Private Nuisance Flashcards
What interest does this protect?
Use & enjoyment of private land without being unduly affected by neighbour’s use.
Is damage required? If so, what kind?
Not just physical as merely sensory can apply
What are the 4 elements?
1- An unreasonable use/interference with P’s enjoyment of their land (smell/noise etc)
2- Nuisance originates from D’s land
3- Nuisance from 3rd party interference on D’s land OR a natural hazard.
4- Damage caused by nuisance foreseeable to the reasonable person
1st element - Unreasonable use/interference
What are 4 ways this can be determined?
1- Sensory by locality OR physical - never reasonable
2- Reasonable person in living/working in location would regard interference as unacceptable/unreasonable (BNZ)
3- NEVER reasonable if damaged caused (St Helens)
4- Longstanding practice become a nuisance if land used in new way creates the nuisance (e.g. Drs practice) BUT must be serious and not mere annoyance.
2nd element - Originates from D’ land
How is this determined?
1- Check facts and if NO - check Public nuisance, Trespass to Land
3rd element - 3rd party interference OR Natural hazard
How is the liability for these elements determined?
1 Continue to create the niusance with knowledge or presumed knowledge of its existence
1a- Continue to adopt nuisance with knowledge or presumed knowledge of its existence
1b- Fails to take reasonable means to end nuisance when they have AMPLE time to do so
2- A general duty for natural hazards, dependant on
2a - reasonable person, subjective circumstances of
Foreseeability of consequences of not checking/removing it
Ability/resources to abate
4th element - Foreseeability
How is foreseeability determined?
1- Foreseeable to reaonsable person?
Fault of foreseen damage (Overseas Tankship)
2- Nuisance continuous
What are the 4 DEFENCES?
1- Statutory Authority (Allen)
2- Act of God (Sedleigh)
3- Consent (Sturgess)
4- Outside trespasser (Sedleigh)
What are the 3 REMEDIES?
1- Injunction to reduce level/time to balance social interests of D’s activity (DEFAULT) (Esso)
2 - Damages, if the injury is: small, can be estimated, can be adequately compensated by small payment, if oppressive to grant an injunction (Sheffer)
3- Court orders (BNZ order to pay for blinds)