Procedures Manual Flashcards
What are the core values?
A. We Respect Life
B. We Revere the Truth
C. We Enforce the Law
D. We Seek Community Partnership
E. We Honor our Police Powers
F. We Conduct Ourselves with Dignity
All members of the Department will become familiar with these standards and will abide by them. Ethics training for all employees will be conducted_________. Ethics reviews can be in the form of classroom, shift briefing, computer based training, and bulletins, or any combination of methods.
The purpose of a chain of command is to establish _________. It ensures a working, structural relationship between the Chief of Police and each employee
A. Clear lines of authority*
Employees reporting sexual harassment or discrimination _____ be required to use the chain of command for reporting purposes.
B. Will not*
_________ is the chief administrative officer of the Police Department and is the final authority on all matters of policy, operations, and discipline
B. Chief of Police*
_________ is Assistant Chiefs, The Director of Internal Affairs, and the Director of Administrative Services, and the Departmental Human Resources Manager.
D. Executive Staff*
_________ is Commanders, designated Lieutenants, and Civilian Division Managers. They are responsible for operations, special services, and administrative support.
Command Staff
_________ and Civilian Section Managers who are responsible for a shift or section and may supervise first line supervisors.
C. Lieutenants*
_________ and Civilian Supervisors oversee a shift or support unit and supervise line personnel.
B. Sergeants*
In the event an employee receives an order that conflicts with a previous order given by a supervisor of equal rank, the employee will notify their immediate _________ of the conflict. It will be the responsibility of the immediate supervisor to resolve the conflict with the supervisor issuing the original order.
A. Supervisor*
The function of the Investigations Bureau is to provide follow-up support to the Department. It is divided into two divisions; _______ and ________.
A. Major Crimes
B. Organized Crimes
Command level officers may issue orders that affect their respective commands. Orders affecting more than one Bureau will be issued only at the direction of the ____________. All orders will be considered effective until rescinded, replaced, or expired.
B. Chief of Police*
The ________________ is composed of Budget and Finance, Grants, Supply, Records and Fleet Management
Administrative Services Bureau
__________ are issued to establish or implement Department policy or procedure of an operational or administrative nature.
C. Special Order*
In the event that an order or revision to the procedures manual is urgent, it may be disseminated as a _______ followed by a Special Order within six months.
C. Directive*
_________ are issued only by Executive Staff, and affect only those under their command.
A. Bureau Orders*
All employees shall review and acknowledge the order within ____ days. All orders shall also be discussed in shift meeting and documented in the station log.
B. 14*
The ___________will be responsible for the approval of all forms used by the Department.
Strategic Planning assistant chief
After a form has been created or revised, it shall become the responsibility of __________ to ensure there is an adequate supply of forms ordered and on hand. Some forms may be electronically stored and available to download or print from the Department’s network drive.
Central Supply
Every ______ years Planning and Research will conduct an audit of Department forms.
Inspections and audits are conducted by _____________?
C. Risk Management*
It is the policy of this Department that officers will use only that force that is _______ to effectively bring an incident under control while protecting the lives of the officer or other persons.
D. Objectively Reasonable
The legal standard used to determine the lawfulness of a use of force (UOF) is the ________ Amendment to the United States Constitution. WhIch Case
4th, Graham Vs. Connor 1989
Graham states in part that “the reasonableness of a particular use of force (UOF) must be judged from the perspective of a ___, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.
- Reasonable officer on the scene
Pursuant to S.B. No. 69 (Effective ______________) and in compliance with Texas Code of Criminal Procedure Article 2.33, the use of neck restraints during search or arrest are prohibited. A peace officer may not intentionally use a choke hold, carotid artery hold, or similar neck restraint in searching or arresting a person unless the restraint is necessary to prevent serious bodily injury to or the death of the officer or another person.
Firearms are not to be discharged: as __________, from moving vehicle, __________.
B. Warning shots
C. At driver of moving vehicle
Supervisors shall ensure that less than lethal munitions and launchers are deployed on each patrol shift.
