Products Liability Flashcards
What are the legal theories that can be applied to products liability?
- strict product liability
- negligenc theory for product liability
- breach of warranty teory for products liability
What is strict products liability in torts?**********
- focus on the condition of the product that the D has put into the market
- not looking at D’s conduct
What are the elements of strict product liability?
- Proper P
- Proper D
- Proper Context for strict products liability
- Defect
- Cause-infact
- Proximate cause
- Damages
- Defenses
How to determine if there is a proper P for strict product liabilty?
- user
- consumer
- bystander
suffering physical injury
NOTE - no requirement of purchase, privity of K or contractual relationship to recover
How to determine if there is a proper D for strict product liability?*************
Anyone who is in the
- marketing chain and i
- n the business of dealing with this product
- Meaning - The wholesaler, retailer
- cannot be sued - the occassional seller
Ask yourself - Can they spread the cost? Would suing them bring about safer products?
How do you determine whether this is the proper context for strict products liabilty?
- you have to be dealing with a product
- If both service & product
- determine which predominates:
- Product - apply strict PL
- Service no strict PL, P has to prove fault
- determine which predominates:
How to determine if there is a defect?****************
Three types:
- manufacturing defects
- Design defects
- Warning defects
What are manufacturing defects
- Arises when a product comes out in a condition that was not intended by the manufacturer
- P has to show:
- the product is more dangerous than the ordinary consumer would expect when using the products in its intended or foreseeable manner
- the product is not in a condition not intended by the manufacturer AND
- the defect existed @ the time D put that product in the mkting chain
What is a design defect?
- The enitre product line is claimed to be defective
- Ordinary consumer Expectation Test
- Risk Utility Balancing Test
- NOTE - some products are exempt from being found defective
- i.e. - vaccines, prescription drugs
What is the ordinary consumer expectation test?
The product is defective b/c it is more dangerous than the ordinary consumer would expect when using the product in it sintended or foreseeable manner
Ordinary consumer may not have the sophistication to understand the mess up of the design
What is the risk utility balancing test?
- The risk of the product aas designed outweighs the utility of the product as designed
- Look @:
- the likelihood of harm
- gravity of the harm
- compare against that available, feasibility & impact of alternative design
- Generally unless P can show that there was some safer design they may lose
- Some jurisdiction imput knowledge of the defect
- Differs from negligence
- SPL - Anyone in the mkting chain
- Negligence - show if each D
What are warning defects?
The plaintiff is asserting
- There is a warning & it is inadequate OR
- does the warning reasonably inform the reader of significant risk
- language
- placement
- size of font
- does the warning reasonably inform the reader of significant risk
- There should of been a warning
- manufacturer has to warn about risks it knows or should know
- gravity & probability of harm
What is the rule for cause in fact of SPL?
- P needs to show:
- but-for the defect, P would not have been injured AND
- to the extent mkt share liability arises it may well be in the context of a defective product
How to determine proximate cause for SPL?
- Look for superceding causes
- Look for situations where a 3rd pty discovers the defect
- Warnings:
- Learned intermediary Doctrine
- if manufacturer passes off a warnig to a dr & the dr doe snot pass it on to the patient, the dr is a superceding cause
- Learned intermediary Doctrine
When does damages apply in SPL?
Applies where there is:
- personal injury or
- property damage to property other than the product itself
Damage to the product:
- if harm only to the product itself w/potentially consequential economic loss
- only claim available is one of breach of warranty
- NO negligence claim or SPL claim