Product family and application technology for rice Flashcards
To refresh existing key knowledge about Rinskor™ active. ®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. ©2021 Corteva. Rinskor™ active has been registered in many countries. Contact your local pesticide regulatory agency to determine the status of registration for sale or use in your area. For the countries and states where Rinskor™ is not registered, this is not an offer to sell. Always read and follow label directions.
Is RinskorTM active compatible with commonly used herbicides in today’s market?
RinskorTM active is highly compatible with many commonly used herbicides in today’s market. In addition to products that contain Rinskor alone, there will be unique pre-mix formulations powered by Rinskor, which have been optimized to contain other herbicides to help enhance the efficacy, weed spectrum and sustainability of the product line.

In which formulation type(s) will RinskorTM active be available?

Either straight or in pre-mixes, RinskorTM active can be formulated as a novel liquid emulsifiable concentrate (NeoEC™), suspension concentrate (SC), oil dispersion (OD), solid granular (GR) or wettable granule (WG), depending on crops and market needs.
What can I expect from the available RinskorTM active formulations?

All the available NeoEC, SC, OD and GR formulations of RinskorTM active have been designed to provide superior efficacy, excellent tank mix dilution & compatibility, and favorite toxicology & environmental profiles. Select these products based on factors such as weed spectrum, local practice and country registration.
What are the key formulation attributes that apply across all products (including NeoEC, OD and SC) containing RinskorTM active?
All the RinskorTM active formulations have been designed to provide excellent tank mix dilution and compatibility properties, as well as the expected performance under diverse field conditions. They impose a reduced environmental risk since they do not contain petroleum-based solvents, have low VOC for desirable storage and handling, and the co-formulants are predominantly “Green” in the Corteva Co-formulant Toolbox.
What are the key biology attributes that apply across all product formulations (including NeoEC, OD and SC) containing RinskorTM active?
They all provide broad spectrum control of weeds with high efficacy at low use rate, represent alternative mode of action for effective weed control in rice, can be used as part of a herbicide resistance management program, and possess favorable toxicological profiles.
What are the benefits and concern related to typical EC formulation?
EC stands for emulsifiable concentrate. They provide ease of measure in use because liquids can be conveniently measured in field use settings. They also offer excellent dispersion in water and consistent performance in terms of handling and efficacy. The concern is mainly related to its possible impact on the environment.
Can you tell the similarities and differences between NeoEC formulations containing RinskorTM active and typical EC products?

NeoECs retain the beneficial attributes of ECs and more! NeoEC is registered as a formulation trademark in 63 countries and is an award-winning formulation due to its “natural” components.
What are the advantages of NeoEC formulations that contain RinskorTM active?
The NeoEC formulations contains no petroleum distillates, is low in volatile organic compound (VOC), and has been developed to conveniently deliver the optimal type and level of built-in adjuvant.

Describe some pre-mixes that contain RinskorTM active and other Corteva Agriscience herbicides for effective weed control in rice.

RinskorTM active has been pre-mixed with other Corteva herbicides, such as penoxsulam and cyhalofop-butyl, to offer a broader spectrum of weed control and residual activity, to improve its weed control attributes, to meet the various needs of rice and other crops grown around the world, and to enforce a robust resistance management strategy.
In addition to currently available products, will other RinskorTM active formulations be developed by Corteva?
Additional pre-mix formulations containing RinskorTM active plus other herbicides will be developed to further strengthen the entire Corteva herbicides portfolio and to offer growers the best options to meet their weed management needs in different cropping systems.

Should I consider the straight or pre-mixed formulations of RinskorTM active for my farm?

RinskorTM active straight and pre-mix formulations are available in major rice crop markets, and in other crops for additional uses. All of them provide growers with a new powerful and differentiated alternative for broad spectrum weed control, with crop safety and favorable environmental and toxicological profiles. Users have the freedom to select the product that best fit their needs.
Is there a difference among LoyantTM herbicide , RoyantTM herbicide and DivixtonTM herbicide?
They are the same NeoEC product containing 25 g/L RinskorTM active. The only difference is the trade names designated for registration in different regions/countries.
Please list the benefits and value that LoyantTM herbicide, RoyantTM herbicide and DivixtonTM herbicide will bring to growers.
- Alternative mode of action; 2. Unique control of Echinochloa grasses, as well as key sedges and broadleaf weeds; 3. Effective post-emergence control of economically important weeds, including ALS, ACCase, HPPD, propanil, quinclorac, glyphosate, and triazine target site resistant biotypes; 4. Selectivity for both japonica and indica rice types; 5. Low use rates; 6. Consistent weed control across variable conditions/water management systems; 7. Rapid degradation in soil and tolerant plant tissue with low persistence in the environment; 8. Favorable environmental fate, toxicology, and ecotoxicology profile.

