problematic tings early weimar Flashcards
timeline of events at end of war:
- 3rd Nov ‘18: Kiel Naval base mutiny and sailors seize ctonrol
- 4th, spreads to city. workers councils est everywhere
- 6th: workers coouncils everywhere
- 9th: spd tells Berlin workers to go on strike demand abdication within 24hrs. Prince Max of Baden announced abdication, though it hadn’t happened
- 9th: Friedrich Ebert chancellor, Scheidemann declares a republic from balcony, General Groener tells Kaiser no army support
- ebert lacks authority beyond berlin
- 11th: Armistice
When was the Ebert-Groener Pact?
Nov 10th, 1918
Which protests did the army put down?
- 6th Dec Spartacist protest shot at, 16 dead
- 23-4 Dęć: Sailors revolt in Berlin put down
- 6th Jan ‘19: Spartacist uprising put down after 1 week
what did the government accept on the 22nd nov?
that it only excercises power in the name of the советс
When was the first election?
19th Jan 1919
How many times did Ebert use Article 48?
136 times
When did the conference of Versailles begin?
Jan ‘19
When did Germans get to see the terms of the peace treaty?
7th may ‘19
How did Germans see the Tofv?
as a diktat?
What were the requirements of the TofV on disarmament?
- Germany surrender all heavy weaponry
- remove Rhineland forts
- army limited to 100k
- Navy limited to 15k
-No Air force, submarines, or battleships - Saarland occupied by LoN for 15 years, coal supplied to France, Belgium and Italy for reparations.
What happened to the Rhine
Demilitarised left bank, right bank 50km. Allied army of occupation to ensure.
Stats on territorial losses:
- 13% of territory lost
- all colonies
- alsace-lorraine
- danzig: parts of east Prussia/pomerania
- silesia
- 75% iron ore
- 68% zinc
- 26% coal
- 15% arable farmland
when was the Franco-belgian invasion of the Ruhr?
jan ‘23
what did the franco-belgians do?
- expelled 150k
- output 1/5th in may ‘23 compared to may ‘22
- 132 germans shot
When did Germany start seeing economic trouble
- Jan ‘22 amd Feb postponements of rep payments
- July suspension request
- November request for 500m DM loan and 3-4 year pause for currency stabilisation.
Reasons for economic troubles
No gold, coal lost, hostile manufacturers, couldn’t increase currency reserves due to confiscation of merchan fleet
Unemployment rate in the 20s
1.8%, GB had 17&
How was Left-wing power exhibited?
- 50k army formed in Ruhr
When was the spartacist revolution?
5th jan 19