leisure and lifestyle Flashcards
a visit that doesn’t last long
come on a flying visit
SPRING collocation
spring a surprise on, spring out of bed/into action/to your feet/to sb’s defence, to spring from, businesses spring up (appear), spring the news on, the town/city springs to life, spring to mind
…. your diet
stick to your diet
time where people can give their complete attention to each other
spend quality time
come for a short time
put in/make an appearance
a brief and very busy visit
whirlwind visit
non-stop set of social activities
constant social whirl
be swept up in the social whirl
publicly ask or demand
call for
desperate times call for desperate measures
call for a celebration, call for an inquiry/investigation/resignation
hold an event
play host to
take out for dinner and drink
wine and dine
a social event
attend a formal function/official/social functions
Studies suggest that regular intake of the vitamin significantly improves brain function
the increased availability of part-time jobs is a function of the structural changes in the labour market
to function as an educational centre; a unique ability to function as a platform for a variety of programs
place where a public event or meeting happens
the perfect venue for
provide the perfect venue for the concert in aid of the famine victims
a talk without any importance , useless
idle chatter
to talk to sb in a polite way(formal)
exchange pleasantries
to gossip
share juicy gossip
when there are a lot of rumour
rumours/remarks fly around
HAVE conversation(collocations)
engage in conversation
carry on/hold
to get closer with sb
open your heart
… an argument
subject collocations (talk)
broach the subject, drop/change/bring up the subject
to place too much emphasis on sth
overstate your case
ask a lot of questions
bombard with question
a barrage of questions
ply with question
to talk in a broad and vague way
make broad generalisations
promise collocations
opening remarks
opening gambit
officially announce an election
call election
from office
win a small majority
secure slim majority
… independence. … defeat
declare, humiliating
present show of unity
preserve family unity, a call for national unity
… a regime
… victory, … power
proclaim, seize
… a speech
nationwide collocations
carry out a nationwide search, nationwide survey/network/chain of stores, call for a nationwide strike, available nationwide
schools nationwide are experiencing a shortage of teachers
consumer spending is down nationwide
trouble …
breaks out
… clues
call off-
the search, call off an event
… reward
recovery collocations
recovery of the money, show signs of recovery, make a full recovery, economic/stark market recovery, solid/slow/strong recovery, a recovery begins/continues/progresses
test collocations
a test of strength, test powers of endurance, a test of skill
enter into..
talks, an agreement
… agreement
reach agreement, broker an agreement
a dispute …
… demonstrations
settlement collocations
negotiate a settlement, reach a peaceful settlement of the conflict, reach an out-of-court settlement, the settlement of debt, enclose a cheque in settlement of your claim
surround - …
the park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged
act as a mediator
act as a go-between
mediate in the dispute, mediate between, mediate a dispute/conflict
mediate an end to a dispute/crisis/strike /a solution/settlement/compromise
set up a tribunal to mediate and arbitrate disputes
Over the past few days, efforts have continued to mediate an end to the strike.
give in to
bow to pressure
most popular time of day for watching tv
prime time television
… a press conference
a sudden illegal, often violent, taking of government power, especially by part of an army:
military coup takes place
difference of opinion
rifts heal
Previous rifts between rival ministers would appear to have been healed.
extreme or without self-respect
issue an abject apology
abject misery/poverty/failure/terror
unruly and lawless
disorderly behaviour/conduct
completely refuse
refuse point-blank, a point-blank refusal
fire at point-blank range
GIVE an explanation
provide an explanation
reveal private and sensitive information
make damaging disclosures/public disclosure
in the light of the recent disclosures and allegations
misleading info/statements, create a misleading impression, mislead the electorate
public pronouncement
endemic mistrust of the politicians’ pronouncement ; take a more optimistic view of economic recovery in public pronouncement
make sth clear
clarify a debate/your position
some further clarification of your position is required
refuse to say sth/be silent abt sth
decline to comment
decline an offer, go into a decline, a decline in the number of, be on the decline/in decline, decline sharply/dramatically/gradually/steadily, reverse the decline
start talking abt sth again
re-open the debate/discussion/enquiry/investigation
it emerged that, emerge from, evidence emerges
make a stand against sth
be committed to taking a firm stance on/against
