Crop response, weed resistance and drift management Flashcards
To refresh existing key knowledge about Rinskor™ active. ®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. ©2021 Corteva. Rinskor™ active has been registered in many countries. Contact your local pesticide regulatory agency to determine the status of registration for sale or use in your area. For the countries and states where Rinskor™ is not registered, this is not an offer to sell. Always read and follow label directions.
crop response
Is RinskorTM active selective to registered crops?
RinskorTM active is selective to registered crops when applied following product label recommendations. Rinskor applied at the most common broad-spectrum label recommended rate, will offer effective control of susceptible weeds while keeping the adequate crop selectivity.

crop response
Can RinskorTM active be used for weed control on all major types of rice?
Yes, RinskorTM active can be used for weed control on Indica (long-grain), Japonica (medium-grain) and hybrid rice types, showing good selectivity over a wide window of rice stages. RinskorTM active also fits well into Integrated Weed Management (IWM) program on Clearfield and Provisia rice, which has been modified to tolerate certain ALS or ACCase herbicides, respectively.
crop response
RinskorTM active is selective to transplanted rice, but not so to direct seeded rice. True or False.

False. RinskorTM active is selective under different rice growing cultures in all major rice production areas globally. Its product line has been successfully used in direct seeded and transplanted rice, either under flooded or irrigated rice growing conditions.
crop response
RinskorTM active is so safe to rice and other registered crops that no crop response has ever been observed under any circumstance. True or False.
False. RinskorTM active can be selectively used on rice and other registered crops. When applied following label directions, growers will see selectivity and expected weed control. In certain circumstances, however, some crop response may appear following application.
crop response
What is crop response anyway?

Under some conditions, selectivity is reduced and crops can react with visible symptoms to a herbicide application, including a RinskorTM active application, that we know as Crop Response. The reaction (symptoms) observed in the crop can be less or more visible, depending on many factors involving the herbicide, application, crop and environment.
crop response
Why should I care about crop response?
The severity of crop response is dependent on the type of chemical, the rate used, variety and planting method of the crop, depth of flood irrigation, environmental conditions and other external factors affecting plant health and the application. Following Corteva’s use recommendations and label use practices will help minimize the occurrence of crop response when making a chemical application.
crop response
What are the symptoms that I can see on rice if RinskorTM active causes a crop response?
Most common symptoms of rice crop response observed with RinskorTM active applications are:
1. leaf yellowing, especially in young plants; 2. leaf rolling, also known as onion leaf, observable mostly in more mature rice plants; 3. leaf rolling can also display a darker green color along the affected plants; 4. plant stunting, also with slight stand thinning in some cases.

crop response
Under what conditions does crop response most likely occur on rice?
Crop response is usually observed when rice plants are under levels of stress caused by external environmental factors, when higher than recommended doses are used and/or the application is made outside the recommended rice growth stage.
crop response
What is the most commonly used application rate of RinskorTM active for control of a proposed spectrum of weeds while maintain sufficient crop selectivity?

RinskorTM active will control a broad spectrum of weeds, including Echinochloa species, while maintain sufficient crop selectivity at rates around 30 g ai/ha for foliar applications. The rate might vary according to factors such as weed development stage and weed spectrum, as well as local regulations.
crop response
Describe the best practice, in terms of use rate and application, for selective weed control with RinskorTM active.
- Use RinskorTM active at recommended label rate. Do not overdose; 2. Avoid overlapping. Properly calibrate and adjust application equipment and application practice so product is evenly distributed in the field; 3. Implement good practices of crop management (including flood irrigation and fertilization) after Rinskor application.
crop response
For selective weed control with RinskorTM active, what is the best rice growth stage to make an application?
- Preferably apply RinskorTM active on rice >2-3 leaf development stage. Younger rice could be more susceptible to RinskorTM active applications; 2. Applications on young direct seeded rice could result in higher crop response vs. transplanted rice, because of enhanced development and vigor of the latter. Do not make applications to young direct seeded rice with exposed roots.

crop response
Proper water management is important to prevent or mitigate crop response with a treatment of RinskorTM active in rice. True or False.
True. Proper water management will include irrigation conditions for application to saturated soils and re-entering the water as soon as possible after product application to benefit rice health and weed control.
crop response
Which environment conditions should I avoid when planning for an application of RinskorTM active in rice?

You should avoid environmental conditions that could affect rice health and crop safety. 1. Extreme heat (>35oC) or cold (<15oC) affecting rice normal metabolism; 2. Drastic temperature fluctuations in short time spans (from high to cold or vice versa); 3. Drought conditions affecting normal rice growth and metabolism; 4. Weakened rice due to poor fertilization practices; 5. Weakened rice due to diseases or insects’ attack, or burning or stunting caused by previous herbicides applications; 6. Weakened rice due to long lasting overflooding (deep irrigation) affecting normal rice development and metabolism.
crop response
Is there a relationship between RinskorTM active selectivity and rice materials?

