Neuro + ENT Flashcards
what’s the cause - boney growths in ear?
exostosis - surfer’s ear
what’s the cause - bilateral, gradual hearing loss?
what’s the cause - slow onset deafness, tinnitus, no vertigo?
acoustic neuroma e.g tumour pressing on nerve
what’s the cause - vertigo lasting seconds that comes on with specific movements, rotational nystagmus?
how would you diagnose BPPV?
hallpike test
how would you treat BPPV?
epley manoeuvre
what’s the cause - hour to day-long vertigo, tinnitus, deafness?
meniere’s disease
what’s the cause - severe vertigo for days - weeks, severe N+V, single event?
vestibular neuritis
how would you treat vestibular neuritis?
watch and wait
vestibular sedatives - prochlorperazine, cinnarizine
what’s the cause - vertigo lasting days-weeks, deafness, tinnitus?
in these diseases of the NMJ, which molecule is affected?
myasthenia gravis
lambert-eaton - Ca2+
myasthenia gravis - ACh
neuromyotonia - K+
what is the cause - foul green discharge from ear, painless, squamous material, conductive hearing loss?