adopt/take a stance
a stance against/in/towards/alter/maintain a stance
stance on the issue
a moral/fiscal/ethical//an official/public stance
… reject
flatly reject
… ill (extremely)
… a statement
keep sb posted -
provide regular updates on
ASK FOR permission
be allowed to do sth
be given leave to
test the response
cause speculation
a person who disagrees
strong opponent
make a plea
insignificant comment
take issue with
gauge reaction
excite/fuel speculation
air a grievance
a dissenting voice
vociferous opponent
a passionate entreaty
a throwaway comment/culture/society
violin - (with colloc)
fiddle , play the fiddle; insurance/tax fiddle, fiddle the books/accounts/figures, be on the fiddle; it’s a real fiddle to, fiddle with sth, fiddle about
fit as a fiddle
all collocations(verbs ) with festival
falls on, celebrates, hold an unusual festival, observe the festival, join in the festivities
keep up
uphold the annual tradition,
tradition colloc (traditional)
dates back to, wear traditional dress, the age-old tradition, break with tradition, according to long-standing tradition,
a proud tradition of raising funds for charity
the event marks the beginning of the festive season
rich coll
rich in vitamins/vocabulary, rich and complex history, rich tradition,
when a celebration isn’t on a fixed day
movable feast
cultural heritage, these monuments are a vital part of the cultural heritage
display colloc
an impressive display of unity and goodwill, display of affection/emotion, put on a fireworks display
get married colloc 2
get hitched, tie the knot
what you say during a toast
join in the matrimony, propose a toast, raise your glasses, wedded bliss
cosmetics and fashion collocations(face, hair, wrinkles)
for long-lasting colour and to treat sun-damaged hair; anti-aging properties; clinically proven to banish wrinkles ; flawless complexion; daily application of the luxury cream, fine lines, bring out the natural highlights
feel peckish , stave off hunger
unique and unmatched
exclusive colloc
an exclusive part of town/club, exclusive use/interview/access
exclusive to : the problem isn’t exclusive to ;exclusive concern with/focus on, exclusive of - not including - the total is exclusive of services charges incurred by you;mutually exclusive -impossible at the same time
highlight coll
highlight concern/problems/highlight the fact that/the need for
fashion vocab
glossy magazines, what’s in fashion, designer label clothes, high-street fashion, launch a new collection, set the trend, a stunning range of , hit the high street, a fashion victim
instantly set the trends which have quickly been taken up and adapted for the mass market
luxury coll
a luxury brand/hotel, buy yourself little luxuries from time ; a day off work is such a luxury
flawless performance/skin/accent
to travel somewhere and back
with colloc
the daily commute, commute from.. to.., commuter route, a long/short commute, commute between, commuter train, commuter town
link collocation
direct/clear/strong link between; build/establish/strengthen links, links with sb, business/trade links; a bus/rail/road link, transportation links; by video link, a phone link; launch a scheme to upgrade the road links; local transport links, link up with sb
cultivate links with sb, retain strong links with, represent a vital link between
high-speed rail link,
a scrap of evidence linking him with
talk about traffic
get stuck in traffic, traffic gridlock, traffic congestion at peak periods, rush hour traffic
a road that you have to pay to use
toll road
a time when there is a lot of demand
rush hour, rush hour traffic, in the/during rush hour
peak time/hours/periods, the peak holiday season, peak and off-peak rates, meet peak demand, at its peak, be above, below the peak, reach/hit a peak , prices reach a peak, at the peak of your career
maintenance work
engineering works
replacement colloc
take a replacement bus service, the replacement of existing computer equipment, in urgent need of replacement; a permanent/ temporary replacement
cycling colloc
cycle network, cycle lanes
network colloc
road/rail network, a network of contacts, distribution network, a network of … branches, the railway network
A subway is a network of interconnected train lines running underneath the city.
Communications tools and networks had become essential to success.
distribution colloc
the distribution of goods between; distribution costs, a map showing distribution of global population, aim to achieve a more equitable distribution of resources/wealth; handle the distribution, expand marketing and distribution capabilities
full of (people) -
overcrowded, packed trains
be packed with sth vitamins/information
abandon a plan
scrap your plans /a law/policy
a scrap of paper/evidence
scrap metal, sell a car for scrap
transportation problems (prices, conditions,traffic)
fare rises, train strikes
face a hike in fares for services which are constantly running late
detours cause lengthy tailbacks and bring traffic to a standstill
how to improve modern transportation ?
