Formation of Lawyer-Client Relationship
A lawyer-client relationship is formed when: (1) a person seeks legal services from a lawyer; AND (2) the lawyer either (a) manifests consent to provide services, OR (b) fails to manifest lack of consent to do so and knows or should know that the person would reasonably rely on the lawyer to provide legal services.
Proper Scope of Lawyer-Client Relationship
- Generally, a client controls the objectives of the representation, and makes substantive decisions (including whether to accept settlement offers or plead guilty, testify, or waive a jury trial in criminal matters). The lawyer controls the means (tactical decisions) to accomplish those objectives, BUT must consult with the client as to means by which the objectives are pursued.
- A lawyer may limit the scope of the representation if: (1) it’s reasonable under the circumstances; AND (2) the client gives informed consent.
Duty of Competence–General Duty Owed
A lawyer owes his client the duty of competence, which requires the lawyer to possess the legal knowledge, skills, preparation, and thoroughness necessary to effectively represent the client.
o Under this duty, a lawyer CANNOT take a case in an unfamiliar area of law unless he gains competence by:
(1) ASSOCIATING with another lawyer reasonably believed to be competent;
(2) acquiring sufficient LEARNING and skill before performance is required; AND
(3) In an EMERGENCY a lawyer MAY give advice or assistance (even if the lawyer does not have the skill ordinarily required) where referral/consultation/association with another lawyer would be impractical.
Duty of Competence–Consequences of Incompetence
Incompetence exposes a lawyer to: (1) discipline by the bar; (2) disqualification of the lawyer from a litigation matter; AND/OR (3) a civil malpractice lawsuit.
In CA, a lawyer is only subject to discipline if he intentionally, recklessly, acts with gross negligence, or repeatedly fails to perform legal services with competence.
Duty of Communication
A lawyer must keep the client reasonably informed about any significant developments relating to the representation.
The duty to communicate includes:
(1) promptly informing the client of any situation where the client’s informed consent is required;
(2) keeping the client reasonably informed on the status of the matter;
(3) promptly complying with requests for information (i.e. phone calls, inquiries);
(4) consulting with the client about strategy decisions and any matters requiring the client’s consent; and
(5) advising the client when the lawyer knows that the client expects assistance not permitted by ethical rules.
Duty of Diligence
- A lawyer shall act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client. Unless the representation is properly terminated, the lawyer must pursue the case or matter to the end.
- In CA, a lawyer CANNOT intentionally, repeatedly, recklessly, or with gross negligence fail to act with reasonable diligence in representing the client.
Duty of Confidentiality–General Duty
A lawyer has a duty to maintain the confidentiality of all information relating to the representation of a client. This duty is broader than the attorney-client privilege, and extends to all information conveyed between the lawyer and client/potential client, regardless of whether the client requested that the information be kept confidential or whether the use of the information will damage the client.
Duty of Confidentiality–ABA
Under the ABA, a lawyer may disclose confidential information if:
(a) the client consents;
(b) the lawyer is ordered by law to do so;
(c) it’s needed to defend a malpractice action or in a suit to recover legal fees;
(d) to prevent death or substantial bodily harm;
(e) to prevent the client from committing a crime or fraud (in which the lawyer’s services were used) that will result in substantial financial loss; OR
(f) to secure legal advice about the lawyer’s compliance with ethical rules.
Duty of Confidentiality–CA
In CA, a lawyer MAY (but is not required) to disclose confidential information of a client when the lawyer reasonably believes disclosure is necessary to prevent a crime that will likely result in death or substantial bodily injury to a person. This is the only circumstance a lawyer may disclose confidential information under the CA rules, and it’s the same whether the client is an individual or an organization.
Additionally, the lawyer must also satisfy two requirements before the disclosure takes place – the lawyer must:
(1) first make a good faith attempt to counsel the client out of committing the crime and/or changing their course of action; AND (2) inform the client of the lawyer’s
ability or decision to disclose the information.
Duty of Confidentiality–The Client is an Organization
If the client is an organization, and the lawyer becomes
aware of a matter that violates a law, legal obligation, or will result in substantial injury to the organization, the lawyer MUST refer the matter to higher authorities within the organization. After reporting up, the ABA permits disclosure to an outside source if it’s necessary to prevent substantial injury to the organization. However, CA only permits disclosure to an outside source if it’s necessary to prevent a CRIME that’s likely to result in death or substantial bodily harm.
Conflicts of Interest– General Duty of Loyalty
- A lawyer owes his client the fiduciary duty of loyalty, which means that he must act in the client’s best interest and avoid conflicts. This duty requires that the lawyer not represent a client when a conflict of interest exists.
- Additionally, a lawyer CANNOT engage in self-dealing OR act in his own interest rather than the client’s best interest.
Conflicts of Interest– Current Clients (Concurrent Conflicts)
• A lawyer owes his clients the fiduciary duty of loyalty, which requires that the lawyer not represent a client when a conflict of interest exists.
• A concurrent conflict of interest exists if:
(a) the representation is directly adverse to another client; OR
(b) there is a significant risk that the lawyer’s representation will be materially limited due to his (i) personal interests or (ii) responsibilities to another present/former client or third- person.
