progress test past questions Flashcards
A patient with AML having CTx becomes febrile and the area around his hickman line is red - what is the most likely organism?
staph aur
6yo boy has been unwell for a few days with mild fever and rash - rash covers face trunk and features blisters, spots and some scabs - what is the causative organism?
varicella zoster
54yo M has 2x episodes of R sided pneumonia within 6/12. CXR = partial RLL collapse but no mass on CT - what Ix next?
Which type of thyroid carcinoma produces calcitonin?
what is the target INR for someone on warfarin?
2.5 - usually, but depends what it’s for
A 22yo F finds a lump in her L breast. There has been no size change in 8/52 when she found the lump. Her maternal aunt had breast Ca. The mass = 2cm, mobile, firm, rubbery, no-tedeness. There are no other lumps inc axilla - what is the most likely diagnosis?
Which WBC would be raised in strep pneumonia?
What is the neurotransmitter associated with OCD??
5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin)
if a woman has had unprotected sex 3/7 ago what contraceptive could you give her?
high dose progesterone - morning after pill
Which hormonal change would support a diagnosis of premature menopause?
inc FSH
A 64 yo M has chest pain and is SOB. His HR 34, BP 85/64. ECG = ST elevation in inferior leads and complete atriovetricular dissociation (complete heart block) - what is the most appropriate 1st line Tx?
A 35M is having palpitations. He is unwell - HR 170 with a narrow complex, BP 70/50 RR 24, CRT = 3s - what is the most app Tx?
DC cardioversion - unstable SVT. If stable attempt medically using amioderone
how would you investigate subacute infective endocarditis?
urine dip for microscopic haematuria
Which analgesic should be avoided in children?
what are high levels of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic Abs assocaited with? (ANCAs)
What is the immediate treatment of a patient with CT head showing acute left cerebral infacrtion?
A 33M is admitted with SOB, cough, haemoptysis. He is caucasian and smokes 20/day. No recent foreign travel. Looks unwell, centrally cyanosed and bilateral wheeze. Urinalysis = blood 4+, protein 3+. Urea/Cr high, eGRF 22 (n >60), anti-glomerular basement membrane ABs +ve - which mechanism best explains the development of AKI?
binding of IgG in glomerular capillaries - glomerular nephritis
what is non-maleficence?
do no harm
You see a cyanosed 12 hr old baby who is otherwise normal - what is the diagnosis?
transposition of the great arteries
A 65F has a 6/12 Hx of swallowing difficulties and pain and stiffness in her joints. OE - cold white fingers and reduced RoM in her hips and kness - which AB is likely to be positive?
Anti-cholinesterase Abs (myasthenia gravis)
What can cause painful penile ulcers?
what is the indication for DC cardioversion?
VF, pulseless VT, fast AF (new onset of haemodynamically unstable), SVT if medical fails or if haemodynamically unstable
which clotting test will be prolonged in haemophilia A?
A 45F presents with abdo pain + jaundice - her LFTS = albumin n, ALT n, ALP (H) 351, BR (H) 207, CRP 8 - what,s the Dx?
gall stones - picture of obstructive jaundice
A traveller has been to Thailand and now has diarrhoea, low Hb, high eosinophils - what is the organism?
If someone reports inappropriate behaviour in a colleague, who do you report to first?
Consultant in charge
In paedes, which part of the brain is damaged when they have prolonged jaundice? Sx = variable muscle tone, abnormal posturing of hands when reaching for objects
basal ganglia
which neurotransmitter is targeted in medical therapy for bulimia?
serotonin - give SSRIs
what change in lung fucntion supports idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
reduced transfer factor
If a woman is pregnant and has ?chicken pox - which intervetion would you start immediately?
IV aciclovir
An 8yo boy has been soiling himself at school. He has a Hx of hard stools every 3 days, abdo pain and poor appetite for the last 3/12. Recetly he has had loose and offensive stools - diagnosis?
overflow incontinence
6yo boy has had a red rash on his limbs and trunk for past 2 months, Sx are intermittant and has had some lip swelling - what’s the diagnosis?
idiopathic urtacaria and angioedema
A 64M in seen in A&E with sudden onset of bilateral parasthesia in both lower limbs, loss of bladder control, altered perineal sensation and weakness in LL. His lumber spine XR show sclerotic areas. PMHx = DM and prostate Ca. What is most approprite immediate medical Mx?
IV corticosteriod - In the setting of spinal cord compression, steroids decrease the associated vasogenic edema and thereby substantially improve neurologic function and decrease pain.
what is the initial investigation for a patient with persistent swallowing problem?
upper GI endoscopy
What nail signs might you see in hands of someone with psoriasis?
nail dystropy
which drug for HTN might you see renal impairment in?
ACEIs eg ramipril
20M 1/52 worsening sore throat, drooling, difficulty speaking, R palatoglossal fold is swollen and R tonsil reaches misline - WCC = 15 - Dx?
peritonsillar abscess
If a patient who has recently had or is currently having chemo and they present with a fever >38 what is the initial management and why?
admit + IV ABx - the patient might have neurtopenic sepsis
A 54yo M has a 6/12 Hx of worsenig breathlessness, wheeze, and itermittant abdo pain. PMHx = allergic rhinitis and asthma. He has a purpuric rash on his abdo and legs. He has bilateral polyphoic wheeze. His bloods = WBC+, low lymphocytes, eosinophils+, p-ANCA positive -what is the most likely diagnosis?
