Heal the world, heal ourselves Flashcards
If you talk about the —- —— of a person, company, or product, you are referring to their past performance, achievements, or failures in it.
Track record
Someone who can listen actively and think strategically, then combine these skills to learn.
Quick learner
If someone is – - ——–, they have enough skill and knowledge to be able to use a computer.
IT-literate/ Computer-literate
-We look for applicants who are numerate, computer-literate and energetic self-starters.
If you have a ——— — a subject, you know the basic facts or principles of that subject, especially as a result of a particular course of training or instruction.
Solid grounding in
-Informatics gives students a solid grounding in information systems, statistics, mathematics and computer programming.
If you gain —– or an —– —- a complex situation or problem, you gain an accurate and deep understanding of it.
-The project would give scientists new insights into what is happening to the Earth’s atmosphere.
Employees’ skill who take their work seriously and devote their working hours to going above and beyond what’s required of them.
Strong work ethic
A promise to do something or to behave in a particular way (Noun).
Willing to work hard and give your time and energy to something; believing strongly in something; dedicated (Adjective).
-I’m not ready to make a long-term commitment.
-My employees show great commitment by working late at busy times.
Not opposed to doing something; ready or eager to do something if it is necessary.
Be willing to
-Many consumers are willing to pay more for organic food
-They are willing and able to share their knowledge and experience.
-We’re ready and willing to do everything necessary to meet this challenge.
-I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.
Having strong feelings or emotions
Be passionate about
Needing something
In need of
-My car is in need of repair.
Because of
due to /djuː tu/
owing to/ˈəʊɪŋ tu/
-The game was cancelled due to torrential rain.
Owing to his illness, he could not continue with his studies.
To like, to be interested in (something)
Fond of
-These are good options for people who are fond of helping others.
To have a natural talent for doing something.
To have a knack for
-She has a knack for making people feel comfortable.
-He has a knack for dealing with customers.
Quit. To leave a job or school permanently.
Handing in your notice
-I handed in my notice last week.
(of a person) without a job because there is no more work available for you in a company.
-I’ve been expecting to be made redundant for a year now.
-The programme organizes training for redundant workers.
Eager/enthusiastic: Wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much.
-John was very keen to help.
-I wasn’t too keen on going to the party.
To learn how to do something, especially if it is not obvious or simple.
get the hang of something
-“I’ve never used this program before.” “Don’t worry - you’ll soon get the hang of it.”
-I had never sailed a boat before but by the third day, I was getting the hang of it.
To deal successfully with something difficult.
cope with something /kəʊp/
-He wasn’t able to cope with the stress of the job.
-I am struggling to cope with my heavy workload.
(of work) not considered important; not needing special skills and often boring or badly paid.
-menial jobs/work
-menial tasks like cleaning the floor
(informal) to stop doing something, especially work
knock off | knock off something
-Do you want to knock off early today?
-What time do you knock off work?
-Let’s knock off for lunch.
-All I ever think about is knocking off at three.
A boring way of life that does not change
a rut
-I gave up my job because I felt I was stuck in a rut.
-If you don’t go out and meet new people, it’s easy to get into a rut.
To accept that something is true.
-She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform.
-I have to acknowledge the fact that I am partly responsible.
-It’s a generally acknowledged fact.
To lock the doors of a building or business
Close out
-As the storm approached, everyone began closing up their businesses.
-We need to close out the quarter with strong sales.
“Necesitamos cerrar el trimestre con buenas ventas.”
To find the answer to something
Work out
“Let’s work out this problem.”
“Vamos a encontrar una solución a este problema.”
To employ somebody
Take on
-The company plans to take on new employees next quarter.
“La compañía planea contratar nuevos empleados el próximo trimestre.”
To do somebody’s job for a short time while they are not there.
Fill in for (somebody)
-I will fill in for the absent manager today.
“Hoy reemplazaré al gerente ausente.”