private dwellings Flashcards
- The major weakness from a firefighting and fire protection standpoint of Private Dwellings
is the? (PDs Ch 1 —2.1)
A. Lack of a secondary means of egress from upper floors
B. Use of balloon construction
C. Use of lightweight construction — wood I-beams, wood trusses, and C-joists
D. Open and unenclosed stairway
- Balloon construction in Private Dwellings is commonly found in what style houses?
(PDs Ch 1—3.1, 3.3)
A. Straight Line Colonial and Cape
B. Straight Line Colonial and Queen Anne
C. Queen Anne and Ranch
D. Straight Line Colonial and Split Level
- An officer conducting drill on special concerns found at Private Dwelling operations was
correct when he stated that? (PDs Ch 1—4)
A. Pull down type stairs with a rope may be used by members for attic access and line advancement only after they are checked for stability
B. A PD with two secondary entrances (one with a stoop, one at the ground level) adjacent to
each other on the exposure 2 or 4 side, indicates that two staircases run to the second floor
C. Offset windows found on the Exposure 2 or 4 side of a PD should be entered for VEIS as
escaping occupants are often found there
D. Open joist construction, often found on cellar ceilings, combined with heavy fire and an
overloaded first floor may cause a localized or complete early collapse of the first floor
- An officer drilling on Size-Up at Private Dwelling fires was correct to state that?
(PDs Ch 2—2.6, 2.7)
A. PDs with balloon frame construction will lack fire stopping between floors on both interior
and exterior walls, allowing for rapid fire extension
B. Members may use porch or garage roofs constructed of normal wood frame construction,
aluminum, or lightweight materials to conduct operations as these materials provide a suitable
platform from which to work
C. If it can be determined upon arrival, transmit whether a PD has a flat or peak roof with the
signal 10-75, as this will impact both inside team and outside team ladder company positions
D. Window spacing can be an indication of room locations
- The primary consideration in the placement of the first hoseline for access to fires in
Private Dwellings is via the? (PDs Ch 3—1.6, 1.7)
A. Main entrance door for all fires in Private Dwellings
B. Entrance door that provides the quickest access to the fire area for all fires in Private
C. Main entrance door for fires on the first floor or floors above and the entrance door that
provides the quickest access to the fire area at cellar fires
D. Main entrance door for fires in the cellar and the entrance door that provides the quickest
access to the fire area for fires above the cellar
- A Chief conducting drill about PD cellar fires was incorrect when he stated that?
(PDs Ch 3—2.2, 2.5, 2.6)
A. Smoke showing from first floor baseboards, attic windows, louvered vents or a chimney are
all possible indications of a cellar fire in a PD
B. A Thermal Imaging Camera showing heat waves emanating across the first floor ceiling
indicates that the first floor interior cellar entrance door is open
C. Members operating on the first floor are operating in a very dangerous area if they are
operating over lightweight constructed floors, unless of course the fire is not severe
D. The IC at a PD fire, may order an exterior hoseline into a cellar window for a quick
knockdown of fire if there will be delay in applying water from the interior or whenever fire
conditions dictate. This may be a Company Officer who is the initial IC.
Use the following scenario to answer Questions 7-9:
First alarm units arrive at a 2 V2
story Private Dwelling where there is fire in the cellar of the
building. The Dispatcher indicates there are reports of people possibly trapped in the cellar.
1. When determining the proper placement of the first hoseline, it would be correct for
officers to think that? (PDs Ch 3—2.7.1,2.7.2)
A. The Engine Officer is primarily responsible to size up and determine the placement of the
first hoseline
B. A secondary entrance on the front, side or rear is usually the quickest access to the cellar in
detached PDs. In semi-attached or attached PD’s, the front door is usually the quickest access.
C. Bilco doors covering an exterior cellar entrance may be used as the first option in detached
or semi-attached PDs
D. A Bilco door covering an exterior cellar entrance is more indicative of an unoccupied cellar
First alarm units arrive at a 2 V2
story Private Dwelling where there is fire in the cellar of the
building. The Dispatcher indicates there are reports of people possibly trapped in the cellar.
8. In which situation(s) below would it be appropriate to operate an exterior hoseline into a
cellar window for a quick knockdown at this fire? (PDs Ch 3—2.6)
1. There is a serious or advanced cellar fire; however, do not operate the line into a cellar
window if there is a possibility of civilians in the cellar
2. CIDS indicates the cellar has lightweight construction supporting the first floor, even if the
fire condition is not serious
3. If members are unable to advance down the interior cellar stair, and there is no exterior
cellar entrance that can be located
4. If members are unable to locate any cellar entrance
A. 1,2 B. 1,3 C. 3,4 D. 2,3,4 E. 1,2,4
First alarm units arrive at a 2 V2
story Private Dwelling where there is fire in the cellar of the
building. The Dispatcher indicates there are reports of people possibly trapped in the cellar.