Yes. RinskorTM active selectivity could vary depending on treated rice materials. Some rice hybrids are more sensitive to a RinskorTM active application. Special caution should be taken following label recommendations to avoid undesirable crop response levels on those materials. RinskorTM active is not approved for weed control in rice sown for hybrid seed production. Do not recommend or approve such product use.
crop response
What should I do if I see a rice crop response after an application of RinskorTM active?
If after an application such response is observed, management practices oriented to strengthen rice vigor are recommended, including proper and timely fertilizations and proper water management.
crop response
How does crop response, if any, observed following a product containing RinskorTM active affect my rice yield?
In certain circumstances, some crop response may appear following application. But, in most cases this crop response is transient, and no negative impact to yield has been observed under common circumstances.

crop response
Why will rice yield not be affected even if some crop response occurs following a RinskorTM active application?
Numerous yield observations carried out at a global level demonstrate that rice has the capacity to overcome these symptoms and keep its regular growing pattern & physiological process to reach the expected yield.
crop response
As an overall product stewardship recommendation, RinskorTM active should be applied on healthy growing rice, not stressed by external factors, at the recommended approved rate and at the right rice development stage. True or False.

True. RinskorTM active applications made correctly under the favorable environmental conditions, and following the correct use recommendations will not present crop response. These applications could result in improved yields thanks to the outstanding weed control achieved by RinskorTM active eliminating weed competition and allowing rice to express its maximum yield potential.
weed resistance
What is herbicide resistance?
Herbicide resistance is the natural ability of a weed biotype to survive an application of a herbicide that would normally kill it. These biotypes survive herbicide application at doses that usually give effective control of the species.

weed resistance
How does herbicide resistance develop?
Once a weed population is exposed to a herbicide to which one or more plants are naturally resistant, the herbicide kills susceptible individuals, but allows resistant individuals to survive and reproduce. With repeated herbicide use, resistant weeds that initially appear as isolated plants or patches in a field can quickly spread to dominate the population and the soil seed bank.
weed resistance
Please describe the differences between target site resistance (TSR) and non-target site resistance (NTSR).
Herbicide resistance mechanisms can be classified into target site resistance (TSR) and non-target site resistance (NTSR). TSR can be caused either by the mutation or the overexpression of the target protein. NTSR is less understood, more complex, unpredictable, and can be caused by several factors, such as altered metabolism (conjugation and detoxification); the herbicide is not able to reach its site of action due to reduced uptake/translocation or herbicide compartmentalization/sequestration.
weed resistance
What are cross resistance and multiple resistance?
Cross resistance and multiple resistance, either by TSR or NTSR, may also exist if resistance is reported or suspected for herbicides with different MOA. This type of resistance can complicate control strategies and require enhanced practices for effective weed control.
weed resistance
What is integrated weed management (IWM)?
Integrated weed management (IWM) is an approach to managing weeds using multiple control strategies/tactics sharing the common objective of effectively controlling economically important weeds. The purpose of IWM is to include many methods in a growing season to allow producers the best chance to control troublesome weeds.

weed resistance
Why resistant management is important to RinskorTM active?
RinskorTM active has been proved to be a powerful, effective tool for the control of a wide range of weeds including driver grass, broadleaf and sedge weeds in rice and other cropping systems. It is critically important to understand how to maximize the use of RinskorTM active as an effective weed management tool and how to properly use the product to ensure its long-term viability by helping prevent the development of herbicide resistance, ultimately resulting in higher grower satisfaction.
weed resistance
As RinskorTM active is an auxinic herbicide and the incidence of resistance to this group of herbicides is relatively low, there is no need to implement a resistance management strategy for it. True or False.
False. Compared with other herbicide families such as ALS and ACCase inhibitors, the incidence of weed resistance to synthetic auxinic herbicides (SAH) is relatively low considering their long-term global application. However, resistance to SAH is gradually evolving and a good understanding of the context and mechanisms of SAH resistance evolution followed by informed resistance management practices is extremely important to sustain the longevity and utility of this important class of herbicides including RinskorTM active.
weed resistance
RinskorTM active have a good fit to integrated weed management (IWM)? True or False.
True. Its high post-emergence efficiency, alternative mode of action, broad spectrum of activity, including resistant weeds and low use rates make RinskorTM active an excellent fit in IWM programs.

weed resistance
Because RinskorTM active is an effective herbicidal tool to manage weeds that have shown to be target-site resistant to ALS, ACCase, quinclorac, propanil and glyphosate chemistries, it must be the only option for weed management under any circumstances. True or False.
False. Although RinskorTM active is an effective herbicidal tool to manage weeds that have shown to be target-site resistant to ALS, ACCase, quinclorac, propanil and glyphosate chemistries, it should be used as part of an integrated weeds management program where multiple modes of action are considered to prevent/slow down the development of weed resistance to RinskorTM active itself.
weed resistance
What would happen if RinskorTM active is repeatedly used in the same field?