A 52 yo F presents wth progessive swelling of her legs over 2/52. She has a Hx of dissemiated renal Ca. She has pitting oedema to her groin and dilated veins over her lower abdomen - what is the most likey cause of her leg swelling?
IVC occlusion
45yo taking clozapine has sore throat and fever, which is the best initial blood test and what are you looking for?
FBC - looking for raised WCC and CPK. Clozapine can cause neuroleptic malignat syndrom, of which fever is a synptom
Where is the most likely site for failure of lactation in the brain?
anterior pituitary
what is the likely diagnosis - glomerularnephritis, end stage renal disease, hearing loss?
Alport’s syndrome
what is the most likely organism in cellulitis in a DM?
strep pyogens
what is the indication for medical cardioversion and what would you use?
narrow complex tachycardia (SVT)
adenosine (could attempt valsalva manoeuvre or carotid massage first)
A 73 year old male is admitted with chest infection.The following day he has confusion, anxiety, aggression during which he attempts to leave. He is convinced he’s being spied on and insists there are cameras have been installed. The episodes alternate with peiods of lethergy which become more pronounced toward the evening. temp 37.8, bp 110/73, rr12 - what is the diagnosis?
which ABx affets anticoags?
what kind of a pulse would you expect in CO2 narcosis, sepsis or liver failure?
A 62yo M is having difficulty walking due to leg swelling. He smokes 20/day. BP 144/94 and he has odema up to his scrotum. Urinalysis shows blood 1+, protein 4+. He has a high urea/creatinie, U:C, low albumin - which Ix most likey to lead to diagnosis?
renal biopsy
An infant bruises easily due to haemophilia A - what factor is deficient and what is the deficient factor required for?
factor VIII, formation of the tenase complex with activated factor IX
what kind of pulse would you expect in aortic stenosis?
Where is the pathology in this patient - loss of vision in left visual field of both eyes, central vision good, Hx angina and TIA
Right occipital lobe
if a hypertensive diabetic finds their blood glucose poorly controlled, what drug might be to blame?
A 65yo F has routine breast screening. She has no symptoms of breast disease, no relevet FHx and a normal breast exam. Her mammogram showed a focal area of microcalcification - what is the most common pathological cause?
ductal carcinoma in situ
what process is increased in DKA?
increased lipolysis
A schizophrenic patient is given olanzapine and becomes hot, confused, sweaty, fever with varying BP, what is the Dx?
neuroleptic malignat syndrome
A man with HTN is admitted with hypoTN, as well as fluid resus what do you do?
stop anti-HTNs
You see a 6/52 infant who has decreasing weight, RR 50 and mild subcostal and intercostal recession. The liver is palpable 3-4cm. He has a parasternal heave and promenant pansystolic murmur loudest at lower L sternal margin - what is the cardiac abnomality?
2 sets of nonparametric quantative data from same popn, what test looks at the diff between 2 datasets?
mann-whitney U
A 3yo M is seen in A&E. He is SOB with a barking cough. He has been unwell for 2/7 with a cough, temp and runny nose. He is in respiratory distress and has noisy breathing - what is the best initial Tx to improve his breathing?
oral dexamethasone
An elderly woman has sores at the corner of her mouth. She also has a sollen dark red tongue and is pale - what is the deficit?
what should you treat bacterial tonsillitis with?
penicillin V (phenoxymethylpenicillin), particularly in paeds and strep throat
If a patient has had a stroke with a large intracerebral haemorrage and is on warfarin (INR = 4.6) you can give vit K but what else can you give?
prothrombin complex concetrate
What class of drugs are used for the prostate?
alpha blockers
What is the course of action if you are pregnant and contract chicken pox?
aciclovir within 24hrs of rash developing
what may someone with uncontrolled coeliac disease be more at risk of?
small bowel lymphoma
62M has increasing pain in R eye for 6/24. He has a cataract op on same eye 2/52 ago. Conjuntiva = bright red and corena hazy. Vis ac = 6/60 in R and 6/9 in L - what’s the Dx?
angle closure glaucoma
A 12F presents who is ?meningococcal septsis - when should communicable disease control consultant be informed?
upon clinical Dx
A 61yo F presents with a painful swelling in back of her knee. She has a 10yr Hx of RA. The soft swelling is only visible when the knee is exteded - what is the diagnosis of swelling?
baker’s cyst
which mechanism that normally preserves GFR in the face of hypovolaemia is blocked by ramipril?
constriction of the efferent arteriole
Which vitamin in higher than normal amounts = dry skin, generalised itch, HA worse in am that wake from sleep, skin yellow?
Vit A
66yo male has episode of amaurosis fugax, you order carotid duplex, which level of carotid artery stenosis would promt you to refer him for carotid endartectomy?
35 year old female presents with 6/52 fatigue. She is pale, has low Hb, MCV+, AAT+, biliruben+ - which test to confirm diagnosis and why?
direct antiglobulin test AKA Coombes test for autoimmune haemolytic anaemia
A 3 yo F has an ear infections, which ABX would you use?
A 7F has diarrhoea and failure to thrive. She is pale and on the 25th centile for height, below 3rd centile for weight. At preschool check up she was 25th for both height and weight. Stool culture was -ve. Which blood test would be most informative?
IgA endomysial AB - another test for coeliac disease