Are XeveloTM herbicide, AgixaTM herbicide and NovlectTM herbicide exactly the same product?
They are all pre-mixes containing RinskorTM active and cyhalofop-butyl. However, there is a difference in the ratio of Rinskor: cyhalofop-butyl. For XeveloTM herbicide and AgixaTM herbicides, the ratio is 12 g/L:160 g/L while for NovlectTM herbicide, it is 20 g/L:100 g/L.
What are the advantages of XeveloTM herbicide, AgixaTM herbicides and NovlectTM herbicide as compared with the straight formulation such as LoyantTM herbicide?
In addition to all the same biological attributes as LoyantTM herbicide, these RinskorTM active + cyhalofop-butyl pre-mixes offer an enhanced spectrum (and a wider application window) of control for secondary grasses. The addition of cyhalofop-butyl provides another herbicidal MOA for resistant management, and will further broaden the weed spectrum, especially the Leptochloa species. Furthermore, with cyhalofop-butyl as the globally recognized standard, rice selectivity/rotation flexibility is further increased.
Describe the reason why two different formulations of RinskorTM active + cyhalofop-butyl mixture are commercialized.
Different ratios of RinskorTM active and cyhalofop-butyl are provided to meet geography specific needs.
Would you please briefly describe NovixidTM herbicide and BaxigaTM herbicide?
NovixidTM herbicide and BaxigaTM herbicide are different trade names of the same OD formulation containing 12.5 g/L of RinskorTM active and 20 g/L of penoxsulam. This OD formulation is another great oil-based formulation that already contains oil-based adjuvants commonly required for superior weed control efficacy.
I would like to know the differences between NovixidTM herbicide/ BaxigaTM herbicide and the straight formulation such as LoyantTM herbicide.
NovixidTM herbicide/ BaxigaTM herbicide (RinskorTM active + penoxsulam premix) is an OD while LoyantTM herbicide is a NeoEC. In addition to the biological attributes of LoyantTM herbicide, the premix adds extra values. The addition of penoxsulam provides another herbicidal MOA for resistant management, offers an even broader weed control spectrum and longer residual control of key susceptible weeds for up to 6 weeks in rice.

Please tell me something about UbeniqTM herbicide, the SC formulation of RinskorTM active for weed management in rice.
This SC formulation contains 300 g/L of RinskorTM active. In addition to the biological attributes of the straight formulation such as LoyantTM herbicide, the water-based formulation and the higher load of active ingredient result in convenient handling. It must be applied with an adjuvant for expected performance, preferably MSO (Methylated Seed Oil).

In addition to the liquid formulations (NeoEC, OD, SC), are there any other RinskorTM active formulations available for weed control in rice?
Several GR formulations of RinskorTM active solo or in combination of other actives are in development to offer effective weed control and crop safety when applied in flooded rice paddies as an in-water application. Different GR formulations will be available to meet different market needs. Key markets will include Asia and California rice in the U.S.
For control of Leptochloa species, the best product I can recommend to my customers is XeveloTM herbicide, AgixaTM herbicides or NovlectTM herbicide. True or False.

True. Although RinskorTM active alone is a broad spectrum herbicide, the addition of cyhalofop-butyl provides another herbicidal MOA to further broaden the weed spectrum, especially the Leptochloa species.
All of the RinskorTM active formulations offer exactly the same features and benefits. True or False.
False. Although they are all great tools for weed control, they may posses some different feature and benefits in terms of efficacy, weed spectrum and resistance management. The product line will equip growers with more freedom and power as they develop their own integrated weed management programs.

A diverse range of formulation containing RinskorTM active will offer weed control to meet the various needs of rice and other crops grown around the world, while helping enforce robust resistance management strategies on the farm. True or False.
True. The rich product portfolio powered by RinskorTM active will provide growers with powerful tools to fight against weed infestation under various conditions, and in the meantime to help prevent or delay resistance development.

