Professionalism Flashcards
Give me an example of when it has been important for you to appear knowledgeable about your area of specialty.
Recently I was appointed to be part of the Nasdaq Nordic Advisory Board - which is an advisory board consisting of participants from the financial industry in Sweden.
One of the main reasons why I was appointed to be part of the Advisory Board is that I had, with the help from the Nasdaq Green Bond Network, which is a database that aggregate impact KPIs from green bond issuers - compiled a way to showcase Alecta’s impact of the green bond portfolio. I was in one of the Advisory meetings, tasked to explain on how Alecta work with green bonds - what we look for when we finance green bonds - but also the impact data.
I prepared a presentation including slides on how Alecta have invested in green and social bonds and also hosted a Q&A for the other participants in the Advisory Board - to spread the knowledge. Nasdaq decided to communicate externally the work I had done on two different seminars
What type of specialist knowledge have you needed to be aware of in previous positions?
Sustainability + Financial knowledge
Tell me about a time when you have collected data using various methods?
In my role at Alecta, I am the one that is responsible for the Net-Zero target for the portfolio and the calcuations regarding this, which needs to be done annually.
This task requires an ability to be able to collect data from various sources of information: including Bloomberg data set, CDP, and the company’s own reported data on carbon emissions
As there are very different sources of carbon emissions from several data sets, I quickly understood that this needed to be done in a more efficient way. I therefore took the initative to create a data hierarchy of carbon emission data - with the aim to decide beforehand on what data points should be prioritized over the other.
This resulted in a much more effecient way of data collection, but also making sure that the whole organization used the same data set of carbon emissions - which in my opinion is maybe the biggest success of this project - as we base the assessments on the same data.
Showcase my ability to work with large data sets - but also team work as I made sure to connect with other stakeholders inside Alecta and work together. Relevant for the future work.
Give me an example of the type of information sources you typically use to get to the bottom of issues?
Desribe the last time you had to analyse large amount of information to solve a problem?
EU Taxonomy
Give me an example when you felt proud over an achievement?
In the beginning of 2021, I stepped in as the co-leader of the Net-Zero Asset Owner’s Alliance sub-work track on Financing Transition
I was tasked to develop the Alliance work on climate financing reporting and a guidance around this
In order to do this - I - together with my co-lead, decided to build a framework that would take into account the different asset owners reporting requirements but also geographical differences. I therefore decided to study all the different taxonomies existing - map them to eachother and create an overarching climate solution mapping.
The work resulted in both an improved framework on how to report on climate financing in line with the taxonomies, but also an in-depth guidance for asset owners - something I today feel very proud over.
I am convinced that my experience in the Net Zero Asset owners will be very useful for the future work at the UNEP-Fi North America
What are the three work values that are most important to you - how does it translate into your work?
Reliability, Making a difference, self-learning & development
Tell us about a time where you had a number of demands being made on you at the same time? How did you handle it?
25 different fund investments
Give me an example of when you had to work to an important deadline.
25 different fund investments
Give me an example when you have experienced a setback
Espresso House food solution
How would other people describe your communication skills?
Explain a situation when you sought advise from others?
Eu taxonomy
Platform on sustainable finance
Tell me about a time when it was important to involve someone in a conversation?
Explain how you take into account different persons opinion in decision-making?
Give me an example of when you had to explain something difficult to someone who did not have your background/ knowledge?
University seminars
Analysts inside Alecta
Convey message in ESG
Speak the same language