If herbicides with the same mode of action are used repeatedly in the same field, resistant biotypes may eventually dominate the weed population and may not be controlled by these products. This also applies to RinskorTM active.
weed resistance
For resistance management purpose, what would be the maximum number of applications of RinskorTM active within a single rice growing season?
Generally, do not use more than two applications of RinskorTM active or any other HRAC/WSSA Group 4 herbicide within a single rice growing season. Always follow the label instruction to determine the allowed number of applications.
weed resistance
I have a field where Echinochloa is hardly controlled by any of the herbicides I have been using and are commercially available. Can I use RinskorTM active to effectively control this weed that seems to be resistant to multiple modes of action?
It seems that you are dealing with a case of metabolic multiple resistance, which means levels of control with RinskorTM active could also be compromised. The recommendation is to make a small scale application in a portion of your field to verify RinskorTM active performance and use RinskorTM active as part of an IWM program.

weed resistance
What should I do if I see weed escapes in my field after an application of RinskorTM active?
If resistance is suspected, treat weed escapes with a herbicide with a mode of action other than HRAC/WSSA Group 4 or use non-chemical methods to remove escapes, with the goal of preventing seed production.

weed resistance
I should use 2X label rate of RinskorTM active to control hard-to-kill weeds. True or False.

False. The labeled rates are determined based on multi-year studies, with consideration of performance, crop selectivity and resistance management. Therefore, you should use labeled rates, not higher or lower than prescribed, and apply at the right (crop and weed size) application timing.
weed resistance
Does application condition have anything to do with resistance management for RinskorTM active?
It does. Applying RinskorTM active under the appropriate recommended conditions (weed and crop health, soil moisture and irrigation conditions) can ensure the product will deliver its best performance and minimize weed escape. This in turn will reduce the risk if resistance development.
weed resistance
What are the recommendations to reduce the risk of weed resistance evolution to RinskorTM active?

There are many standard, proven tactics to reduce the development of weed resistance including, but not limited to: using a herbicide program approach with multiple modes of action (including pre and post emergent herbicides), monitoring treated areas for weeds before and after applications, making timely applications of RinskorTM active and other herbicides, and implementing other agronomic and cultural practices.
weed resistance
Would you please recommend a chemical control program in which RinskorTM active serves as a key herbicide while resistance management is appropriately considered?
RinskorTM active should be used as part of a herbicide program that incorporates multiple modes of action, including a soil residual pre-emergent herbicide, followed by a post-emergent application containing a pre-mixture or tank-mix of RinskorTM active and cyhalofop or penoxsulam. The use of a program helps improve the level and spectrum of control, as well as reduces the potential for resistance development.
weed resistance
In addition to chemical control, what are the agronomic and cultural practices that should be considered for resistance management purpose?
The non-chemical portion of IWM and resistance management strategies that help to delay or prevent the development of herbicide resistance include timely field scouting, use of weed free crop seed, active water management, correct weed identification, proper crop rotation, immediate hand-weeding of escaping weeds and false seeding with mechanical weed control.

weed resistance
Please tell me a little bit more about field monitoring with consideration of resistance management.
Active field monitoring is important to resistance management because an early detection can help limit the spread of these weed populations and allows for the implementation of alternate weed management practices. The practice include: 1. Scout fields, before planting and before application, to ensure the herbicide and use rates are appropriate for the weed spectrum and weed size present; 2. Scout fields following application for escaped weeds that can be controlled chemically with a different mode of action or with mechanical methods.
weed resistance
I should thoroughly clean plant residues from equipment before leaving the fields. True or False.
True. Thoroughly clean plant residues from equipment before leaving fields suspected to contain resistant weeds will reduce the chance of spreading the resistant materials to other areas.

weed resistance
Water management is key to the herbicidal performance of RinskorTM active, but would not help on resistance management. True or False.

