progressivism reforms Flashcards
Muckrakers are…
Journalists who tried to expose the bad parts of industrialization by writing news stories and publishing photographs.
Political Machines are…
Groups who controlled the political offices in cities. They usually rigged elections and were corrupt governments who stole money from the public.
The 17th Amendment is…
Direct Election of Senators. Senators had no accountability to the voters. Now voters got to elect senators.
The 16th Amendment is…
Graduated Income Tax, this fixed the problems where the wealthy were hiding property they owned so they didn’t have to pay taxes on it. People now had to pay taxes on the money they made.
Institutional Racism is…
Societal ideas and structures that oppress a group of people because of their race. Jim Crowe laws and segregation created these.
Booker T. Washington was…
The person who thought that in order for African Americans to Achieve equality they needed to work hard, educate themselves, and earn the respect of the whites. He thought education would help to earn equality.
Jim Crow Laws were…
State and local laws enforcing segregation in the southern USA.
The FTC was…
Federal Trade Commission, a government agency created to protect consumers. The goal was to stop monopolies and ensure that consumers were not cheated.
The KKK was…
A racist group founded after the civil war and revived in the early 1900’s. The Klan used violence, sometimes public, against African Americans in order to promote fear in them. They would lynch and murder African Americans.
Workers Compensation Laws were…
Before these laws if you were hurt on the job, you usually lost your job. After this companies were required to pay workers who were hurt on the job. Companies also then worked to increase worker safety.
Hepburn Act, Railroad Regulations were…
This law helped to fix railroad problems. Railroads were forcing people to pay too much to ship their goods. The Hepburn Act Gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the power to set maximum prices and helped to regulate railroads.
The 20th amendment was…
Inauguration moved to January to stop the Lame Duck Presidents.
Muckraker Examples were…
Ida Tarbell (Standard Oil), Upton Siclair (The Jungle), Jacob Riis (Photographs of Workers and Immigrants)
Meat inspection Act
A Law created in response to what people read in The Jungle. This made sure our meat was safe to eat.
Pure food and drug act
This was designed to protect consumers from products that were unhealthy or poorly produced. It was in response to books like The Jungle
Progressive presidents
Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson
Sherman Anti-Trust, Clayton Anti-Trust
Laws designed to prevent monopolies. Nether law was ver successful.
When the people decide to vote to remove an official from office. Before this only the legislature or judiciary could remove an official. This made the officials more accountable to the people.
When a legislature decides to send a law to the people for them to directly vote on it. This let the people decide on important and sometimes divisive issues
The 19th Amendment
The law that extended the right to vote to women.
The 18th Amendment
Prohibition of Alcohol. There were problems with the amount of alcohol people were drinking and how it was effecting the family and job. The 21st Amendment repealed this law and made alcohol legal again.
No Child Labor Committee
Worked to end child labor and create child labor laws. Before this young children worked in factories
Newlands Act
This law funded irrigation programs in the west. Before this, farmers and ranchers were fighting for water for their crops or livestock.
National Park service
Industry and expansion were reducing the amount of wild land available. The park service created areas that would always be wild.
WEB Dubois
African American Leader. Helped found the NAACP. Thought that in order for equality to be achieved things needed to change. Opposed segregation and Jim Crowe Laws. Did not agree with Booker T. Washington’s ideas.
Plessy vs. Ferguson
The law that legalized segregation. The law created the idea that their could be separate facilities for African Americans and Whites as long as they were equal. The problem was, they were never equal.
Pendleton Act
Created the civil service system. This was designed to get rid of the spoils system where politicians would give jobs to the people who helped get them elected.
Civil Service System
A system where applicants for government jobs are required to take a test to prove they are able to do the job they are applying for.
Direct Primary
When voters choose who will run for office in an election. Before this political parties would choose who would run. It made the parties more accountable tot he people.
When the people propose and vote on a law. This made it so the people could choose to make and pass a law.
Secret Ballot
A progressive reform. Voters voted in a secret room where no one could see who they voted for.
Federal reserve Act
The Bank’s Bank. A Federal Bank that controls the money supply in the country and can influence the economy. They control the money supply in the economy.
What is the Origin of the Progressives?
middle class reformers at all levels addressing problems of the gilded age
List the 4 goals of reformers
- protect social welfare
- promote moral development
- secure economic reform
- foster efficiency
What emerged in the community to help those in need?
- settlement houses
- churches
- salvation army
What did the Women’s Christian Temperance Union want>
prohibition (or the banning of alcohol)
Who is Eugene V. Debs?
Leader of the American Socialist party in 1901
Why did Taylorism become so popular in factories?
It made work in factories more efficient and less time consuming
Which state began regulating big businesses first?
Wisconsin- dividing the state up into smaller and more efficient areas
By 1918 what happened with child labor?
They banned child labor due to accidents caused by fatigue
Were the Progressives successful with limiting work hours? How?
Yes, the supreme court and the states enacted or strengthened law reducing womens’ hours of work
What 3 things occurred to make elections more efficient and fair to citizens?
- Secret ballot
- Referendums
- Recalls
Explain Direct Election of Senators
The popular election of senators
- which caused the 17th Amendment in 1913
Where did a majority of women work in the early 1900s?
One out of five women worked at places like:
- garment industry
- office work
- retail
- education
What is women’s’ suffrage?
women’s right to vote
How did Teddy Roosevelt become president?
president William McKinley was assassinated and Teddy was vice president
What did Teddy Roosevelt use to get rid of bad Trusts? How?
The Sherman Anti-Trust act, by heavily regulating trusts and banning all bad trusts