Problem 7: Career choices & theories Flashcards
Boundaryless career and facets, but influence?
Boundaryless career: agency and communion –> interdependence, but good for people who have stable jobs –> rich get richer
career anchor
are of the self concept so central that people refuse to give up even when faced with difficult choices
social network theory
you need structural holes and weak ties (need to know a lot of people but not be too close to them)
psychological contract
relational & transactional: long term relationship built on trust vs. short term economic exchange
contract breach vs contract violation
breach is breaking the contract, violation is deliberately breaking the contract
super’s 4 stages of the career
1) exploration of self and work
2) establishment
3) maintenance
4) disengagement
Levinson’s idea on stages:
there are 3 stages (early, middle, late), each phase has its own stable and transitional periods
nicholson’s 4 stages
1) preparation
2) encounter
3) adjustment
4) stabilisation
stability of interests
interests are more stable than personality
person-environment fit theory
job satisfaction and performance is a functional congruence between personal attributes and the environment (supported)
RIASEC model
realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising and conventional jobs
three factor model
ideas - data
people - thing
response bias
gottfredson ideas on vocational choices
they are determined by circumscription and compromise = self beliefs mainly, you look for a job that matches what you think of yourself
trait complex theory
integrating individual differences to maximise our understanding and prediction of learning outcomes, therefore also integrating multiple measurement methods
trait complexes
social, clerical, science and intellectual
career types
-linear career
-steady state career
-spiral career
-transitory career
career plateau
point where a career peaks and is unlikely to develop any further
career development interventions
-systematic efforts
-seek hobbies outside jobs
-lateral movements within the company
2-step process to changing your career:
change field OR change occupation (not both at once)