Production kinetics in cell culture Flashcards
What are the 3 categories of kinetics of production?
- Compounds in the first category are formed directly as end- or by-products such as ethanol of energy metabolism; these materials are synthesised using pathways that produce ATP
- The second category of products such as amino acids is partly linked to energy generation (not considered here)
- The third category is the formation of other products such as antibiotics involving reactions far removed from energy metabolism (not considered here)
What’s the equation for the rate of product formation in cell culture as a function of biomass concentration?
What are some examples of products directly associated with energy generation in the cell (first category)
Ethanol, acetic acid, gluconic acid, acetone, butanol, lactic acid, and other products of
anaerobic fermentation
What are some examples of products indirectly associated with energy generation? (second category)
Amino acids and their products, citric acid, nucleotides
What are some examples of products for which there is no clear
direct or indirect coupling to energy
generation (third category)
Penicillin, streptomycin, vitamins
What’s the result of production being coupled with energy metabolism in a cell?
Product will be formed whenever there is growth.
ATP is required for growth. What else is it used for?
ATP is also required for other activities called maintenance such as adjustment of membrane potential
Give the kinetic expression for the rate of product formation (accounting for growth-associated
and maintenance-associated production)?