Programs/Initiatives to Mitigate Climate Change Effects in India Flashcards
What is the Indian Network on Climate Change Assessment (INCCA)?
INCCA is a network-based programme launched by the government in 2009, consisting of over 120 institutions and over 250 scientists nationwide.
What is National Communication (NATCOM)?
NATCOM is an initiative to communicate information to the UNFCCC, initiated in 2002 and funded by the Global Environment Facility.
What is the role of the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) in NATCOM?
MOEF is the implementing and executing agency of the NATCOM project.
When was the Integrated Energy Policy adopted in India?
The Integrated Energy Policy was adopted in 2006.
Why are buildings significant in the context of climate change?
Buildings are major pollutants that affect urban air quality and contribute to climate change.
What are the cost implications of green building design?
It costs a little more to design and construct a green building, but it costs less to operate.
What is the aim of a green building design?
The aim is to minimize the demand on non-renewable resources, maximize utilization efficiency, and maximize reuse and recycling of available resources.
What does the Rural Electrification policy of 2006 promote?
It promotes renewable energy technology where grid connectivity is not possible or cost-effective.
What are the objectives of India’s policy structure relevant to GHG mitigation?
Objectives include promoting energy efficiency in all sectors, emphasizing mass transport, and promoting renewables including biofuels plantations.
What does the national inventory of anthropogenic emissions include?
It includes emissions by sources and removal by sink of all greenhouse gases not controlled by the Montreal Protocol.