A. True *
Pursuant to S.B 144 effective) __________ Officers performing law enforcement duties on school property or at a school-related or school-sponsored activity may not restrain, use a chemical agent, or a Taser on a student enrolled in ________unless the student poses a serious risk of harm to the student or another person.
09/01/2023, Fifth grade or below
In all use of force (UOF) incidents, Supervisor(s) who are not involved in the incident shall: ________.
A. Conduct a _____________
B. If FMS is required/requested due to an injury resulting from use of force or there is an outcry at the scene, then supervisors must go to the scene.
C. If ________________, then supervisors are not required to go to the scene
D. Review the incident report for proper use of force (UOF) reporting and documentation
E. Document the use of force (UOF) incident in Blue Team within ___ calendar days
A. preliminary investigation
C. no injury or outcry
_____________ will forward all Use of Force Blue Team logs to Internal Affairs for review and disposition.
Supervisors documenting a use of force incident in Blue Team will list any force used by each individual officer on the Blue Team log. Supervisors will complete the log by choosing all the types of force that were applicable to the incident, under the following categories:
Soft Empty Hand
Hard Empty Contol
Restraint Chair
Spit Sock Application
O.C. Spray
Taser (CEW) Discharge/Display
Impact Weapon
Less Lethal
Firearm Discharge
Firearm Display (Show of Force)
Other Deadly Force
Supervisors documenting a use of force incident in Blue Team will list any force used by each individual officer on the Blue Team log. Supervisors will complete the log by choosing all the types of force that were applicable to the incident, under the following categories:
Type A: Will include death
Type B: (serious) will include fractures, severe lacerations, serious head injuries, and/or any incapacitating injuries severe enough to require medical intervention and/or hospitalization.
Type C: (minor) will be reference pain, abrasions, bruising, redness, swelling, and/or minor lacerations
All units involved in a pursuit will proceed in a safe manner and take into consideration the following factors:
A. Appropriateness of the speed.
B. Amount of traffic.
C. Time of day.
D. Road conditions.
E. Weather conditions.
The _________ initiating the stop has the authority to initiate the pursuit.
B. Officer*
Direct involvement in pursuits will be limited to a ______ unit and a _______unit.
A. Primary
C. Secondary
Upon notification of a vehicle pursuit, the _________ will take control of the pursuit and will ensure that all operations are conducted according to policy and procedure.
A. Sergeant*
In reference to pursuits, the sergeant will verify the following:
- The pursuit was initiated under circumstances authorized by this policy
- The authorized number and type of units involved
- Units and roles are identified
- Aerial assistance has been requested
- Appropriate agencies are notified
__________ will review all pursuit documentation before forwarding up the chain of command.
D. Lieutenant*
Lieutenants will ensure that all officers under their command are trained in pursuit policies and procedures at least ______.
C. Semi-Annually*
Tire deflation devices shall not be deployed on vehicles with _______ wheels or less.
C. 3 *
All officers will complete racial profiling training prior to the _______ anniversary of the date the officer is listed as a peace officer or the date the officer applies for an intermediate proficiency certificate.
B. Second*
___________ The selection of an individual for law enforcement contact or police action including a stop, detention, search, issuance of citation, or arrest – based on a trait common to a group, including race, ethnic background, gender, sexual orientation, religion, economic status, age, cultural group, or any other identifiable group characteristic, rather than on the individual’s behavior or on information received identifying the individual as a criminal suspect or perpetrator.
Bias-Based Profiling
_____________ A type of bias-based profiling wherein law enforcement decisions and actions are based on an individual’s race, color, ethnicity, or national origin rather than on the individual’s behavior or on information received identifying the individual as a criminal suspect or perpetrator.
Racial Profiling
It is ___________ to videotape the request of a specimen from a child that is younger than 17 years of age.