invest in infrastructure, provide more local transport services, encourage car-sharing programmes and park-and-ride schemes to cut traffic jams/queues, the congestion charge helps to reduce traffic and improve air quality; develop/finance/initiate/launch road-building programmes have aimed to/with the aim of alleviate(alleviating) bottlenecks in key area(initiate extensive programmes)
a person/company that runs a business
tour operator
to reduce traffic - or to
ease traffic congestion
ease colloc
ease of use, with ease, put/set at ease, for ease of access
ease the problem/pain/tension, feel at ease , ease sb’s mind,
ease up- do work with moderation , ease off - abate; the rain didn’t ease off until.., ease up on sb
to shut down a building
face closure
road closures
be threatened with closure, branch/factory closure
when you want to do sth
thirst for adventure/knowledge
collapse from thirst/a raging thirst
tiring and requiring a lot of effort
set out/embark on an arduous journey
the unique footage reveals the harshness of her arduous journey
to stop travelling for a short time
break the journey
have a stopover/make a brief stopover in
out tickets to Australia included a stopover for two nights in Singapore
place of interest
with colloc
the sights
the town’s historic sights are striking;
keep sight of, a real sight(messy), at the sight of, out of sight, come into sights, within sight of, catch/lose sight of, can’t bear the sights of, at first, set your sights on sth
they turned off the main road and caught sight of the cottage/ the debate is more complex than it seems at first sight; she saw them off, waving until the car was out of sight
do the sights in record time
low-cost airline airline/flights/carriers, provide low-cost housing, low -cost energy
when you wait to get the tickets until the very last minute
put sb on standby , a standby flight/seat, fly standby
a long hike
go trekking, do a trek
go trekking through the mountains
where there aren’t many tourists
off the beaten track
the guide took us off the beaten track
an intrepid explorer
a brief period
the current spell of dry weather/sunny spells/for a spell, have a brief spells as, dizzy spells
raise the tone/be excited
boost the spirits
boost confidence/morale, boost the economy/production/productivity, boost profits/dividends/prices, benefit from a boost in sales,
introduce a range of measures to boost tourism
high spirits
an unexplored area
a beautiful mountain wilderness
an unexplored area
a beautiful mountain wilderness
describe nature
sheer epic grandeur, have a special charm
be alert
keep your eyes peeled
stretch colloc
your budget doesn’t quite stretch to
stretch across the horizon, stretch for miles, weather will stretch from … to, stretch as far as the eye can see,
be stretched to the breaking point, fully stretched, stretch to the limits, stretch the rules
lie stretched out, stretch out your hand
a stretch of coast/river/forest
when you doze off
let the rhythmic motion and the dull rumbles of the train lull you to sleep
the first part of the journey-
with colloc
the first/;final leg of the journey, the last leg of the race
pull sb’s leg, have legs
weather talk
face severe weather conditions
some longed-for sunny spells have boosted the spirits of … hoping to set a polar trekking record
2 travel and adv. sentences
i’d always had a thirst for adventure and often get itchy feet so I could hardly contain my excitement when I set off for South Africa for a whole year.
the guide took us off the beaten track and I felt like an intrepid explorer from another century in some unexplored wilderness
GIVE tips-
present essential tips for those heading off the beaten track
go back to sth
revert to wilderness; revert to doing sth
unexplored and risky
previously uncharted territory/water, venture into uncharted seas,
novel problems arising from the uncharted area of the research
a place where you are trained
try out a training camp
sports that involve active moving
extreme sports
do several extreme sports like white-water rafting and rock climbing
when you begin to like sth
acquire a taste for sth, it grows on you
collocations describing physical condition
be pretty fit, keep your balance, keep in shape
to understand sth
get the hang of it
do sth challenging
take up the challenge
PUSH collocations
push yourself to the limits - make a considerable effort
- push hard/through/ahead, push up-grow
- push for -demand
- push the boat out- be extravagant
- push on - continue one’s journey
- persuade with force- push sb into doing sth, push sb through sth, push sb for sth/to do sth, push yourself - work harder,
- push in - they scowled at him because they thought he was trying to push in at the head of the queue
- push ahead with sth- proceed: he undertook to push ahead with the economic reform
- (noun) give the swing a push, at the push of the button,
-a determined attempt to get an advantage over other companies in business: make a major push to achieve sth, make a big push/expand into new markets
- encouragement : need a gentle push
- be given the push/get the push - be dismissed
- be pushed for time/money, be hard pushed to do sth- find it difficult to do
- push the luck
have a great time
have a whale of a time
jump at the chance - to
leap at it
gather strength/courage
summon up the courage/energy to do sth
to order someone to come to or be present at a particular place, or to officially arrange a meeting of people:
summon sb , be summoned to be somewhere- request the presence of, summon medical assistance
convene - summon a meeting
a state of very strong emotion
reach/be at fever pitch
a victory won by a large margin
secure a convincing victory
also: convincing argument/explanation/evidence(put forward cogent argument, incontrovertible proof/evidence)
go on the pitch
take the field
field colloc
the school playing/sports field,
- area of interest - the field of science, be in the same field - work in the same capacity, be outside your field, field of expertise, in this field , a pioneer in the field of biotechnology
- be ahead of the field - competition, we have a strong field today
