Prognositication Flashcards
Cancer patient
- Functional Status is the most important predictive factors
- ECOG scale (0 = normal; 5 = dead)
- Karnofsky Index (100=normal;0 = dead)
- Palliative Performance Scale (PPS); a reliable and valid tool and correlates well with actual survival and median survival time for cancer patients admitted to inpatient palliative care.
- ambulation, activity, evidence of disease, self-care, intake, conciousness
Chemotherapy: Response rate, median duration, median survival Data (FF99)
- Breast: 25-55%; 6-12mo; 24-36mo
- Colon: 25-35%; 6-8mo; 12-18mo
- Esop; 30-50%; 4-6mo; 6-9mo
- NSLCA: 20-30%; 4-6mo; 6-9mo
- Stomach; 20-50%; 4-6mo; 6-12mo
- Melanoma; 15-25%;4-6mo; 6-9mo
- Cholan; 15-25%; 2-4mo; 6-9mo
- Pancreas; 10-25% 3-5mo; 6-9mo
- Hepato: 5-15%; 2-4mo; 6-9mo
Note: Median survival data includes both responders and non-responders
Who has less than 6months
- Metastatic solid cancer, acute leukemia or high-grade lymphoma, not receiving systemic chemotherapy
- Malignant ascites (see Fast Fact #176)
- Malignant pleural effusion (#209)
- Malignant bowel obstruction
median survival of less than 3months
- Karnofsky score <40
- ECOG > 3
- spending >50% in a chair or lying down
Cancer complication and prognostic value
- Hypercalcemia: 8weeks
- Malignant Pericardial effusion: 8weeks
- Carcinomatosis meningitis: 8-12weeks
- Brain mets 1-2mo w/o XRT; 3-6mo XRT
- Malignant ascites, pleural effusion, SBO: 6mo.
Cancer and ICU
- 10% of ICU patients.
- surgical ICU mortality is 10%-18%
- medical ICU mortality is 40%
- hematologic malignancies and bone marrow transplant patients have the highest mortality
- multiorgan failure have 75% mortality
HIV/ AIDS (post HAART era)
- CD4 counts >200 cells/mm3 are more likely to die from non-HIV-related illnesses than they are from complications of AIDS, at least over a time-frame of one decade.
- MAC: median survival is 10mo
- Progressive mulitfocal lekoencephalopathy 11mo on HAART and 4mo not on.
- AIDS dementia: 40-81mo, worse if CD45,000
- Wasting syndrome: 10% wt loss w chronic fever: BMI
CA in HIV and its prognosis
- BODE (BMI, O2, Dyspnea, Exercise): 1yr, 2yr and 52mo motality
- ambulatory patients, age, degree of dyspnea, weight loss (BMI), functional status and FEV1 are relevant prognostic factors for predicting 1-3 year survival.
- Hospitalized patients, the same factors are relevant. In addition, the need for prolonged or recurrent mechanical ventilation is predictive of shorter prognosis.
Heart Failure
NYHA classification
- Class II (mild symptoms): 5-10%.
- Class III (moderate symptoms): 10-15%.
- Class IV (severe symptoms): 30-40%.
Independent predictors of shorter prognosis
- Recent cardiac hospitalization (triples 1-year mortality).
- Elevated BUN and/or creatinine ≥1.4 mg/dl (120 μmol/l).
- Systolic blood pressure 100 bpm (each doubles 1-year mortality).
- LVEF ≤ 45%
- resistant Ventricular dysrhythmias.
- Anemia (each 1 g/dl reduction in hemoglobin is associated with a 16% increase in mortality).
- Hyponatremia (serum sodium ≤135-137 mEq/l).
- Cachexia.
- Reduced functional capacity.
- Co-morbidities: diabetes, depression, COPD, cirrhosis, cerebrovascular disease, cancer, and HIV-associated cardiomyopathy
dialysis-dependent patients
- DM/HTN then GN
- 25% annual death rate
- 5Yr mortality: 25-60%
age of on set (65y/o), KPS <70 and albumin
- albumin and 1 and 2 year survival
- albumin >3.5 g/dL is 86% and 76% albumin < 3.5g/dL is 50% and 17%
- Modified Charlson Comorbidity Index
- Stroke, Dementia, Proteinuria
- 10-15% die without transplant
- Prvelence 17,000 but 6000 get trans
- Decom cirrhosis 2yr: ascites, varices
- Hepato-pulmonary 10mo
- SBP 9mo
- Hepatorenal: 6mos (type 2) 6wk (T1)
- REFARCTORY ascites: 6mos
- Na<126 may reflect 3-6mos
ESLD prognostic tools
Child-Pugh score
- Albumin, Ascites, bilirubin, PT, encephalopathy
- Child-C 1year prognosis.
MELD score: serum bilirubin, serum creatinine, INR
- >20 reflex: 3mos in hospitalized pt
Neurological disease
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Mean survival: 2.5-3 years
- Age of onset, duration of disease, diagnostic delay, weight loss, and respiratory symptoms predict survival.
- Noninvasive ventilation, percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube feeding, and early use of riluzole improves by several months.
- Nocturnal desaturation (less than 90% for one cumulative minute) is more sensitive than the FVC in predicting shortened survival.
- bulbar involvement and difficulty in clearing secretions, cannot tolerate BiPAP.
- Oxygen alone is not sufficient
FAST scale
Mininal Data Set-12 (6mo prognosis)
- Age >83, ADL, Asleep>50%, BedFast, Continent, CA, CHF, SOB, Man, <25% meal, medical conditions unstable, Oxygen last 14days
- Score >9 57% 6mo motality
- Unable to ambulate
- unable to hold meaningful conversation
Dementia w acute condition
- Pneumonia: 53% 6-yr motality
- Hip fracture: 55% 6-yr motality
General prognostic tools
- Karnofsky Performance scale
- PaP
Karnofsky Performance scale
- derived and validated in cancer.
- broadened non-cancer
- Part of PPS
80-100: no special care need
80-70 Unable to work
0-40 unable to care for self.; 3 mos indicator
The Palliative Performance Scale (PPS)
- Reliable and valid tool and correlates well with actual survival and median survival time for cancer and non-cancer patients post-admission to an inpatient palliative unit.
- Ambulation, activity level and evidence of disease, self-care, Intake, conciousness
- 70 reflect less than 6mo prognosis
- 50-60 reflect 1mo prognosis;