problems and society Flashcards
laws and regulations collocation
pass laws
comply with laws
introduce/bring in regulations, conform to safety regulations, penalties for failure to comply with the regulations
standardise colloc
standardise procedures/processes/systems
adhere to standards
the condition of being morally and legally bound to do sth colloc
have an obligation to
be under(no) an obligations to, a legal/moral obligation
impose/place/fulfil/meet financial/contractual obligations
fulfil professional obligations
take sb in solely out of a sense of obligation
the law imposes certain obligations on public authorities
failure to meet contractual obligations may result in legal action
have a legal obligation to ensure your child receives adequate education
settle contractual disputes, contractual commitments/duties
when you estimate sth
carry out a risk assessment with a view to minimise danger to employees
conduct an annual assessment if, initial/preliminary/thorough assessment
make an assessment of the situation
assessment criteria
evaluate impact/performance/effectiveness on appraise performance
in cooperation with appraise the needs of
when you break law
in breach of the law
infringe the regulations relating to
widespread surveillance infringes on personal liberties, infringe on privacy
flout the rules/traditions/convention
agreement colloc
arrive at an agreement
reach an agreement
permission colloc
seek/obtain permission
be granted/given permission
absolutely essential
of vital/paramount importance, it is vital to, The kidney plays a vital role/part in the removal of waste products from the blood., it is vitally important that, depend vitally on government subsidies ; vitally alive
overriding concern.consideration
it is imperative that standards are maintained
laws and rules collectively
introduce new legislation
take a tougher line
tighten controls/rules
central government has tightened control over local authority spending
… an application
put in
same and boring
faceless bureaucrats
authority colloc
be in a position of considerable authority
exercise authority/greater control over
unnecessary processes and rules
red tape
cut through the red tape
hampered by red tape
excessive red tape
the usual way of doing sth
defy/flout/break with convention
convention dictates that
hold annual party convention, sign/ratify a convention
- defy teachers/parents/the majority decision/the laws
defy belief/description/explanation
defy sb to do sth
increase in size
swell up
swell its ranks
very valuable-
invaluable experience/advice
prove invaluable to/for
invaluable asset/contribution/resource
waste colloc and key phrases
disposal of household waste is daunting task for local authorities
dump waste
toxic chemicals/waste to be dumped into the river
household waste contains many materials and substances which are extremely harmful to the environment and authorities need long-term, solutions
toxic waste
down in the dumps
environment colloc
conserve/preserve/protect the environment
concern abt the environment, damage/destroy/harm the environment, a risk/pose a serious threat to the environment
business/commercial/retail environment, office/workplace, evaluate the impact of pesticides of the environment
chemicals have a detrimental effect/impact on the env.
avert an environmental catastrophe on a global scale
tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental problems
env. issues/concern/challenges/effect/impact/science/technology/cleanup
use sth again
recycle waste/goods
plastic bottles can be recycled into a myriad other products
the health of the population as a whole
public health
a risk to public health
list some of the consequences of the climate change
climate change is the most urgent issue facing us today
the changing weather patterns, searing heat, soar temperatures, suffer a widespread flooding on a regular basis
inevitably have a detrimental impact on biodiversity
dire consequences, in the face of irreversible climate change, oil supplies will run dry(run out)
quest for wealth/riches
generate the refuse
CO2 plays a critical role in maintaining the balance in the Earth’s atmosphere and the air that we breathe, however/notwithstanding, excessive amounts of CO2 present in the atmosphere are detrimental to the environment
grasp the magnitude of the problem
dwindling funds/population/resources, severely depleted stocks, cash and carry outlets rely on a rapid turnover of stock, replenish stock of wine, turnover of stock
a drastic decline/drop/reduction in
shrinking habitats pose a threat to biodiversity, in terms of both plants and animals, and endangered species will require legal protection if they’re to survive
CO2 emissions from the burning of fossil fuels are contributing to the greenhouse effect; In addition, rapid population growth exerts severe pressure on finite resources, and the ecological balance may be upset by uncontrolled deforestation
demographic projections suggest the world population will continue to grow exponentially, putting extra pressure on depleting resources
safe water may become an increasingly precious commodity, leading to issues of water security
pervasive feeling of doom and gloom
Our high living standards cause our current population to consume 25 percent of the world’s oil.
Most of their manufactured products are consumed domestically.
