Production Orders Flashcards
What is a PO
Made under S.74 of the SASA 2012, requiring a person or organisation to produce documents to enforcement agencies as EM of a specific offence
PO vs SW
Compliance costs are issued with a PO, offset by being less intrusive vs SW being physical entry and searches
Very often PO powers will be less intrusive and less cost than using a SW as an alternative
Duration of a PO
Not exceeding 30 days after the date on which the order is made
Who may apply for a PO
Any enforcement officer can apply to IO for a PO
Grounds for applying for a PO
- RGTS an offence has been, is being or will be committed (must be an offence which you could apply for a SW)
- RGTB documents sought contain EM in respect of the offence, and
- Are in possession or under control/will come into possession or control of the person against whom the order is sought
How to apply for a PO
You must apply for a PO in writing along with a personal appearance before, or communication orally with, the IO unless it is impracticable to do so in the circumstances
In this situation you may apply to:
- make an application orally (telephone or personal appearance) OR
- have your application considered without personal appearance or oral communication (by email)
Approval to apply (telecommunications provider)
You must seek prior approval from your district approver before making an application directed to a telecommunications provider seeking information such as call associated data or content
Matters to consider (telecommunications provider)
- grounds for applying for PO are met
- the resource benefit of making an application is advantageous to police and the investigation
- the information sought does not make unreasonable or unnecessary demands on the telecommunications provider/whom the order is sought
Approval to apply for PO for media organisation
- must obtain approval from a police executive member in the case of PNHQ or a district commander for a district matter
AND - follow the guidance on SW, PO and examination orders involving media organisations