Processes Flashcards
Flow Unit
The basic unit that moves through a process, starting as input and later leaving the process as outputs
Flow Rate
The average rate at which flow units travel through a process.
The minimum of capacity and demand.
In the long run, flow rate cannot be producing more than the demand.
Flow Time
The time a flow unit spends in a process from start to finish
Process Analysis
A rigorous framework for understanding the detailed operations of a business. Among other things, process analysis determines process capacity (units processed per unit time) and utilization (how busy resources are)
Process Flow Diagram
A graphical way to describe the process
Processing Time
- The time it takes a resource to complete processing of one flow unit.
- Processing Time = 1 / Capacity of resource
Resource Capacity
- The maximum number of flow units that can flow through that resource per unit of time.
- Max flow rate of resource
- Resource capacity = 1 / p, where p is processing time.
Process Capacity
The maximum flow rate a process can provide.
Determines the maximum supply of the process.
Process capacity is the smallest capacity of all resources in the process. Assuming all resources are identical.
Maximum flow rate of the process.
Process capacity
= 1 / p(max) , where p is processing time
= 1 / p (bottleneck).
It is equal to the minimum of all resource capacities.
It is equal to the bottleneck capacity.
Demand Rate
The number of flow units that customers want per unit of time.
The case in which demand exceeds supply and the flow rate is equal to process capacity.
We cannot produce more than the constrain
Demand Constrain
The case in which process capacity exceeds demand and thus the flow rate is equal to the demand rate.
We cannot produce more than the constrain.
Throughput Rate/Throughput Time
Throughput Rate: Synonyms for flow rate
Throughput Time: Synonyms for flow time
The ratio between the flow rate (how fast the process is currently operating) and the process/resource capacity (capturing how fast the process could be operating if there was sufficient demand)
Utilization = Flow Rate / Capacity
Reflects how much a resource is utilized over time.
Cycle Time
The time between completing two consecutive flow units.
Cycle Time = 1 / Flow Rate
Cycle Time depends on process capacity.
Lead Time
The time between when an order is placed and when it is received.
It depends on what the start and end of the process.
Resource with the lowest capacity in a process.
Bottleneck needs to be a resource and not an activity.
Knowing where the bottleneck is located at is crucial for improving a process.
If the bottleneck is not improved, a process will never improve.
Worker Paced
A process in which each resource is free to work at its own pace: If the first resource finishes before the next one is ready to accept the flow unit, then the first resource puts the completed flow unit in the inventory between the two resources.
Machine Paced
A process in which all steps are connected through a conveyor belt and all of the steps must work at the same rate even if some of them have more capacity than others.
If one machine works faster than the other, inventory might pile up. A breakdown of the conveyor belt might happen.
Time through empty process
The time it takes the first flow unit to flow through an empty process i.e., for a process that has no inventory.
Time for X units = Time through empty process + (X-1) * Cycle Time
A process is efficient if it is able to achieve a high flow rate with few resources.
Cost of direct labor
The labor cost associated with serving one customer, which is the total wages paid per unit of time divided by the flow rate.
Cost of direct labor = Wages per unit of time / Flow rate
*If there are multiple employees, don’t forget to add up all the wages.
Labor Content
The amount of work that goes into serving one customer (generally one flow unit) which is the sum of the processing times involving labor.
The productive time of our resources.
Average Labor Utilization
The average utilization across labor resources.
Based on Idle Time:
Average Labor Utilization = Labor Content / (Labor Content + Total Idle Time of all labor resources)
Based on Cycle Time:
Average Labor Utilization = (Labor Content / Number of employees) / Cycle Time
Idle Time
The amount of time per flow unit for which a resource is paid but is not actually working.
Creates unnecessary expenses.
Expressed in units of time.
Idle Time = Cycle time - Processing time of resource
Total Idle Time
The amount of idle time per flow unit added up across all resources.
Takt Time
The ratio between the time available and the quantity that has to be produced to serve demand.
Takt Time
= Available Time / Required Time
= 1 / Demand Rate
It is a measure driven by demand.
Output rate should be = demand rate. If it is not equal, it should be as close to the demand rate as possible.
Takt Time does not depend on process capacity. It is driven by demand rate.
Target Manpower
The ratio between the labor content and the takt time determines the minimum number of resources required to meet demand. This minimum doe not have to be an integer number and it is assumes all resources are perfectly utilized.
Target Manpower = Labor Content / Takt Time
Target Manpower can be expressed as a fraction/decimal. Does not need to be an integer.
More demand means shorter takt time. Shorter takt time requires more employees to handle the same amount of labor content.
What is a process?
A set of activities that takes a collection of inputs, performs some work or activities with those inputs, and then yields a set of output.
What is inventory?
It is the number of units within a process at any given time.
Production (Output) rate
- Number of flow units produced per unit time.
Supply Rate
- Number of flow units supplied to the processed per unit of time.
What is steady state equilibrium? (SSE)
States that FR(in) = FR(out).
Process Utilization
Reflects how much a process is utilized over time
= flow rate of process / process capacity
= flow rate of bottleneck / process capacity
The short the production time, the better. Is this always true?
No. It depends on the industry. For services, it really depends on quality over time. For production, if all else are the same, then we will prefer a shorter production time.