In what types of rice can RinskorTM active be used?
RinskorTM active can be used for weed control on Indica (long-grain), Japonica (medium-grain) and hybrid rice types, showing good selectivity over a wide window of rice stages. Rinskor also fits well into Integrated Weed Management (IWM) program on Clearfield and Provisia rice, which has been modified to tolerate certain ALS or ACCase herbicides.
In what rice growing cultures or geographies can RinskorTM active be used?
RinskorTM active product line has been successfully used in direct seeded and transplanted rice, either under flooded and irrigated rice growing conditions, in all major rice production areas globally.
RinskorTM active may be used as a part of a weed management program in a Clearfield/Provisia rice system. True or False.
True. RinskorTM active can be used in weed management programs within the BASF Provisia rice system and Clearfield production system. This enables growers to broaden weed spectrum, control ALS or ACCase resistant weeds and serve as an efficient resistance management alternative in these rice cropping systems.

What is the most commonly used application rate of RinskorTM active for control of a proposed spectrum of weeds, including Echinochloa species?

RinskorTM active will control a broad spectrum of weeds, including Echinochloa species at rates around 30 g ai/ha for foliar applications. The rate might vary according to factors such as weed development stage and weed spectrum, as well as local regulations.
I can use lower rates (<30 g ai/ha) of RinskorTM active alone for control of highly susceptible weeds like some broadleaf and sedges, if Echinochloa pressure is low. True or False.
False. The use of rates lower than 30 g ai/ha (or the lowest rate per label instructions) for foliar applications is not recommended. This is an effective rate to control the whole weed spectrum including Echinochloa. The use of low rates is allowed only if Echinochloa is not present or has been eliminated from the field by a previous herbicide treatment. However in some cases when a premix product (such as RinskorTM active+penoxsulam or Rinskor+cyhalofop-butyl) the Rinskor rate could actually be below 30g/ha.

What is the maximum rate I can use with RinskorTM active and how many applications can be made in a season?
Maximum use rate is the one specified on the label. In most countries 30 g ai/ha for foliar applications is the label rate, and if allowed, it can be sprayed twice in a rice growing cycle for a maximum of 60 g ai/ha. These two application should be done with no less than 10 days interval and only in rice vegetative/tillering stage. The use of the product at higher rates is not supported/recommended by Corteva as it would be a factor to increase risks for weed resistance to RinskorTM active. Higher rates could also increase the risk of crop injury.
Which types of weeds are among the targets for RinskorTM active to control?
RinskorTM active has demonstrated control of all major types of weeds in rice including the most important grass, sedge, broadleaf and aquatic weed species. Rinskor is less effective on Scirpus juncoides (Japanese bulrush, SCPJU) which is not a globally important weed.

RinskorTM active is a broad spectrum herbicide. This means under any circumstances I can always manage my weed population with a single Rinskor application. True or False.
False. Although the spectrum of control by RinskorTM active includes many important rice weeds, the use of other herbicides in mixture or in sequential applications may be needed to achieve effective control of the weeds present. Rinskor should be part of a weed management program that integrates effective cultural and herbicidal management practices.
Can I spray a RinskorTM active product in late post-emergence application as a rescue treatment, as I have several weeds that escaped from an earlier herbicide application?

RinskorTM active is not recommended to be used as a salvage treatment when other herbicides have failed and weeds are largely developed. Not only could you get partial control, but you would also be applying a herbicide to a crop that has already suffered from weed competition during the critical growing stages. The best practice is to apply Rinskor at the recommended timing and at the recommended weed size.
Would RinskorTM active effectively control new weeds emerging after application?
RinskorTM active is a post-emergence herbicide that must come in contact with plant tissue to provide weed control. Rinskor will control only emerged or exposed weeds at the time of application.
When is the best stage of rice to make an application of RinskorTM active?
RinskorTM active may be applied to rice from the 2-3 leaf stage with no exposed roots up to 60 days before harvest, or approximately at late boot stage. Timely applications following label recommendations would ensure an effective weed control with the required crop safety. In some countries Rinskor is used as a burndown herbicide on existing weeds before planting of crop.

At what growth stage of grass weeds should a RinskorTM active application be made?
Grass weeds are better controlled in early development stages and when actively growing. Echinochloa spp. control is better achieved when the weed is in a vegetative stage, within the first 4-leaf stage of development, and before tiller initiation.

Broadleaf weeds are so sensitive to RinskorTM active that I don’t need to consider their growth stages at all for making a Rinskor application. True or False.

False. Although RinskorTM active is highly active on broadleaf weeds, the timing of application still needs to be considered for the best efficacy. It is recommended that the treatment is conducted when broadleaves are up to 20 cm height.
Describe the best time to apply a RinskorTM active product for control of sedges.
A RinskorTM active treatment will result in the best control of sedges when they are at a growth stage of up to 5 to 8 cm height.