C. Mandatory*
When an officer becomes involved in an incident in which either the officer or another person is seriously injured or killed, or where a death or serious injury occurs to a person in police custody, three (3) separate investigations will be conducted.
A. Crimes Against Persons (CAP) - criminal investigation;
B. Texas Rangers of Texas DPS - criminal investigation; and
C. Shooting Review Team (SRT) - administrative investigation.
CAP shall complete the “Peace Officer Involved Injury or Death Report” within ________ as per C.CP Article 2.139 and scan that into the case. CAP will submit the report to the AG’s Office.
30 days
The SRT Supervisor, in coordination with PD HR, shall place the involved officer(s) on administrative leave for the remainder of his/her tour-of-duty, plus a minimum of _________ following the OIS. The administrative leave will commence at the time the officer is released by CAP.
two days (48-hours)
FMS shall be summoned for assistance when the subject’s breath test results are _______________, and the subject shall be taken to a medical facility by FMS.
0.35 or higher
Employees wanting to work outside employment that is not funded by the City must submit the Outside Employment Application Form in writing to the Chief of Police, via the chain of command, within ________ prior to accepting outside employment.
10 working days
Each approved outside employment is valid for _________.
2 years
Outside employment is limited to _____ hours per week.
In no case shall an officer intentionally schedule themselves to work in excess of ____ actual hours (regular, extra-duty, and off-duty hours) in one week.
Members of the Department will report any change of telephone number or address within ________hours.
Funeral committee members are on a volunteer basis. Volunteers are chosen from within the department, any rank, sworn or civilian, not to exceed _____ members.
Ethics training will be conducted _______.
C. Annually*
All supervisors, sworn and civilian, are responsible for enforcement of ethics.
A. True*
Each section shall keep print copies of ___________, applicable to each section or division.
A. Procedures Manuel
B. Critical Incident &Terror Plan
C. Operations Manuel
Mar Report – includes listing of items pending at legal (chief’s office), stat tables of calls for service and response times, staffing report, staffing shortage impact, and city rep complaints and dispositions.
A. True *
Chief oversees formulation and annual updating of written goals for the Department. Each division will formulate goals and report progress to division commander __________.
A. Monthly*
A. Are issued to establish or implement Department policy or procedure of an operational or administrative nature.*
Special Orders ____ amend the Procedures Manual.
C. Always*
Special Orders are issued by _____.
D. Only by the chief of Police*
B. In the event that an order or revision to the procedures manual is urgent, it may be disseminated as a ___________ followed by a Special Order within six months.*
The _____ may issue directives.
D. Chief or designee*
_____ are issued only by Executive Staff, and affect only those under their command. Distribution will only be made within the respective Bureau.
A. Bureau Orders*
After a form has been created or revised, it shall become the responsibility of ____ to ensure there is an adequate supply of forms ordered and on hand.
A. Central Supply*
The ¬¬¬_____ will be responsible for the approval of all forms used by the Department.
C. strategic Planning Assistant Chief*
Every _____ years _____ will conduct an audit of Department forms to ensure the forms are current and that no unauthorized forms are in use.
C. 3/Planning and Research*
Inspections and audits are conducted by _____ to identify and recommend corrections to organizational weaknesses.
B. Risk Management*
Each member of the Risk Management, regardless of rank and status as a uniform or civilian employee, is acting on behalf of the_____.
A. Chief of Police or designee*
__________ handles Media Relations and coordinates request of Police band, choir, and other specialized units.
B. Public Affairs*
Any _____ or above may request research of grant funding.
C. Supervisor*
In cases of sexual harassment, the victim may choose to confront the offender but not a pre-requisite. The victim may contact______.
A. Any department supervisor
B. Command Officer
C. Chief
D. Personnel director
E. City Attorney Office
To replace ID cards the cost is__________
B. $5*
Replacement photo ID card. If a replacement is necessary due to wear and tear or loss that could not be prevented, a replacement card will be issued at no cost to the employee. An employee will notify their first line supervisor within _________ in the event that a photo ID card needs replacement due to wear and tear or is lost for any reason.
