PART 7 Flashcards
A record of the temperature gradient in a well
temperature log
In a spinner flowmeter, the theoretical minimum fluid velocity required to initiate spinner rotation, assuming the spinner response is linear
threshold velocity / bypass velocity
A technique for determining the velocity of fluid flow in an injection well based on measuring the time a slug of radioactive tracer takes to move down the well
timed slug analysis
A device for measuring in situ the velocity of fluid flow in a production or injection well based on the torque, or force, produced by the fluid on a stationary impeller
torque flowmeter
A chemical or other substance placed in or around the borehole to measure fluid movement in injection wells
Another term for velocity-shot measurement, a method of producing a radioactive-tracerlog, in which aslugof radioactive material is injected into the flow streamof aproductionorinjection wellfrom one section of aloggingtool and observed as it passes one or more gamma ray detectors in another section. The slug, or shot, causes apeakin the gamma ray reading as it passes adetector
tracer ejector measurement
A method of determining injection-flow profiles by monitoring the reduction intracermaterial as it moves down the well
tracer loss measurement
A technique in which a tracer is injected into the flow stream of a production or injection well to determine fluid paths and velocities
tracer measurement
A type of flow for single-phase fluids in which the velocity at any point may vary in both direction and magnitude with time
turbulent flow
A technique for interpreting the results from a spinnerflowmeterusing twologgingruns over the zone of interest, one up and one down
two pass method
A device for measuring the internal diameter of a casing, tubing or open borehole using high-frequency acoustic signals
ultrasonic caliper
The factor linking thevelocityofsingle-phaseliquid flow measured in the center of a pipe with the average velocityacross the pipe
velocity correction factor
A two-dimensional display, using colors or different gray scales, of the bubble velocity around the borehole against depth
velocity image
Another term for velocity image, a two-dimensional display, using colors or different gray scales, of the bubblevelocityaround the boreholeagainst depth
velocity map
A method of producing a radioactive-tracerlog, in which aslugof radioactive material is injected into the flow streamof aproductionorinjection wellfrom one section of aloggingtool and observed as it passes one or more gamma ray detectors in another section
velocity-shot measurement