The software consumes huge amounts of internet bandwidth.( be consumed by/with)
profound effect on, bring about profound changes, profound implications(profound truths/wisdoms)
coral reefs form some of the world’s most productive and fascinating ecosystems, providing complex and varied marine habitats that support a wide range of other organismsA`
tackle climate change
recycle waste/products- plastic bottles can be recycled into a myriad other products
tough measures to tackle road congestion and env. pollution
reduce carbon footprint
in the face of irreversible climate change, call for urgent action on climate change, climate change talks/summit, a climate change sceptic
reduce food miles by buying/purchasing local produce
offset carbon emissions, offset long-haul flights, purchase an offset when booking flights
vehicle emissions
hybrid cars, develop alternative energy sources, solar heating/panels/cells, harness solar energy,
construct offshore wind farms
renewable energy, green taxes and incentives to encourage eco-friendly design in architecture
it’s absolutely vital that everyone plays their part in combating climate change
many of the Earth’s crises are chronic and inexorably linked
chronic disease/pain/shortage of/economic problems, the inexorable progress of science
the air is polluted by emissions produced by…
grasp the magnitude/significance/importance of
explore alternative energy sources
disposable plates/razors/syringe/high-tech gadget
the market no longer offers disposable plastic bags at checkout
replace imported oil with biofuels produced from homegrown materials
efforts to promote the use of biodiesel, distributed at filling stations nationally
clearly, many hurdles stand in the way of making such biofuels commercially viable
it is problematic to forecast whether powering our vehicles with crop derivatives will ever be a truly economic proposition
nevertheless, it is not too early to ponder what impact the widespread adoption of biofuel would have on our environment
consequently, the burden on freshwater supplies and the general disruption that would accompany such a switch in fuel sources would be immense
wean oneself off petroleum fuels
cultivation of oil palms demands a tropical climate, and its large-scale production is a significant factor in the ongoing destruction
dire threat to the dwindling population of
the advantage of efficient technology and low-cost feedstock;
widely recognised as having the potential to meet the demands of a biodiesel-based transportation fleet without devastating the natural habitats/landscape
treat the vast/huge quantities of nutrient\laden water which runs off from adjacent farm land
view prospect as dim,
take drastic action/measures/steps, drastic changes/cuts
adopt a policy of sustainable development
conserve a finite reserve of fossil fuel that should be conserved
increase and be high
house prices soar
sales are soaring
be offset by , offset against tax
profits and losses on each investment tend to offset each other
improvement or development of sth
- the advances made by humans have made us the dominant species on our planet; recent advances in the medical field, the advance of floodwaters, represent a major advance in, the advance of the digital age, economic/technological advance, be engaged in the task of restraining the advance of the pound/dollar
- to advance career/position; to advance greatly in knowledge, considerably advance, to advance the cause of
- early = provide advance notice, advance warning, advance payment, to pay an advance
- in advance
the greatest
the dominant issue/market share
merit careful consideration
for a small consideration- a sum of money
however, several eminent scientist are concerned that our way of life is putting an unprecedented strain on the Earth’s ecosystems and threatening our future as a species
witness environmental destruction on an environmental scale, reach an unprecedented level, take the unprecedented step of, on an unprecedented /unparalleled scale
demanding and hard
we’re confronting environmental problems that are more taxing than ever before, some of which seemingly insoluble
insoluble- insurmountable
we must face the fact that some problems are insoluble
insurmountable difficulties/problems/obstacles/tasks
base on sth
premise your argument on several incorrect assumptions; calculation is premised on the idea that
emissions colloc
cut/limit/reduce emissions, emission reductions
hybrid vehicles significantly reduce the emission of pollutants
hybrid vehicles reduce the emissions of pollutants
use up
exhaust a supply/resources/stock/every possibility/option/reserves
car exhaust
through acid rain and greenhouse gases exhaust fumes can have a devastating impact in our climate
when soil erodes
soil/coastal erosion: the survey reveals a gradual erosion of support, price/jobs erosion
the soil is contaminated by factories and power stations which deposit heavy metals in the soil; other human activities such as intensive farming and agriculture take their toll on the quality of the soil; deforestation has been linked with soil erosion
new and untouched
pristine condition
become immune to sth
pervasive influence, all-pervasive corruption
do you prefer living in the city or in the countryside?why?
useful phrases:(city)
in the bustling centre you can enjoy high-quality urban living, with reliable public transport
crowded streets, hectic pace of life, hail a taxi
extensive grounds/repairs/knowledge/coverage/plans
rustic charm of life in the back of beyond, the unblemished charm of rustic life has been a perennial source of inspiration
in the back of beyond
a rural/pastoral idyll
an economic backwater, a quiet backwater in the middle of nowhere
unspoilt /surrounding countryside, flock to the countryside , unspoilt and pristine beaches
a rural/ a bleak urban landscape, a barren/rugged landscape
a mountain/fishing village, Many people come from the outlying/surrounding villages to work in the town.