Timely applications of RinskorTM active following label recommendations and local regulations will ensure an effective weed control with the required crop safety. True or False.
True. Appropriate application timing with consideration of crop & weed growth stages and environmental conditions is critical to gain the best results with RinskorTM active product.
RinskorTM active can be applied in tank mix combinations with the most common pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides in rice. True or False.

True. RinskorTM active can be applied in tank mix combinations with the most common pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides in rice, to get residual weed control and to broaden the weed spectrum. When tank mixing, follow label directions, including application rates as well as precautions and limitations of use on each herbicide label.
Can I tank-mix RinskorTM active with other crop protection products (insecticides and fungicides) for effective crop management?
Several tank-mix compatibility studies have been carried out by Corteva to validate the possibility of mixing RinskorTM active with the most important crop protection products. In case of doubt refer to Rinskor literature, ask your Corteva advisor, or refer to label directions.
What is the best adjuvant system to tank mix with the NeoEC/OD formulations of RinskorTM active for optimal weed control?

These RinskorTM active formulations have been properly balanced with the right amount of adjuvant to offer the required level of control while maintaining the best physical and chemical properties. The addition of extra adjuvant will not offer added benefits in terms of weed control.
What are the spray methods recommended for RinskorTM active?
RinskorTM active can be applied by air or ground, including the use of backpack, tractor, airplane or drone sprayers, according to local regulations. Broadleaf crops are sensitive to Rinskor, therefore proper application is key to avoid drift and potential injury to nearby sensitive crops. Always read and follow the product label before making an application decision.

RinskorTM active is such a powerful tool, so the only thing I need to consider is the use rate when I make the application. True or False.
False. Factors affecting the effectiveness of weed control and crop selectivity include proper application rate, weed and crop size, daytime and nighttime temperatures, and appropriate soil moisture prior to and following application, among others.
Can I use RinskorTM active product line for weed management in rice even if field is infested with a mix of different weeds?
Yes, RinskorTM active product line is among the best options to deal with this situation. Under regular circumstances, LoyantTM herbicide will provide effective broad-spectrum control of grass, sedges and broadleaf weeds. Furthermore, other Rinskor-based pre-mixes with other well-known Corteva herbicides are available for added flexibility, consistent weed control, and an even more enhanced weed spectrum, while representing a sound strategy for appropriate resistance management.

Now that RinskorTM active is a broad-spectrum herbicide, should I depend solely on Rinskor and expect the same level of control against the key weeds in rice?

Weed control is species-dependent. In general, broadleaves are highly susceptible to RinskorTM active. Sedges also hold a high level of susceptibility, however some species are better controlled than others. For grass control, Rinskor has demonstrated efficacy for the control of many Echinochloa spp. and some other secondary weeds. The pre-mixes with cyhalofop or penoxsulam offer a wider spectrum of control, including additional grasses, sedges and broadleaf weeds.
Will water management play an important role in a weed control program with RinskorTM active?

Yes. Adequate water management is key to ensure the efficacy of RinskorTM active. It is also important for reducing weed escapes and helping prevent weed resistance. On the other hand, too much water in the rice field may also reduce the efficacy of a Rinskor product. Therefore proper water management is critically important for effective weed control.
When making an application of a RinskorTM active-containing product, I don’t need to pay attention to the depth of water layer in my paddy field. True or False.
False. Although RinskorTM active herbicides are very flexible in their use, following the label and product use recommendations are key for success. To achieve the best results, you should apply the products correctly by following the guidelines, and that includes proper water management.
Why it is so critical to maintain sufficient moisture in the field when making an application of RinskorTM active product?
Because sufficient moisture will results in healthy rice crop and active growth of weeds. That will strengthen the herbicidal activity of RinskorTM active against the weeds while reduce the chance of crop response.

To effectively kill the weeds, I should flood the rice field so that all the weed’s foliage is completely submerged under water when I apply a herbicide with RinskorTM active. True or False.
False. At the moment of RinskorTM active application, at least 75% of the foliage of all weed plants should be exposed so product can contact the plant tissue. This will help the herbicidal activity to take place.
Describe the best practice in water management following an application of RinskorTM active product in rice.

For best results, reflooding should occur from 1 to 3 days after application and no later than 5 days after application. Keep water levels consistent throughout the season. Properly manage irrigation water to avoid movement of seeds of resistant weeds across fields. Avoid drought conditions with proper irrigation so RinskorTM active can display optimum herbicidal performance.