- to field questions/queries- deal with
question synonyms
queries- a query abt , answer queries
i have a query abt the second item on the agenda
to query whether
to play well, colloc with defence
put up a determined performance, break through the formidable defence
punishment -
- award a penalty kick, miss a penalty
- pay a penalty of, a penalty clause, impose/face/incur/without penalty
- carry a penalty of up to five years in prison, maximum penalty for, on penalty of arrest
- pay a heavy penalty for doing sth, the economic penalties in the short term outweigh its profitability in the long-term
a lot of
a raft of measures/government initiatives, introduce a whole raft of guidelines
consider doing sth
toy with an idea
as you know, for some time now we’ve been toying with the idea of…
a means of solving a problem
a long-term/short-term solution
as a long-term solution to the problem of …
the sale of goods to the public
a retail outlet, a major/clothing/high-street/fast-food/ retail, the retail trade/price, local/online retail
to retail - to sell
retail at/for - be sold at
retailers respond to growing consumer demand, retail profits/business
- an outlet pipe, a waste water outlet; news/media outlet
- provide an outlet for, find an outlet, a form of emotional outlet
introduce , reveal
unveil a plan/policy/proposal
increase sth, usually support
drum up support/enthusiasm/interest
drum up business/sales
when your plans change
there’s been a slight change of plans
to do that you were recommended or advised to do
act on a suggestion, act on information/advice
the board of directors will act on findings in the report
there have been concerns as to why the board didn’t act on …
the necessary details
work out the logistics
hire a logistics company to help cut costs, oversee the logistics of, 30 percent of turnover went to pay for logistics and distribution
to do or perform something, especially in a planned way:
implement a plan/policy/measure/change/programme
in order to implement a plan, you need to draw up a schedule and stick to that schedule
execute a deal/plan, execute with great precision, execute a series of financial deals
put sth into practice, intend to put these proposals into practice
- tool/garden implements
not certain or fixed
make a tentative suggestion/ reach a tentative agreement/deal/plan
the proposals are tentative and are subject to bargaining
set in motion
launch a scheme/campaign
get sth underway : the festival gets underway on 11 July/ preparations are underway / economic recovery is already underway/ recruitment is well underway
exercise restraint/caution/your right, exercise the option to do sth, learn to exercise patience, , exercise a choice, exercise power/influence/control over sth
the exercise of professional skill/authority,
a cost-cutting exercise(efforts to reduce costs) /an exercise in public relations, set out guidelines on the exercise of your rights
exercise discretion
leave sth to sb’s judgement
leave to sb’s discretion, leave a decision to sb’s discretion, at sb’s discretion, at the discretion of, broad /considerable discretion, be given discretion to do sth, use discretion to do sth
be the soul of discretion, carry sth out with the utmost discretion- circumspection, caution
incident, event
cover for any eventuality, all eventualities, every eventuality, anticipate every eventuality
available options
options open to us
element, component
a key/significant/major/critical/crucial/deciding factor, be regarded as the key factor in the outcome of, a contributing factors
in preparation for
in anticipation of
eager anticipation
do sth necessary for sth else
lay the groundwork , do the necessary groundwork
… a decision
reach, arrive at, come to
to reject
declare outright opposition /hostility to a plan,
be in opposition to, take no heed of public opposition
to meet with considerable opposition
the opposition between public and the private domains
reject sth/dismiss out of hand
useful and productive
constructive criticism, a constructive meeting/dialogue/discussion
listening to constructive criticism of certain aspects of your work would help you to make the most of your potential
excitement and anxiety
as the suspense builds up, keep sb in suspense, the suspense is killing me, a gradual build-up of suspense, can’t bear the suspense
chain, series
set off an amazing chain of events, a series of events, initiate a chain of events
sequence of events
a particular sequence in which you have to perform these tasks
in chronological sequence
a gruelling sequence of exercises
fascinating -( 5 phrases)
a gripping story/book/movie
hold sb’s attention
fire sb’s imagination
startling originality
awaken sb’s interest
a brave and risky thing to do
a bold experiment
to have an actor in your movie
cast sb as, be cast in the role of
highly skilled
show yourself as an exceptionally accomplished actor
a consummate professional/lier/skill/artist
carry off
against the odds, he’s carried it off
make your way
when a movie has a lot of stars
star-studded cast, all-star cast
impressive and remarkable
give a dazzling display of your talents
dazzling performance
dazzling good looks/smile
a dazzling light
be dazzled by the sunlight/by sb-amazed
positive reviews
give glowing reviews
receive glowing reviews
pay a glowing tribute to
a total disaster
unmitigated disaster
to mitigate the effects/impact of
mitigating factor
mitigate risks/problems/damade
influence colloc
recommend colloc
strongly/heavily influenced by
highly/thoroughly recommend
when you have a good reputation
people think highly of you
considerable/well-deserved reputation
impression colloc
make a lasting/an indelible impression on
a lasting peace, long-lasting effects friendhsip
CREATE an atmosphere-
evoke memories, evoke a sense of
when a movie is very successful
a box-office hit/success
little colloc
a little-known fact, little did…,
little better than - not much better, almost the same
make little of
of little consequence
little by little
extol the virtues/benefits of; extol the virtues of rice
pay tribute to
floral tributes, tributes pour in