Because I live in a remote village, I regard my car as an essential.
a hectic schedule/day/week/lifestyle/growth/expansion
a rigid steel and concrete structure
be rigid with fear
bored rigid
improve life in inner city
urban regeneration/decay/development/centre/community/area/sprawl
the high-speed train link is responsible for one of the biggest urban regeneration projects in the area
the council is committed to a programme of urban regeneration
key features of the plan include the restoration of derelict buildings and a tree-planting scheme/initiative
a restoration plan/work/project
at the top of agenda is economic development in inner cities
inner city area/schools/communities/regeneration/revitalization
a substantial increase in the number of residential dwellings in the town centre will ease the problem of congested roads and night-time crime
recreational facilities within walking distance
homelessness is on the increase
leafy suburbs and a desirable place to live
a redevelopment project/program/scheme, urban/city centre redevelopment
be demolished/targeted for redevelopment
urban regeneration redistributes opportunities, increasing urban prosperity and overall quality of life; urban regeneration initiatives are complex, access to services and active involvement of local residents to promote local economic development, where public space is a key element of interventions
carry out in a residential area without detriment to amenities
in bad condition
a derelict site, stand/lie derelict
having enough money to live , pay off debts
keep/stay afloat
many retailers are struggling to stay afloat because they expanded beyond their capabilities
money you earn
a source of income(primary), supplement your income
account colloc
open/close an account( a current account), pay money into an account, joint/separate account, a joint bank account, savings account,
= an account of travel expenses incurred by an employee must be submitted for reimbursement together with receipts
= give/keep an account of,
= by/from all accounts
= be of no/little account
= account to sb for sth-explain
= take into account
= on no account- never
= leave sth out of account - leave issues such as sustainability out of account
= there’s no accounting for taste
= turn sth to good account
= on account of
- on one’s account
debt colloc
get into debt, clear your debts
run up/pay off a debt (huge debts), be in debt to the bank, be deep in debt, amass/incur a debt of,
when applying for a loan, customers may be required to prove their ability to repay the debt
settle a debt
service debts
be burdened/saddled with crippling debts
consumer debt is soaring, with record-level defaults on credit card
the conglomerate is in debt
fall into debt
clear outstanding debts
pay back loans
a debt-ridden country/economy
how to save money
cut down on luxuries
seek advice
spend a fortune
run up a bill
credit card colloc
a credit-card debt, make a payment, on no account exceed the agreed credit limit
borrow heavily to repay debts
credit-card fraud has reached an all-time high, identity theft is on the increase
amount of money that a customer with a bank
account is temporarily allowed to owe to the bank
run up/increase an overdraft
offer an interest-free overdraft
offer overdraft facilities on an account
a borrowing/credit facility
have an overdraft
arrange am overdraft
pay interest if your account is overdrawn
the amount overdrawn is within the authorized overdraft limit
overdraw account by
an overdraft occurs when sth is withdrawn in excess of what is a current account
money/finances problems
spend a fortune
run up a bill
falsify record and make fraudulent claims for travel expenses
put down a deposit on,
if borrowers default on repayments, banks are obliged to call in loans
interest rate colloc
high/low, cut/raise, rising/falling, fluctuations, a rise in the i.r., variable/fixed
charge an .. of
when you don’t pay on time
default, the recession has been accompanied by a (concomitant) rise in the incidence of defaults on loans
in default of any better alternative,
loan defaults
deteriorating economy pushed defaults to..
default choice
accept that some money has been lost
write off debts on the promise of new cost-cutting measures
a write-off - sth/sb worthless and unimportant
large (talking abt money or prices)
hefty returns/dividends/increase/rise/debt/profit/fines/discount
government finances
the financial liabilities of the government sector, a deficit occurs when a government’s expenditures exceed revenues
causes of government debt accumulation
put in place sweeping fiscal measures
inflation collocations
measures to curb inflation have proven highly successful
high/low/moderate inflation, falling/rising/accelerating inflation, a surge/increase/rise in inflation, a decline/fall/reduction in inflation, fuel/push up, the overall rate of inflation
keep pace with inflation, outstrip supply/demand
output in the sector has increased, but has been outstripped by service sector growth
a surge in house prices, profits surge
rampant inflation, inflation currently stands at
economic situation
current economic climate
invest colloc
invest for the long-term, stocks are regarded as good long-term investments, maintain current level of investment, make a significant investment in, the need to attract foreign investment