Production Logging Flashcards
A multiphase flow regime in which the lighter fluid flows in the center of the pipe, and the heavier fluid is contained in a thin film on the pipe wall
annular flow
A technique for recording sound at different positions in the borehole to generate a noise log
audio measurement
A device for measuring in situ the velocity of fluid flow in a production or injection well in which the flow is diverted through the spinner by a set of metal vanes, or petals
basket flowmeter / petal basket flowmeter
A small, radioactive plastic sphere that is insoluble and used to make a tracer-loss measurement
bead tracer
Referring to the flow of two immiscible fluids, oil and water, oil and gas, or gas and water
The frequency with which a local probe detects a change from one type of fluid to another
bubble count
A multiphase flow regime in pipes in which one fluid moves as small dispersed bubbles through a continuous fluid
bubble flow / dispersed bubble flow
An in situ record of the capability of the fluid passing through a sensor to store electrical charge
capacitance log
Another term for holdup meter, a device for determining the waterholdupin aproducing wellby measuring the capacitance or impedanceof the fluid
capacitance meter
An in situ record of casing thickness and integrity, to determine whether and to what extent the casing has undergone corrosion
casing inspection log
An in situ log of the electrical potential on the inner wall of a casing
casing potential profile
A technique in which a slug of material is introduced into the flowstream of a producing well to determine the flow rate of one or more of the fluids
chemical marker injection
A multiphase flow regime in near-vertical pipes in which large, irregular slugs of gas move up the center of the pipe, usually carrying droplets of oil or water with them
churn flow / froth flow
To compare and fix measured depths with known features onbaselinelogs of the wellboretubularsand the surroundingformation
A device for measuring fluid velocity in a production well
crosscorrelation flowmeter
The fraction of the total flow rate produced from a well that is due to a particular fluid, for example the water cut in the case of water
A device for measuring in-situ the velocity of fluid flow in a production or injection well in which the total fluid flow is diverted to pass over an impeller, or spinner
deflector flowmeter / diverter flowmeter
The process of comparing and fixing measured depths with known features on baseline logs of the wellbore tubulars and the surrounding formation
depth correlation
A record of the difference in temperature between two vertical points in a well
differential temperature log
A record of the change in temperature along a well, normally recorded by a fiber-optic cable
distributed temperature log
Pertaining to a technique in which a packer flowmeter is partially inflated and dragged up the hole to give a continuous flow log
drag bag
A technique for measuring the effect of pits and holes in the inner wall of a casing on a high-frequency electrical signal induced in the casing
eddy current measurement
In the context of spinner flowmeters, the apparent fluid speed measured by the spinner as the tool is moved up and down the well
effective velocity
A small sensor in a production logging tool that distinguishes between hydrocarbon and water in its vicinity as it is moved up and down a production well
electric probe
Another term for electric probe, a small sensor in a production logging tool that distinguishes between hydrocarbon and water in its vicinity as it is moved up and down a production well
electrical impedance probe
An in-situ measurement of the inside diameter of a casing or tubing using an electromagnetic technique
electromagnetic caliper
An in-situ measurement of the thickness of a casing or tubing string using an electromagnetic technique
electromagnetic thickness
A multiphase-flow regime with oil as the continuous phase, in which water exists as small, approximately homogeneously distributed droplets
emulsion flow
Referring to a type of spinner flowmeter in which most or all of the fluid flow in the well is diverted over the spinner by a device such as a basket or a packer
flow concentrating
A laboratory instrument for investigating the characteristics of fluid flow in pipes and for studying the response of production logging instruments to this flow
flow loop
A device for measuring in-situ the velocity of fluid flow in a well, usually one completed for production or injection
flow meter
A recording of the in-situ rate of fluid flow at different depths in a well, normally one completed for production or injection
flow profile
A description of the geometrical distribution of a multiphase fluid moving through a pipe
flow regime
A description of the geometrical distribution of a fluid moving through a pipe
flow structure
A neutron porosity log recorded while the well is flowing to determine the gas-oil contact in the borehole
flowing neutron log
A record of the density, or changes in density, of fluids in a production or injection well
fluid density log
An in-situ measurement of the flow profile made by pumping different fluids down the tubing and casing and observing the interface between them
fluid interface log
A distortion of the magnetic flux that has been introduced into a casing by a low-frequency electromagnet or permanent magnet
flux leakage / magnetic flux leakage
commonly deployed for offshore production in locations that have little infrastructure
FPSO / floating production, storage, and offloading vessel
In a gradiomanometer tool or pressure derivative calculation, the apparent increased fluid density observed due to frictional pressure losses along the tool and casing in a fast-flowing fluid
friction effect
A type of flowmeter in which the spinner blades are collapsed to pass through the tubing and other restrictions, and then opened up below to sense the full cross section of the casing or openhole
fullbore spinner
A device for measuring the density of fluids in a completed well, using a radioactive source of gamma rays and a detector
gamma ray densitometer / nuclear fluid densimeter