False. Adequate water management is key to reduce weed escapes and helps prevent weed resistance. If water remains in the field at the moment of RinskorTM active application, at least 75% of the weed’s foliage should be exposed so product can contact the foliage. For best results, reflooding should occur from 1 to 3 days after application and no later than 5 days after application. Keep water levels consistent throughout the season. Properly manage irrigation water to avoid movement of seeds of resistant weeds across fields. Avoid drought conditions with proper irrigation pre and post RinskorTM active application, so RinskorTM active can display optimum herbicidal performance.
weed resistance
Describe the actions I should immediately take if a nonperformance of herbicides is observed.
Report any incidence of nonperformance of RinskorTM active against a particular weed species to a Corteva Agriscience representative. Contact local extension or a crop advisor for IWM and resistance management information.
What is pesticide drift?
Pesticide drift is the airborne movement of pesticides from an area of application to any unintended site. Drift can happen during pesticide application, when droplets or dust travel away from the target site. It can also happen after the application, when some chemicals become vapors that can move off-site.

Why pesticide drift can pose a potential risk to human and environment?
Pesticide drift can pose health risks to people and pets when sprays and dusts drift to nearby areas such as homes, schools, and playgrounds. Wildlife and plants are also at risk when drift affects natural areas and water sources. Herbicide drift can damage other nearby crops or make them unsellable if the active ingredient is not registered for a particular crop. Pesticide drift also results in wasted pesticide product. EPA estimates up to 70 million pounds of pesticides are lost to drift each year.
Describe the principle of drift management for RinskorTM active.
RinskorTM active straight, as a tank-mixture partner, or as pre-mixes should be applied only when the potential for drift to adjacent sensitive areas (e.g. residential areas, known habitat for threatened or endangered species, bodies of water, non-target crops) is minimal. Always read and follow label instructions as well as local regulations and requirements related to application of pesticides including Rinskor.
When preparing for an application with RinskorTM active, what are the key factors to consider to minimize drift potential?
To minimize potential for spray drift, consider these factors to decide when and how to apply RinskorTM active: 1. Awareness of sensitive surrounding crops; 2. All weather conditions, such as wind direction, wind speed, temperature and relative humidity are consistent with the label; 3. Application method and application equipment settings are consistent with the label; 4. Application equipment are properly calibrated.
Please share the most effective way to reduce drift potential.
The most effective way to reduce drift potential is to apply the largest droplets that provide sufficient coverage and control. Applying larger droplets reduces drift potential, but will not prevent drift if applications are made improperly, or under unfavorable environmental conditions.
I am planning a backpack/tractor spray with RinskorTM active, what are the drift management details I should pay attention to ?

For ground applications, pay attention to: 1. Total spray volume (commonly 10 gallons or more per acre or 94 L/ha, but it may be different across rice geographies); 2. Application pressure (use spray equipment designed to produce large droplet and low-pressure sprays, while ensuring sufficient coverage; 3. Number, orientation & type of nozzles, and application boom (refer to the spray equipment manufacturer’s recommendations); 4. Height of spray boom (no higher than is necessary to produce a uniformly overlapping pattern between spray nozzles).
What basic rules should I follow to prevent/minimize drift when making aerial applications with RinskorTM active
Here are the basic rules: 1. Use at least the minimum spray volume listed on the label; 2.Use low-drift nozzles or straight-stream nozzles oriented straight back, so the spray is released parallel to the air stream; 3. Use the minimum number of nozzles that provide uniform coverage; 4. The boom length should be 70% or less of the wingspan or 80% of the rotor width; 5. Spray at the lowest safe height to reduce exposure of droplets to evaporation and wind; 6. Applications at a height greater than 3 m (10 feet) above top of the largest plant are not recommended.
What is the effect of drone application on drift management for RinskorTM active?

Drone application is a new trend in many countries. This method is highly efficient, with less risk of exposure for operators and the potential to save labor/time/water. Due to its early stage of development, however, professional knowledge and skills are relatively low for application service company. To minimize drift risk when applying a RinskorTM active product by drone, like other application methods special attention must be paid to the following factors: nearby sensitive crops, weather conditions, and application equipment setting/calibration. Furthermore, different countries may have different requirements that could require frequent updates to the labels. This application method has not yet been approved by many authorities globally, including the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Would you help me understand the relationship between environmental conditions and drift management for RinskorTM active?
Environmental conditions are a critical factor to consider when managing drift with RinskorTM active applications. They include the followings: wind speed & direction, temperature, humidity, temperature inversions. Please refer to “RinskorTM active Technical Bulletin” and “RinskorTM active Drift Management ILT” available on Product Technical Information Center for details.
I have a crop of tomatoes / cotton / soybeans / sunflowers / vine adjacent to my rice crop that I am going to spray. RinskorTM active is formulated with an adjuvant system that does not allow for off target movement so I don’t have to be concerned with potential drift. True or False.
False. Broadleaf crops are particularly susceptible to RinskorTM active. All Corteva Agriscience application recommendations should be followed to avoid or minimize drift risk that can affect susceptible neighboring crops. Refer to RinskorTM active literatures for more information or ask your trusted Corteva Agriscience advisor.