Problem 1 Flashcards
TBS order
Can be imposed upon mentally disordered adult offenders who are
1. considered not responsible or of diminished responsibility for their offense
2. who are perceived as a severe danger to others or society
–> involves diminished sentence and mandatory hospitalization
What is “” ?
It refers to a case law database of the netherlands
BUT: only a small proportion of the total number of criminal cases that come before the courts each year are published
(Measure of Placement in an Institution for Habitual offenders)
Aims to diminish serious crime by persistent, habitual adult offenders due to substance abuse
- can be imposed by the court for a max of 2 years
mandatory placement in an institution for habitual offenders
* when possibilities for behavioral change + reduction for criminal recidivism are perceived, a treatment offer is made to the offender
(Measure of Placement in an Institution for Juveniles)
Is intended for criminal juveniles (12-18y) with a development disorder or psychological/psychiatric problems
–> aims to reintegrate juveniles into society by resocialization
Neuropsychology may be helpful to law in several ways.
Name 5 of them.
1. Assessing the reliability of statements of witnesses with brain damage
ex. : girl w/ amnesia pushed down stairs
2. Its research has shown a link between deficits in executive functioning and people with antisocial behavior
3. Determining whether the defendant is competent to stand trial
ex.: defendant suffered such severe brain damage that he might not be able to understand the prosecution against him
4. Determining intent or guilt, meaning was the defendant actually aware of his/her actions ?
ex.: sleepwalking woman - automatism
5. Neuroscientific evidence might have a mitigating influence with respect to the defendants accountability
What are executive functions important for?
- Self regulation, ability to control impulses and strong emotions
- The ability to direct ones behavior, being attentive
- Thinking + planning
What are deficits of executive functioning associated with ? Where do they result from?
Damage to the pre-frontal brain
Opponents to the neurobiological assessment (e.g. MRI) by experts argue that they then might be exposed to certain biases.
Name them.
- Pathology bias
- Allegiance bias
- Malingering
What measures are proposed to prevent the biases (when using neurobiological assessments) from happening?
1. Blinding the experts to context variables
–> background of the defendant
2. Symptom validity testing to assess malingering
Pathology bias
Refers to an inclination of clinicians to see deviance because it is suggested by the context
ex.: seeing the pre-frontal cortex dissociation during sleep because it would explain the MDOs behavior
Allegiance behavior
The assessments are biased in a certain direction dependent on the process party that hired the expert
Faking of the test results by the defendant
Culpa in causa principle
(Fault in the cause)
Suggests that someone who voluntarily + wrongfully places herself in a situation in which it is foreseeable that she may commit a crime is considered guilty
ex.: Driving a car when having epilepsy, then running over a person
What is the difference in how the culpa in causa principle is used in criminal law vs in the medical sector ?
Criminal sector
–> the criminal act is the persons own fault/choice
Medical sector
–> due to brain disease
In which way is behavioral genetic info helpful in court cases ?
Helps answering judicial questions and thus might mitigate a sentence or aid the defendant to seek therapy
–> usually referred to as heritable factors
BUT: in general it is rare
How may neuroscientific evidence function as a “double-edged sword” ?
(Double-edged sword effect)
It may
- be considered mitigating info with respect to accountability and therefore reduce the sentence
- contribute to the extent to which a defendant is perceived as a risk for society (e.g. untreatable disease)
On which main points do the actors (behavioral + judicial) in criminal cases on the Netherlands focus on, when examining neuroscientific factors ?
- Criminal responsibility
- Recidivism risk
- Best choice of treatment in light of this info