Processor Performance Flashcards
What are the factors that affect processor performance?
Clock speed, Multicore processors, Cache
What is clock speed in processor performance?
The system clock will generate a series of switching states between 0 and 1 several times per second. Each new CPU operation will begin as the clock changes from 0 to 1. The CPU cannot perform instructions faster than the clock, as doing so will cause the clock to overheat called over-clocking. The faster the clock cycle, the more faster the instructions are executed.
What do multi core processors do in processor performance?
Multi core processors can consist of multiple processors where each processor is able to process a different subtask at the same time. This increases performance. Although the number of cores (processors) increase power, they do not always improve the speed by the same amount, as not all software can take full advantage of the multiple cores. The cores will also require organising time to decide which data is to be allocated to which processor.
Explain the purpose of cache in processor performance?
Cache is a fast, expensive and small but fast piece of software close to the processor, it will store most current instructions processed for quick retrieval by the CPU, which is a faster process than going back to main memory. If cache fills, less used instructions are replaced with more recent ones.
What are the four types of cache?
Level 1 cache - Fastest - part of the circuitry.
Level 2 cache - Fairly faster shared between cores
Level 3 cache - Slower, on processor or near motherboard
Level 4 cache - Slow, near or on processor
What is responsible for the transmission of data?
The data bus will be responsible for this, its width will determine.
What does it mean if a CPU is quad core? [1]
four processing cores in a one core [0]
Give a use of a GPU? [1]
speeds up processing of images or videos in a computer system [1]
Where will pipelining be used in the following algorithm? [5]
print(“calculate what grade you are working towards”)
print(“enter your 2 coursework marks out of 30”)
mark1 = int(input(“Enter your first coursework mark”))
mark2 = int(input(“Enter your second coursework mark”))
total = mark 1 + mark 2
if total < 40:
print(“You will fail the course unless you improve your marks”)
marks_needed = 40 - total
print(“You need”, marks_needed, “more marks to pass”)
elif total >= 40 and total <60:
print(“You will pass your course”)
marks_needed = 60 - total
print(“To achieve a merit you need”, marks_needed, “more marks”)
elif total >= 60 and total < 80:
print(“You will achieve a merit”)
marks_needed = 80 - total
print(“To achieve a distinction you need”, marks_needed, “more marks”)
print(“You will achieve a distinction”)
in the input calculation where it asks for mark 1 and mark 2. and also during mark collection and condition checking is everythung is done correctly. [2]
What are the three factors affecting processor performance? [6]
three factors affecting processor performance are clock speed, number of cores and type of cache memory. clock speed is number of cycles your CPU eecutes per second.
cores is a processor unit in a CPU.
cache memory is smallest fastest cache memory. [5]
What are the two types of pipelining? [2]
arithmetic pipelining (forgot the second one) [1]