Process & Ingredients: Malts and Adjuncts Flashcards
What malt is the most common source of fermentable sugars in beer?
What are the two types of barley commonly used in brewing?
Two-row and Six row
Which type of barley has bigger kernels? This barley has lower nitrogen, protein and husk content which makes beers taste less grainy.
Which type of barley is best to use with large amounts of adjuncts? This type has extra husk content which also aids in providing a lautering filterbed.
Six row
What are the most important enzymes for malting?
Debranching enzymes
What is malting?
Sprouting the grains to a desired modification.
What is the ratio of a fully-modified malt?
What ratio are American and Continental malts modified?
What is kilning?
Roasting the malt.
What malt is low-kilned at 145 degrees?
Which malts are fully modified?
Crystal and Caramel
Which malts are undermodified (less than 1/2)?
Chocolate and Black Patent malts
What are four (4) other malted grains used in brewing?
Wheat, rye, oats and sorghum
What causes cellulose, polyphenols and tannins from the husk to create harsh flavors in the finished beer?
Hot or alkaline sparge water.
What causes oxidative off flavors and low head retention in beer?
Carrying over excessive levels of fatty acids and lipids to the wort.
What may cause clarity problems in finished beer?
What cereal adjuncts are used heavily in the American light lager styles?
Corn (flaked maize, corn starch) and rice (rice grits) adjuncts.
What is a key ingredient in Belgian white and lambic beers?
Raw wheat
What is any unmalted source of fermentables?
An adjunct
What adjuncts are a cheap source of sugar, that yield more alcohol and dry out the beer?
Corn and cane sugar
What common adjunct contributes some aromatics, and tends to make beer thinner and more alcoholic?
What are four (4) adjuncts that add color, flavor and fermentables?
Caramel, molasses, maple syrup and licorice.
What influences the color of beer?
Malt (primarily), as well as intensity and length of the boil.