24 hours
Restricted areas at Headquarters include_______.
A. 2nd floor - after normal working hours, except official use of the conference room and hallways leading to the conference room.
B. Traffic Office- After normal hours
C. Training Office- After normal hours
D. investigative offices – at all times
All bomb threats will be reported to ________and ____________.
A. Intelligence Section
B. Communications
Bomb Threat Reaction. Reaction to a bomb threat will be determined by the _____ of the facility affected.
C. Commander*
Mourning bands will be worn the day of death until _____________________
midnight the day of the funeral
______makes notification to TCOLE for 65 officer.
C. Academy*
Requests for travel will be submitted through the chain of command to the Administrative Services Budget and Finance Office at least _______ prior to the travel date.
45 days
Within ______________ of return, employees will submit, in person to the Administrative Services-Budget and Finance office, original invoices for all expenses except meals, the remaining portion of any airline tickets, and any unexpended funds.
10 working Days
Budget and Finance section distribute spreadsheets of all requests and expenditures to commander and manager ________.
___________ will ensure that at least one patrol supervisor (Sgt.) is in the field with the patrol shift at all times
B. Patrol Lieutenant*
FMLA allows up to ____ weeks of leave during a “rolling” ____month period.
A. 12 / 12*
FMLA can be used for what reasons?
A. The birth and care of a newborn child of the employee
B. The placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care
C. To care for a spouse, son, daughter or parent who has a serious health condition
D. A “Serious Health Condition” that renders the employee unable to perform the functions of his or her job.
If in the event the employee is absent from work for more than_____ consecutive working days, the employee will be required to submit FMLA documentation.
D. 2
The selection of an individual for law enforcement contact or police action including a stop, detention, search, issuance of citation, or arrest – based on a common trait of a group.
B. Bias-Based Profiling*
A type of bias-based profiling wherein law enforcement decisions and actions are based on an individual’s race, color, ethnicity, or national origin
A. Racial Profiling*
Racial profiling data ¬¬¬____ be collected for any motor vehicle stopped for an alleged violation of a law or ordinance.
D. Must*
When an officer conducts a vehicle traffic stop and the initial probable cause or reasonable suspicion is found to be an oversight, the officer is ____ required to collect any racial profiling data or complete a written warning.
A. Not*
Officers who initiate a motor vehicle stop, shall document such occurrence by one the following methods:
A. Citation
B. Written warning
C. I-Leads report
The information collected shall be compiled in an annual report covering the period January 1 through December 31 of each year, and shall be submitted by the Chief of Police or his designee to City Council and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) no later than ____ of the following year.
C. March 1*
The Academy will conduct ______ training with sworn personnel on subjects that include, but are not limited to: profiling, cultural diversity, interaction with citizens, policy, ethics and related topics.
D. Annual*
The Department’s Compliment and Complaint process requires the officer conducting the traffic stop to provide the telephone number, mailing address and email address of the Department’s ____, to allow the citizen to make a complaint or compliment with respect to each citation or written warning issued by the officer.
B. Internal Affairs Division*
It is the responsibility of the ____ to maintain the integrity of the Department.
C. Chief of Police*
Deviation from the recommendation of the discipline review board by the Chief, ____ violate any procedural or substantive right of any officer, unless the deviation violates a specific right guaranteed by law or by the Contract.
D. does not*
The DRB/ SDRB shall consist of ___ uniformed personnel, HR Director of PD personnel or designated attendee, and ___ civilians.
A. 6 / 6*
A minimum of ____ officers will be dispatched along with a supervisor to incidents related to EDP/suicidal subjects with weapons.
Unless there is a need for the immediate defense or protection of life of a third person, no less than ___ officers will attempt to contain, control, and communicate with the subject.
______ is a person who appears to be mentally ill or temporarily deranged and is conducting himself in a manner which a police officer reasonably believes is likely to result in serious injury to himself or others.
Emotionally Disturbed Person