Progress test 4 Flashcards
Device manufacturers, hospitals, and nursing homes:
Under current regulations all are required to report suspected medical device-related deaths to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
is a process that helps build a protective layer of chromium oxide on the instruments surface.
Gross Soil
Tissue, body fat, blood and other bodily substances.
20 Seconds
the length of time during handwashing, hands should be lathered and scrubbed.
Simi-rigid endoscopes
are used during urological procedures.
To prevent instrument breakage in a washer-disinfector delicate instruments should be loaded:
Confined in approved, small, perforated baskets with approved lids.
a collection of microorganisms that attaches to surfaces and each other and forms a colony that produces a protective gel that is very difficult to penetrate with detergents and disinfectants.
Terminal sterilization
a type of sterilization process that allows medical devices to be stored until needed.
Loading a steam sterilizer:
Basin sets should be placed on edge and tilted, solid containers should be placed so air can escape, and there should be physical space between packs.
In washer-disinfectors, impingement is a combination of:
Water temperature, special detergent and spray force action to remove soil from devices.
OSHA’s Bloodborne pathogen standard
29 CFR 1910.1030
Noncondensable gases
cannot be liquified under the conditions used during the sterilization process.
On storage shelves, heavy items should be placed:
on the middle shelves.
Microgrind and supercut scissors:
identified by black handles
Hepatitis C
said to be the most prevalent chronic bloodborne infection today.
Shelf cartons
can be removed from outer shipping cartons in the breakout areas and placed onto a sterile storage shelf.
Bone curette
a plastic dowel rod is best for testing this type of instrument.
Legal responsibility
this is part of maintaining confidentiality.
Utility water
water that comes from the tap and is used for flushing, washing and rinsing.
When assembling instrument trays:
heavier instruments should be placed on the bottom of the tray.