• However, a lawyer MAY represent a client whose interests conflict if:
(1) he reasonably believes that he will be able to provide competent and diligent representation to the client;
(2) the representation is not prohibited by law;
(3) he’s not representing parties on opposite sides of the same litigation; AND
(4) each client affected by the conflict gives informed consent (CA = informed written consent; ABA = informed consent, confirmed in writing).
Duty of Loyalty–Dual Representation in Criminal Case
A lawyer should normally DECLINE to represent multiple defendants in a criminal case because the potential for a conflict of interest is so grave.
Duty of Loyalty–California Lawyers Providing Written Disclosure
In CA, a lawyer must provide written disclosure (even if there is no significant risk that the representation will be limited) when the lawyer:
(a) has (or knows that another lawyer in the firm has) a legal, business, financial, professional, or personal relationship to a party or witness in the same matter; OR
(b) knows or reasonably should know that another party’s lawyer is a family member (spouse, parent, child, sibling), lives with, or is a client of the lawyer (or another lawyer in the firm) or has an intimate personal relationship with the lawyer.
Conflicts of Interest–Former Clients of the Lawyer
A lawyer owes his clients the fiduciary duty of loyalty, which requires that the lawyer not represent a client when a conflict of interest exists.
Unless a former client gives informed consent, a lawyer CANNOT thereafter represent another person in the same or a substantially related matter when the person’s interests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client.
Conflicts of Interest–Former Clients of the Lawyer’s Whole Firm
A lawyer owes his clients the fiduciary duty of loyalty, which requires that the lawyer not represent a client when a conflict of interest exists.
Unless a former client gives informed consent, a lawyer CANNOT knowingly represent a person in the same or a substantially related matter that the lawyer’s firm had previously represented a client:
(1) whose interests are materially adverse to that person; AND
(2) about whom the lawyer had acquired confidential information that is material to the matter.
Business Transactions with a Client & Pecuniary Interests Adverse to the Client–General Rule
• A business transaction between a lawyer and current client is only permitted if:
(1) all terms are fair and reasonable to the client;
(2) the terms are fully disclosed in writing;
(3) the client is advised to consult with outside counsel and is given reasonable opportunity to do so; AND
(4) the client consents in writing.
• This rule also applies when a lawyer knowingly acquires an ownership, possessory, security, or pecuniary interest adverse to the client.
Business Transactions with a Client & Pecuniary Interests Adverse to the Client–Exceptions to General Rule
Rule DOES NOT apply to:
(a) ordinary fee arrangements between a client and lawyer – except when accepting an ownership interest in a client’s business or other property as full/partial payment of legal fees;
(b) standard commercial transactions for products/services that the client generally markets to others; and
(c) to a charging lien given to secure payment of a contingency fee [CA only].
Mandatory Withdrawal
A lawyer MUST withdraw from representing a client if: (a) discharged; (b) a physical or mental condition of the lawyer exists (ABA = materially impairs the representation; CA = unreasonably difficult to effectively carry out the representation); OR (c) the representation will result in a violation of an ethics rule or other law.
In CA, a lawyer MUST also withdraw if he knows or should know that the client is bringing an action (1) without probable cause, (2) for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring a person.
Mandatory Withdrawal–Procedure
Proper withdrawal requires the lawyer to: (1) provide timely notice to the client; AND (2) promptly return any unspent legal fees, advanced expenses, and all of the client’s papers and property. A lawyer CANNOT hold the client’s materials pending the payment of his fees.
• Under the ABA and CA, a lawyer MUST obtain the court’s approval to withdraw after a lawsuit has been filed.
Duty of Candor to the Court-Lawyer Dishonesty or Fraud
• A lawyer CANNOT engage in conduct involving dishonesty or fraud. A lawyer CANNOT knowingly:
(a) make a false statement of fact or law to a tribunal;
(b) fail to correct a false statement of material fact or law previously made to the tribunal by the lawyer;
(c) fail to disclose to a tribunal controlling legal authority known to be adverse (unless disclosed by opposing counsel); OR
(d) offer or use evidence that the lawyer knows to be false.
Duty of Candor to the Court–Lawyer Knows/Learns he Offered False Material
If a lawyer knows/learns he has offered false material evidence (including witness testimony), the lawyer MUST take reasonable remedial measures, including disclosure to the tribunal (if necessary). In CA, disclosure of confidential
information is prohibited (absent consent of the client).
Duty of Candor to the Court–Submitting Evidence the Lawyer Reasonably Believes is False
A lawyer MAY refuse to offer evidence that the lawyer
reasonably believes is false EXCEPT FOR the testimony of a criminal defendant.
Calling a Witness the Lawyer KNOWS will commit perjury
A lawyer CANNOT call a witness that he knows will commit perjury (testify falsely). A lawyer’s knowledge that evidence is false may be inferred from the circumstances. If a lawyer later learns that a witness committed perjury, the lawyer must take reasonable remedial measures.
However, a defendant in a criminal case has the constitutional right to testify on his own behalf. In this situation, the lawyer should:
o First, try to persuade the client that the evidence should not be offered.
o Second, attempt to withdraw from the case (if the persuasion is ineffective).
o Third, if the attempt to withdraw is unsuccessful then: ▪ Under the ABA, the lawyer must tell the court,
including disclosure of confidential
information (if necessary).
▪ In CA, the lawyer must allow the defendant to
testify in a narrative fashion. Disclosure of confidential information is prohibited (absent consent of the client).