivated later by damp mopping.
Which of the following is the most important factor necessary for teamwork?
The largest customer of Sterile Processing is:
OR (Operating Room)
To achieve a reasonable level of disinfection, alcohol must remain in wet contact with the surface for a minimum of _____ minutes
FIVE (5)
When _____ is placed on the rings of an instrument, it indicates that the jaws/blades are made of TUNGSTEN CARBIDE.
These surgical instruments are used to CUT, INCISE and/or DISSECT tissue.
Which agency regulates worker safety issues?
One benefit of using a sterilizer with a jacket is that the jacket:
Minimizes the amount of condensation (moisture) that forms when hot steam contacts the chamber walls.
Which association develops and maintains sterilization standards?
Which of these statements are true?
-We only communicate when we want to
-Words mean the same to everyone
-A message should contain all possible information
None of the Above
What agency regulates environmental contamination?
_____ is a process in which sterilized packages are subjected to moving air to facilitate the removal of toxic residuals after exposure to a sterilizing agent, such as EO.
A proper _____ is the most important factor necessary for teamwork.
When placing instruments in a peel pack, the tips should always face the _____ side of the package.
Type of flexible endoscope that has a working channel and allows physicians to perform some surgeries.
The surgical procedure removes the uterus:
This circular opening is found at the center of the iris:
What percentage of bacteria are beneficial and essential for the existence of humans, plants, and animals?
What of these precautions uses appropriate barriers to reduce the risk of transmissions of bloodborne and other pathogens?
Standard Precautions
If IUSS must be used for an implant, what should be in place to trace the IUSS load to the patient?
A Tracking System
Items introduced directly into the bloodstream are classified as:
Critical Items
Sterile items and other items within the central service department should be kept _____ from sprinkler heads:
18 Inches
Voluntary standards:
Provide guidelines for better patient care.
A group of employees from different departments within the healthcare facility that work together to solve operating problems is called a:
Cross-Functional Team
What test material is used for pituitary and kerrison rongeurs:
Index Card
Which of the following agencies has strict labeling requirements for disinfectants and sanitizers?
Which of the following is NOT an acceptable sterilization packaging material?
The suffix -ectomy means:
Surgical Removal
Dark areas on the lens of a scope are:
Damaged Light Fibers
Mushrooms, molds and yeast are common types of:
The prefix word element comes:
Before the root.
-Can be found on hair and skin
-Can produce toxins
-Are useful for breaking down sewage
It is not uncommon for priorities to change during a shift; when instrument priorities change, it is important to look at the _____.
Communication Board
What is terminal sterilization?
The process by which surgical instruments and medical devices are sterilized in their final containers, allowing them to be stored until needed.
This procedure views the urinary bladder using an endoscope:
The human muscular system:
-Pumps blood throughout the body
-Produces heat for the body
-Assists with movement
This is sometimes used to ease the pronunciation of a medical word:
Combining Vowel
A collection of microorganisms that attach to surfaces and each other and form a colony. The colony produces a protective gel that is very difficult to penetrate with detergents and disinfectants.
This is a federal agency that works to promote health and quality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury and disability and by responding to health emegencies.
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Sterile storage should have _____ airflow:
Automatic instrument washer disinfectors clean using a spray-force action called:
When removing (doffing) your PPE, you should remove _____ first.
Shoe Covers
More than 55% of blood is made up of _____.
Which of the following tells the primary meaning of a word:
The Association of periOperative Nurses (AORN) is:
A professional organization that writes guidelines for the OR
Which of the following basic listening tactics is most useful?
-Try to listen only for specific facts
-Ignore any non-verbal communication sent by the speaker
-Focus on the delivery of the message rather than the content
None of the Above
When putting on PPE (donning), what is the third step?
Goggles/Face Shield
To prevent aerosols, items should be brushed below the surface of the water in a _____ motion.
To and Fro
In a three sink arrangement used for manual cleaning, the third sink should contain:
Critical Water
These are the basic units of all living organisms:
Which of the following statements is NOT true about devices processed by IUSS? The devices:
May be stored for later use
The term -hypo means
To ensure air removal within pre-vacuum steam sterilizers, the integrity of the sterilizer should be checked daily by processing a _____ test.
Detergents used in mechanical cleaners should be:
All mechanical cleaning equipment provides:
Consistent Process
Which of the following procedures abbreviations would relate to a fractured bone:
A step in communication that occurs when a listener asks a question is called:
A system is:
A group of organs that work together to carry out a particular activity.
Which of the following FDA devices are the most stringently regulated devices? The devices include heart valves, pacemakers, and other life-sustaining devices:
Class 3 Medical devices
ANSI/ASHREA/ASH170 recommends that the sterile storage area have less than _____ relative humidity (RH).
Viruses are the smallest microorganisms and are about _____ times smaller than bacteria.
This means the treatment of a fractured bone without a surgical incision:
CR (Closed Reduction)
What is the largest organ of the body?
This chemical process is applied during instrument manufacturing and provides a corrosion-resistant finish by forming a thin, transparent oxide film.
The white portion of the eye is called the:
The CMS states that IUSS should not be performed on:
Implants unless there is a documented emergency.
In this flat wrapping method, the package is only wrapped once but it requires a special double-layered synthetic nonwoven material bound on two or four sides.
The process of pre-cleaning should begin at:
Immediately after the completion of a surgical procedure.
Why is it important to clean and flush a steam sterilizer’s chamber drain:
Air and steam will not pass out of the chamber efficiently if the drain line is blocked.
Microgrind or supercut blades are visually identified by their _____.
Black Rings
Customer complaints are best handled through which of the following approaches?
Service Recovery
This is the part of a surgical instrument that “locks” the handles in place:
Why is it important to inspect the insulation coverings of laparoscopic instrumentation?
Failure to discover pin holes or damage to the insulation can result in leaked electricity that can cause damage to the patient.
Both AORN and TJC recommend that:
The use of IUSS should be minimized or decreased
Which of the following sterilization methods requires aeration?
EO (Ethylene Oxide)
How many air exchanges are required per hour for the Sterile Storage area of the Central Service Department?
The FDA classifies sterilization packaging as a:
Class 2 Medical Device
How should a freshly sterilized set or item be tested to determine if it is cool enough to transport?
Use an infrared device.
The skin that covers our body’s external surface and the lining of body cavities is _____ tissue.
Epithelial Tissue
When is Point of Use treatment performed?
Immediately after use
Items that have been used in patient care areas regardless of it they are visually soiled, should be considered: