Problems and Solutions Flashcards
To say or think that someone or something is responsible for an accident, problem, or bad situation.
Blame /bleɪm/
-If it all goes wrong, don’t blame me.
-Crime is a complex issue – we can’t simply blame poverty and unemployment.
-Blame something on someone/something: You can’t blame all your problems on your family.
-Blame someone/something for something: Organizers blame the weather for the low turnout.
- Begin a journey
- Make something start working
- Make something explode
- Cause something accidentally
set off
1. We set off early the next morning.
2. Jeff pushed open the front door, which set off the alarm.
3. Somebody was setting off fireworks down the street.
4. He fears that the election could set off mass protests.
Extremely Silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at
Ridiculous /rɪˈdɪkjʊləs/
-A ridiculous idea
An extremely unpleasant experience, especially one that lasts for a long time
ordeal /ɔː(r)ˈdiːl/
To continue existing or happening for or until a particular time
last /lɑːst/
-The game lasts 80 minutes.
-The hearing is scheduled to last for two weeks.
-The violence lasted until dawn the next morning.
To discuss a problem or a plan.
Talk over
-You both need to talk over what happened that day.
-I know you’re still angry; let’s talk it over tonight.
to meet someone, or to find something by chance. To discover.
Come across
- I came across a word I’d never seen before.
- Have you ever come across such a horrible person in all your life?
Something that is more expensive than it should be
-Our meal in town was a complete rip-off.
In danger or under risk
threatened /ˈθret(ə)nd/
-He felt threatened
-Anger is the natural reaction we experience when we feel threatened or frustrated.
To entry quickly
To hope on
I hopped on the train and the doors closed
If you —- – an offer or a challenge, you accept it.
If you —- – a job, you begin to work at it.
Take up
-96 per cent of the eligible employees took up the offer.
-He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month.
If two people — – —, they like each other and become friendly as soon as they meet.
hit it off
They hit it off straight away.
If you — —- something short such as an address somewhere, you write it down so that you will remember it.
Jot down
Listen carefully to the instructions and jot them down.
If you – —, you leave your home in order to do something enjoyable
go out
I’m going out tonight
When you —-, you smile broadly.
He grins, delighted at the memory
When a coloured object —– or when the light —– it, it gradually becomes paler.
When light —–, it slowly becomes less bright. When a sound —–, it slowly becomes less loud.
Fade /feɪd/
-All colour fades–especially under the impact of direct sunlight.
-The sound of the last bomber’s engines faded into the distance.
If you —, you jump high in the air or jump a long distance.
leap /liːp/
He had leapt from a window in the building and escaped.
leaping - leaped - leapt
The ——- of something is the benefit that you receive as a result of doing or having that thing.
reward /rɪwɔːʳd/
Never give children sweets, biscuits or cakes as a reward for being good.
In danger: used esp of animals in danger of extinction
Endangered /ɪnˈdeɪndʒəd/
The giant panda is an endangered species
If you —– animals or plants, you keep them for the purpose of producing more animals or plants with particular qualities, in a controlled way.
Breed /briːd/
He used to breed dogs for the police
bred - bred