Probation 121.16 Flashcards
- How does a member check for roof stability?
Sound with a tool
- How would you warn members below that you are about to break a skylight?
Break a small amount of glass- pause- then continue, or use your portable radio
- What indications could you use to determine that you are over a main body of fire?
- Bubbling Tar
- Fire showing from a top floor
- Dry spots
- Melting snow
- What is a “Kerf” cut?
Small triangular observation hole
- Describe a salvage cover?
12’ x 18’ heavy duty plastic cover with grommets (24) on the sides and ends
- When throwing a coverall what should be done to expel air?
Pull down sharply
- When forming a catch all what and where are the folds made?
Ends are 24”, the Sides are 18” and the corners are folded in but not patted down
- When using two salvage covers to form a floor cover how is the seam made?
First cover is folded back on itself 8” then the next cover is married on top and then 2 folds of 4” each are made and then patted down (8-4-4)
- When shutting gas off by a curb gate valve where is it located and how do you shut it off?
Located between the curb and property line, turn clockwise until it resists usually 6 to 20 turns depending on the size of the valve
- If a fire valve cannot be opened at first what may you do to assist yourself in gaining access?
Tap around the edge while applying pressure in a counter clockwise direction
- Gas meters can be turn off how?
Turning stopcock so that the operating lug is crosswise to the pipe a ¼ turn
- Concerning Building Construction types of loads are broken into what broad categoriesand describe them?
Dead and Live Loads- Dead loads are weight of material permanently attached to the building,
Live loads included people, equipment and other weight not attached
- What is the difference between a lintel and a header?
Both are a beam that spans an opening the difference is a header used in wood construction, a Lintel is used in masonry construction
- What are the five broad categories developed to classify structures?
Type I Fire Resistive Type II Non-Combustible Type III Ordinary Type IV Heavy Timber Type V Wood Frame
- What is a load bearing wall?
A load bearing wall carries the weight of beams, other walls, floors and roofs as well as its own
- How can light weight (composite) wood I beam fail without direct fire contact?
Ambient heating causes the binding glue to fail, leading to failure
- Describe balloon frame construction?
Older (pre 1950) wood frame buildings wood studs ran from foundation to roof and floors were
hung on the studs. Fire could enter wall and run straight to the attic.
- When positioning apparatus members should attempt to place apparatus based on the established minimum collapse zone of?
1 ½ times the height of the fire building
- Define the term fire load?
The amount of heat energy released when combustibles burn in a given area or building expressed
in British Thermal Units (BTU’s)
- Define ventilation?
The planned, methodical and systematic removal of pressure, heat, smoke, gasses and some cases
even flame from an enclosed area through predetermined paths.
- Ventilation can be broken down into two types, what are they?
Natural opening of building windows and doors letting physics take care of the rest
Mechanical use of smoke fans, water and other mechanical devices to create air movement
- Mechanics of ventilation can be broken down into how many types and describe each one?
Two Vertical and Horizontal
Vertical channeled pathway for fire ventilation via vertical openings
Horizontal channeled pathway for fire ventilation via horizontal openings
- General observations show that weather can play a part in the ventilation process?
Such as cool dry days allow the smoke to rise and escape vertically better, on rainy humid days smoke will lift more slowly
- What path shall smoke and heated gasses follow?
The path of least resistance
- By not permitting the heat level to linger on a material long enough, list the three (3) things which might be prevented?
Flashover, Backdraft and Rollover
- What is the space between a ceiling of the top floor and the bottom of a roof called?
A Cockloft
- Define the term Backdraft?
Unburned smoke is heated absence of oxygen, and, when oxygen is introduced, produces an explosive force
- What is the most common tool which can be used to stop the flow of water from a sprinkler head?
- A) The purpose of overhaul is to?
B) The principal purpose of salvage is to?
A) To ensure that the fire is completely extinguished
B) To protect materials from water and smoke damage
- The most common hazard of salvage work is?
Ceiling collapse
- Overhaul should be done as carefully as possible so as to assist in what?
Fire Cause Determination for the Fire Investigator
- What causes the most damage to a structure on the fire ground?
Water damage
- What is another name for plaster board?
- List two warning signs that plaster board might be ready for collapse?
Seams will begin to show as water seeps and sagging will become noticeable as if not nailed Properly
- What position should a post indicator valve (PIV) be locked in?