Processing Flashcards
Allograft bone that has been processed and labeled as DEMINERALIZED must have a residual calcium content that does NOT exceed:
Which of the following allografts could be processed from the tissue in the photo below?
Bone-tendon-bone graft
The osteoinductive property of bone matrix is NOT destroyed by:
acidic extraction
The critical phase of the cryopreservation (control-rate freeze cycle) of allograft skin and heart valves is:
latent heat of fusion
Which of the following bacteria are commonly found on the skin?
Propionibacterium species
An entire body of air within a designated space that moves with uniform velocity in a single direction along parallel flow lines is considered:
laminar air flow
A cleanroom processing suite is under what kind of pressure?
According to AATB Standards, what is the MAXIMUM temperature at which refrigerated skin can be stored?
Musculoskeletal tissue that is positive for Clostridium species, Streptococcus pyogenes (group A strep.), or any other organism determined by the processor to be virulent or difficult to eliminate shall be:
discarded unless treated with a disinfection or sterilization process that is validated to eliminate the infectivity of such organisms