How can you tell if a cell is undergoing mitosis when observing it under a microscope?
Chromosomes are condensed and therefore visible
Double the amount of DNA
Contrast how an optical microscope and a
transmission electron microscope work
and contrast the limitations of their use when studying cells.
- TEM use electrons and optical use light;
- TEM allows a greater resolution;
- So with TEM smaller organelles can be seen and in greater detail
- TEM view only dead specimens and optical can view live specimens;
- TEM does not show colour and optical can;
- TEM requires thinner specimens;
- TEM requires a more complex and time consuming preparation;
- TEM focuses using magnets and optical uses (glass) lenses;
Define the mitotic index.
The ratio of the number of cells undergoing mitosis to the total number of cells in a specimen
Name the stages of mitosis in order
Why does glycogen need to be more highly branched than starch?
- Animals are more active than plants
- higher respiratory rate
- need to access glucose more rapidly, so more branches means more glucose can by hydrolysed at once.
Describe and explain how cell fractionation and ultracentrifugation can be used to isolate mitochondria from a suspension of animal cells
- Cell homogenisation to break open cells
- Filter to remove large debris;
- Use isotonic solution to prevent damage to organelles;
- Keep cold to reduce damage by enzymes /
- Use buffer to prevent protein / enzyme denaturation;
- Centrifuge at lower speed to separate heavy organelles;
- Re-spin supernatant at higher speed to get organelle at bottom
What is the name of the reaction that breaks bonds between monomers?
What do we call a molecule that consists of many monosaccharides bonded together?
Draw the structure of alpha and beta glucose.
alpha - hydogen at top
beta - hydrogen at bottom
What type of bond joins the components of a triglyceride?
Ester bonds
Compare and contrast the structure and properties of triglycerides and phospholipids
1. contain ester bonds between glycerol and fatty acid;
- contain glycerol;
- have saturated or unsaturated Fatty acids ;
- insoluble in water;
- contain C, H and O but phospholipids also contain P;
6. Triglyceride has three fatty acids and phospholipid has two fatty acids plus phosphate group;
- Triglycerides are hydrophobic/non-polar and phospholipids have hydrophilic and hydrophobic region;
- Phospholipids form monolayer in water but triglycerides don’t;
Give the equation for calculating magnification from size of object and image.
Magnification = Size of image / Size of Object
What does secondary structure mean?
- Folding, due to hydrogen bonds, of the polypeptide chain into alpha helix or beta pleated sheet.
What does the RER do?
Synthesises proteins
What does the SER do?
Synthesises lipids