Communication skills Flashcards
What is good communication styles?
Patient-center, shared decision making
What makes good communication from the Patient’s perspective?
- Complete information. - Clarification of the future/ “What to expect?” - Opportunity to express emotions/concerns - To feel respected and cared for
Patient-centered Communication: guideline
- Establish a partnership - Establish common ground - Understand psychosocial factors - Understand patient’s experience of illness - Be proactive: EOL issues
Poor concentration, emotional overwhelms, medical illiteracy, cultural issues.
12 steps to family meeting
- Pre-meeting planning 2. The setting 3. Set the agenda 4. Build trust 5. Assess understanding 6. Review understanding 7. SILENCE 8. Address emotion 9. Manage conflicts 10.Present the options 11.Establish the plan 12.Summarize
Step 1: Pre-meeting planning
information, co-ordinate with all involved MDs, goals, who to present and to who.
Step 3: Set the agenda
- Set the agenda MD’s goal “I would like to review your understanding of the current medical situation. I will then fill in any details and clarify any misunderstandings. Finally, based on our conversation, we will establish a plan that meets your goals.” Pt’s goals: “Are there any other topics that you would like to address today?”
Step 4: Build trust
- Sit down; eye contact - Use names: introductions, relationships - EXPRESS empathy (can decrease anxiety): “I wish things could have been difference.” “ It might be difficult” - let THEM talk - Acknowledge concerns/ NOT defensive - Do NOT force decision/ explore and allow room to back off - Use THEIR terms/ words
Step 5: Assess Understanding
- “Can you tell me what you have understood from what the doctors have told you?” - “Have you noticed any changes in your body since you started treatments?”
Step 6: Review your understanding
- Ask before inform: “Would you like to hear?” “would it be helpful if I review…” - No more than 3 information at a time - No Jargon, speak slowly - Big picture: AVOID details: lab results, vital, etc.. - Use THEIR terms/ words
JARGON and its translation
- “Prognosis is poor” -> “Patient is dying or likely to die.” - “Pt is not responding” -> “the treatments are not working.” - “We recommend a switch to comfort care” -> “Pt is dying despite our best efforts, but we will CONTINUE to maintain her comfort.”
Dealing with uncertainty
- Acknowledge 2. Offer recommendations, guidance, direct opinions “At this point CPR and ICU admission would not allow the patient to survive. In my opinion ….” “life-support/ dialysis would prolong the dying process, but would not prevent. In my opinion we not start …. and allow him to die naturally. Of course we will continue to do everything in our power to keep him comfortable.”
STEP 8 Handle emotion
- name/ask the emotions “What are you feeling?”, “This must be difficult for you”, “ talking about this issues seems difficult for you.” -Legitimize the feelings “It;s very common for someone in your position to have a hard time making these decisions.” - Do NOT abandon - Explore
STEP 9. Manage conflicts
- Emotion is usually the source of conflict - Clear information -Consider the use of a time-limited trial; BE SPECIFIC about how LONG and GOAL -Grieving and acceptance of death is a process - family dysfunction is NOT your job
STEP 10: options
“life-prolongation” vs “Quality of life focus” - “ Improvement of quality of life may come at expense of life prolongation (and vise versa) Hints: Prognostication information, recommendations
How to deliver prognosis
-Confirm that they want to know, how much and how to deliver “Would it be helpful to share the prognosis information in the patients having the same conditions?” -Giving a warning shot “I afraid I do not have a good news” - Present in a RANGE - Setting the possible goal “I know you are hoping that you disease will be cured. Are there other things that you at hoping for?” “Though we can not cure your disease, there are many things that we can still do to help- let’s focus on those.”
Miracle Miracle
-Do NOT correct patient’s hope -Refer if appropriate: chaplain, consult -Assess whether the belief is functional or dysfunctional *Explore their beliefs; “What would a miracle look like to you.” *Acknowledge importance of religion *Align yourself with the patient by using “I hope” and “I wish” statements *Assess other hopes
STEP 11.Establish the plan
- Confirm goals - Describe the plan: use active verbs and be SPECIFIC
STEP 12.Summarize and DOCUMENT
Summarize and DOCUMENT to all TEAM members and Treatment team.
ADDRESS hydration concerns
“Supplemental fluid s do not treat the sensation of thirst. In fact, the sensation of thirst can be well treated with oral swabs, ice chips and moisturizers.”
4 interventions commonly used in systemic family therapy
- Direct linear questions: useful in gathering information and clarifying information, especially at the beginning of therapy.
- Circular questions: identify another’s state / behaviour /beliefs/ opinions, a way of introducing new information into the system.
- Statements: clarify and acknowledge a communication; comment on the position or emotional state of a member;introduce therapist/team ideas, directly or in the form of a reflecting team
- Reflecting teams; introduce the therapy team’s ideas
4 Therapeutic domains
grief, communication, cohesiveness, and conflict resolution.