Problem 3 Flashcards
Refers to a psychotic disorder that involves a breakdown in the relation between
a) thought
b) emotion
c) behaviour
–> that leads to faulty perception + inappropriate actions and feelings and a withdrawal from reality + personal relationships
Prevalence of schizophrenia ?
1. 0.5-2% general pop. prevalence
2. Develops in late adolescence/ early adulthood
3. Slight ethnic differences may occur due to differences in socioeconomic status
There are 3 types of schizophrenic symptoms.
Name them.
1. Positive symptoms/adding qualities
a) Delusions
b) Hallucinations
c) Disorganized thought or speech
d) Catatonic behavior
2. Negative symptoms/ loosing qualities
a) affective flattening
b) alogia
c) avolition
3. Cognitive deficits
a) attention
b) WM
c) abstract thinking
Gender differences surrounding schizophrenia ?
1. Men have an earlier age of onset than women
2. Men experience a more serious form of it with more negative symptoms, women are hospitalized less
–> differences are not yet understood
Men with schizophrenia tend to show more severe deficits in language than women.
Why ?
Language is controlled more bilaterally in women
–> as it is more localized in men their deficits are larger
People with schizophrenia show deficits in basic cognitive processes.
Name them.
1. WM
–> holding + manipulating info, thus more difficult to ignore irrelevant info and making connections between relevant ones
2. Attention span
–> early marker of the risk for schizophrenia
Prodromal vs residual symptoms
–> present before people go into acute phase of schizophrenia
–> present after they emerge from acute phase
=> during these phases people may have unusual but not delusional beliefs, milder version
Are environmental factors important when it comes to schizophrenia ?
1. Obstetric complications e.g. premature birth, low birth weight, etc may have an effect on brain development
2. Social Isolation
3. Migrant status
4. Urban life
–> patients with supportive parents do much better than those with hostile ones
Can drug abuse cause schizophrenia ?
evidence suggests that patients with established schizophrenia smoke more cannabis than the general population
Is early recognition of the onset of schizophrenia important ?
the longer the period of untreated psychosis, the worse the outcome
How does longterm management work in primary care ?
- A GP will exclusively look after 6 patients
- Once recovered from an acute episode of schizophrenia, he should remain on prophylactic (vorbeugend) doses of antipsychotic for 1-2 years
3. When symptom free, the drug dose can be gradually reduced
- When there are signs of relapse the dose has to be increased again
Which psychological treatments can help ameliorate schizophrenia symptoms ?
1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
–> should be provided for at least 10 sessions over 3 months
2. Family therapy
–> improves communication between family members
3. Psychoeducation
–> can reduce relapse
What is the prognosis for schizophrenia ?
1. 50-80% of people who have previously been hospitalized, will be so again
2. Life expectancy is 10 years shorter
3. Suffer from infectious diseases for unclear reasons
4. No progressive detoriation
–> stabilization within 5-10 years with no relapse
Structural + functional brain abnormalities of schizophrenic patients.
1. Enlarged ventricles
–> suggests deterioration in other brain tissue
2. Lower volume density of neurons in
a) PFC
–> less active, connects to the other regions mentioned
b) temporal lobe
c) basal ganglia
d) limbic area
3. Hippocampus
Cognitive factors contributing to schizophrenia
Schizophrenic people try to conserve their already limited cognitive resources, by using biases/schemas to understand the load of info they receive
–> delusions arise as a consequence of trying to explain different phenomena