Pro Practice Flashcards
Architect’s consultants
Cost estimator
CM agent
CM advisor
CM Constructor / at-risk
IPD Agreement
General conditions of the contract
- drawings
-arch process for keeping schedules
-arch process for contractor pay apps
-defines what constitutes substantial completion
Change order
App for payment
Continuation sheet
Substantial completion
Invited Bid
Prequalified contractors selected and given opp to bid
Phased Bid
Used during fast-tracked construction to allow systems with long lead times to be bid first (to be fabricated earlier)
Negotiated Bid
Contractor brought on at the beginning of the project to provide feedback, AFTER CDs the bid is NEGOTIATED btwn o + c
Specs organized by material or process (concrete, excavation)
Organized by the system (foundations, stairs)
Net to Gross
Less than 1
Net assignable area = all the spaces needed by the client (offices). Not circulation
Gross area = whole building, including structure, mech, circulation.
Rentable to Usable
Greater than 1
Rentable: includes common areas used by all building tenants. (Lobbies, janitor closets, mech rooms) Landlords charge pro-rated portion of those spaces. 10%
Usable: area of the tenant will occupy to do business. Includes columns, private restrooms, private corridors, private storage, but not the lobbies, janitor closets, etc. shared by other tenants.
Companies that will lease the floor from the owner obviously want a low rentable/usable values.
Gross up factor
Great than 1. Same as rentable/usable
Grossing Factor
Greater than 1
Established during programming, of 1.30 means that you will need to plan on 30 sf mechanical, circulation, etc. space for every 100sf of office space.
Stipulated Sum
= fixed fee + reimbursable
Always used for competitive bid
Reimbursable: postage, reproductions, travel, project specific communication costs, project website, project specific insurance, renderings and models
Cost Plus Fee
= actual expenses + profit
= actual labor, materials, and subs + fixed fee
Guarantee maximum price
Less = owner saves; more= GC pays
Architect’s responsibility for Procurement Phase
- Obtaining either competitive bids or negotiated proposals
- Confirming responsiveness of bids or proposals
- Determining the successful bid or proposal
- Awarding and preparing contracts for construction
Competitive bidding - Arch assists the owner in bidding by
- Facilitating distribution of bidding docs to prospective bidders
- Organizing and conducting pre-bid conference for prospective bidders
- Prepping responses to questions from prospective bidders and providing clarifications and interpretations of bidding docs to the prospective bidders in the form of a addenda
- Org and conducting the opening of the bids, and subsequently documenting and distributing the bidding results as direct by owner
Bidding docs permit ___ upon owner’s written authorization, the arch shall as in ____, consider requests for _____ and prepare and distribute addenda identifying approved _____ to all prospective bidders
Add Service
Negotiated Proposals; arch helps owner with
- Distributing proposal docs to prospective contractors
- Org and participating selection interviews with pcs
- Prep responses to questions from pcs as addendas
- Participate in negotiations with pcs - prepare summary report of negotiation results as directed by owner.
A work plan includes
- Scope of services
- Breakdown of services & tasks
- Dependencies
- Total fee of project
15+ employees need (x) insurances?
- Civil rights act title
20 + employees need (x) insurances?
Age discrimination in employment act ADEA
50 + employees need (x) insurances?
- Family medical leave act FMLA
- Affirmative action plan
- EEO reporting
- Annual report (Form 5500)
Regardless of size of firm, a firm needs (x) insurances?
- Fair labor standards act FLSA
- Employee retirement income security act ERISA
- Equal pay act
- I-9 Employee eligibility verification
- Personnel files
- Health insurance portability & accountability act HIPPA
- American recovery & reinvestment act of 2009 ARRA
A project manager would have this in their notebook…
Project related contracts
Job communications including meeting minutes and emails
Goal statements
Overall proj budget
Prevention Quality Control Costs include
Production / service req. - establishment o specs for incoming materials, processes, finished products & services
Quality planning - creating of plans for quality, reliability, operations, production , inspection
Quality assurance - creation and maintenance of the quality system
Training - development, preparation and maintenance of programs
Allowances for the particular material stated by the C would comprise of…
Cost to the contractor
Cost of delivery to the site
4 major parts of a Project Manual
Bidding requirements
General & supplemental conditions
Advantages of Cots + Fee method in A101
Allows construction to start B4 design is completed
More flexibility in compensation
Key features of an efficient project work plan
Involvement of the client in the project work plan is often desired by the pm
As well as other stakeholders, it may be good to have the firm’s accountant involved in preparing the project work plan
In building commissioning you should (3)
- The cost of building commissioning is very likely to be paid back in a short amount of time by reduced maintenance bills
- B.C can prepare the owner’s staff to operate the building and its systems properly
- The early involvement of the BC in the design phase can reduce the # of CO
A good example of process-based quality management systems is…
Utilizing software to automatically fill the consultants contact info once the project is under contract