Process & Ingredients: Yeast and Fermentation Flashcards
What describes a yeast strain’s ability to decrease the OG of wort upon fermentation?
Apparent attenuation
What is the ability of the yeast to settle out of the beer upon completion of fermentation?
What are the three (3) environmental conditions that differ with each yeast type and strain?
Alcohol tolerance, oxygen requirements, and sensitivity to wort composition (sugar).
What describes how well a yeast strain will continue to ferment as the alcohol concentration increases during fermentation?
Alcohol tolerance
Name three (3) of the by-products produced by yeast.
Esters, fusel alcohols, diacetyl, and sulfur compounds.
Ethyl-acetate, isoamylacetate and ethyl-hexanoate are common forms of these, that impart a fruity, sweet aroma in beer.
Diacetyl, a yeast by-product, produces a buttery note in beers if what occurs?
Premature removal of yeast.
Which yeast work best in the 55-75 degree range, with apparent attenuation ranging from 69-80%?
Ale yeast
Which yeast work best in 46-56 degrees, with apparent attenuation ranging from 67-77%?
Lager yeast
Frohberg is a type of lager yeast. What is it also known as? This yeast ferments quickly, and does not flocculate as well.
Dusty or “powdery”
This type of lager yeast flocculate more readily.
Saaz (also known as S.U. or “break”)
What is used in the production of Berliner Weiss style with an intense lactic sourness?
Bacteria (lactobacillus delbruckii)
Yeasts of Brettanomyces genus generate sourness for which beer style?
What are the five (5) phases of growth in the yeast life cycle?
Lag, Accelerating, Exponential, Decelerating, and Stationary
What phase of growth is when the yeast adapts to the new environment and begins to make enzymes?
Lag phase (or latent phase)
What phase of growth is when the yeast starts to divide by budding to reach the optimal density necessary for true fermentation?
Accelerating phase (or low krausen phase)
What phase of growth is when the growth rate is constant at the maximum rate? The yeast have completely adapted to the condition of the wort.
Exponential phase (or log phase, or high krausen phase)
What phase of growth is marked by the growth rate gradually decreasing?
Deceleration phase (or late krausen phase)
What is the final phase of growth, where the number of yeast cells remains approx. constant?
Stationary phase
A common method of adding fresh yeast during beer packaging, where fresh yeast starter and glulcose are added.
Bottle conditioning
Bottle conditioning is typically done for which beer sytle?
Trappist-style Belgian ales
A common method of adding fresh yeast during packaging, where freshly fermenting beer is added.
Krausening is typically done for which beer style?
German lagers
What fermentation by-product can be controlled by choice of yeast strain, wort gravity, wort aeration, and fermentation temperature?
What fermentation by-product is produced by certain wild yeast strains?
These fermentation by-products are metabolized from amino acids. Their production increases as the fermentation temperature increases, and they also increase with wort gravity.
Fusel alcohols
This fermentation by-product is more likely to occur in higher fermentation temperatures, and is highly dependent on the length of yeast’s contact with beer.