Process and Skills involved Flashcards
Which are the four stages of career counseling?
Building the relationship
Enabling clients self understanding
Exploring new perspectives
Forming strategies and plans
Tasks of career counseling
-Counselor is responsible for guiding the individual effectively towards the solution of his problem
-Clients need to be active participants at every stage
-Flexibility of the counselor, so that he moves back and forth on the issues that concern the client.
-Identification, analysis, investigation of the issues that concern the consultants
-The career counselor assists the client to prioritize issues that require
-Recognition that the central position held by career issues.
-Separation of the topics of personal counseling from those of vocational
-Possible referral of the counselor for personal counseling.
Imoprtance of relationship
Most theories in the field of professional counseling recognize the importance of the relationship between counselor and consultant. There are differences in the degree of emphasis placed on the relationship, but it is
generally accepted that developing a healthy relationship is an integral part of the career counseling process
Relationship - Collaborative venture
- Is both unique and common
- Includes both its logical, scientific, cognitive, grounded, substantiated, etc
- It is necessary the balance of the logical-cognitive and emotional element
- Clear boundaries in the relationship
- Dynamic and changeable
Rogers - relationship
Carl Rogers (1951, 1961, 1989), perhaps more than any other theorist, defined
the conditions required for the formation of the counselling relationship.
-Unconditional positive regard
-In this way the client feels comfortable in expressing himself and ultimately
coming into contact with himself
-The counselor functions more as a facilitator than as an “expert”.
-Rogers also emphasizes that the counselor must be tolerant and try to
understand the clients’ inner world
How can you create a climate of importance?
- Visibility
- Just listen
- Offer and receive help (peer counselling, group counseling)
- Develop both a professional as well as personal relationship (boundaries)
- Protection
- Support
- Exchange personal information with the client (common activities)
Is it a good idea to have a contract?
it’s up to you!
- Confidentiality
- Number, length and frequency of meetings (is this always possible?)
- Boundaries of the relationship
- Goals
- Roles
- Tasks
How can you enable the clients self-understanding?
-Exploring new perspectives
-Challenging : irrational thinking and inaccurate beliefs as key task in career
-It helps clients to develop and explore perspectives on their difficulties,
strengths and weaknesses.
-It is strongly encouraged to be used when a trusting therapeutic relationship
has been established.
-Task is to help the client deepen their understanding and insight into their
situation and the issues that are concerning them
-Often clients reaching this stage have done sufficient work
-Structured assessment techniques and tools are often used at this stage
(tests, questioning, narration, patterns) motivating the client to tell stories
Self-understanding in search of self-evolution (the role of others)
-Instead of looking at personal accomplishments and characteristics, we focus on the qualifications and actions of others who gather our admiration.
-Mention some people you admire and describe what you find admirable about them.
-Think about the books you have read and tell me which characters you find
admirable and what exactly they achieved.
-Once the great personalities are selected, attention is focused on the cause of this
admiration, that is, on the values, interests, character and special abilities of these
people. The qualities we admire in others often have some significance for our own lives
Individual or group identity (social context)?
In career counseling we take into account both individual and group identity.
Are significant others important?
Support can take many forms. For some, it may include material offerings
such as money or goods. Others offer informational support, and there is
emotional support. These different forms of support can overlap and change
form over time.
How to find the availaable job opportunities for each client?
it is necessary to
report their experiences in education, work and leisure
Why experiences in education, work and leisure are important when looking for a job?
Bcs we use our skills in other areas.
- Communication skills
- Problem solving skills
- Positive attitudes and behaviors
- Adaptability
- Cooperation
- Adequate knowledge in science, technology and mathematics
What is the “personal labor market”?
the opportunities and possibilities
offered to him due to his personal connections and acquaintances.
How can you use websites to support vocational/career counseling?
-Job descriptions
-Enter two or three keywords related to the topic, and a list of related web pages will appear
-the counselor should continue to provide ongoing counseling support in order
to help the client turn the data he or she has gathered into information that will help him or her make decisions.
What can you do in the stage “Forming strategies and plans”?
Reviewing progress
-An integral part of the career counselling process at various stages but
particularly near the end.
-Revisit the contract
Goal setting
-A key activity in preparing for the end of career counselling relationship is
helping clients to set goals and decide on the steps they need to take to
achieve their goals.
-Some approaches to career counselling support that this process is the
therapy process itself.
What is important in Goal setting?
Goals need to be…
SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attractive,
Realistic, Time-bound)
3 important career counseling skills?
Active listening: listening to the content of what is being said, how it said,
possible meanings behind the words, and the feelings associated with the
Effective listening can help a person explore themselves, discern perceptions
about themselves (usually derived from other people’s values that the person
has internalized), get in touch, and trust their own feelings. Thus, this skill
gives the counselor the opportunity to get to know the client more deeply and
then to help him / her more.
Understanding skills: summarising, paraphrasing, using of open questions,
reflection of emotion, feedback, engouregement.
Interpretative skills: Challenging, immediacy, self-disclosure, A strong level of empathy needs to have been developed before using these skills.