9. During operations at this fire, if an exterior hoseline needs to be operated into a cellar
window for a quick knockdown, it would be correct to consider which tactic(s)? (More than one
correct) (PDs Ch 3—2.6)
A. Members remaining on the first floor must operate under the protection of a hoseline,
secure an area of refuge, or exit the building
B. The primary consideration for the members operating on the first floor is to operate under
the protection of a hoseline
C. An additional, precautionary, charged hoseline should be placed near the front of the PD
D. Under no circumstances should an exterior hoseline be operated into a cellar window for a
quick knockdown if there are members in the cellar
a c
- If the first hoseline is stretched through the front door at a PD cellar fire to attempt an
attack via the interior cellar stairs, it would be correct to make which statement(s)? (More than
one correct) (PDs Ch 3—2.7.2, 2.7.3)
A. The civilian life hazard is the paramount concern in making the decision as to whether or
not to advance down the interior cellar stairs
B. Serious fire conditions in the cellar, high heat at the top of the cellar stairs or questionable
stability of the stairway are all valid reasons to preclude the descent of the first hoseline down
the interior cellar stairs
C. If the first hoseline is ordered to not attempt an interior attack, the line should then remain
on the first floor (if safety permits) until the cellar fire is controlled
D. Repositioning of the first hoseline from inside of the first floor of a PD, to a secondary
entrance outside the building, is a decision that can only be made by a Chief Officer. Acting
Chief(s) and Company Officers may not make this decision.
b and c
- An Engine, Ladder and Battalion Chief arrive at a PD cellar fire two blocks from the
firehouse where they enter the front door, but cannot locate any first floor cellar entrance. In this
situation, repositioning of the first line advanced inside to the first floor, to a secondary entrance
outside the building, requires all of the following tactics except? (PDs Ch 3—2.7.4)
A. Use of the EAB button by the IC, and an “URGENT” message by the IC
B. Acknowledgement from all units or members operating in the interior
C. Ladder company members on the first floor must be withdrawn before the first hoseline is
repositioned from that floor
D. Ladder members operating on upper floors must also be withdrawn to a safe area
- Whenever two hoselines are stretched and operating at a Private Dwelling fire, a third
hoseline should be positioned and charged at the front of the building and operated as ordered by
the IC for which situations? (PDs Ch 3—2.9, 3.3, 4.3) - Cellar fires
- First floor fires
- Upper floor fires
A. Only#l B. Only #1 + #2 C. Only #1+#3 D. 1,2,3
- Engine 317, Ladder 165 and Battalion 54 all arrive together at the scene of a Private
Dwelling fire where the building is fully involved on arrival. The building is an occupied,
detached, 2 14 story PD, with possible exposure issues on arrival. In this situation, it would be
incorrect to state that? (PDs Ch 3—5.1-5.4)
A. If the first arriving Engine backstretches, they should drop two lines - one handline and a
3 !4” line for a tower ladder, and maintain the front of the PD accessible for TL placement
B. Before entering the building, operate the hoseline on the exterior to protect exposures
C. A 2 !4” line should be considered in this situation
D. Because of the increased collapse potential of a fully involved PD, this building should be
completed evaluated by the IC, before entering.
- A company officer conducting drill on balloon frame construction was incorrect when she
stated that? (PDs CH 4—3.1, 3.2)
A. Balloon construction is very common in Queen Anne PD’s and many of the older and large
2 !4 - 3 story peak roof PD’s
B. In balloon construction, exterior wall studs extend from the sill to the top floor ceiling,
where they are capped with a top plate.
C. The top plate on the top floor ceiling in balloon construction acts effectively as a fire stop
eliminating any vertical extension to the attic
D. If a member removes a baseboard on an exterior wall, and no sole plate is found, the
building should be treated as balloon construction
- Ribbon-Ledger board is found in what type of construction? (PDs Ch 4—Figure 4.1)
A. Platform B. Braced Frame C. Balloon D. Lightweight
Utilize the following scenario to answer Questions 16 - 18
First alarm units arrive at a 2 72 story, peak roof, 1-family Private Dwelling, with heavy fire on
the first floor of the building. There is also heavy smoke showing from the upper floors.
16. In this situation, how many tactics below are correct? (PD Ch 4—4.2, 5.1 A-2,
D-4, D-5, 5.5A-4, 6)
1. The entrance door used to enter the PD must be controlled in a closed position by a
member of the interior team, until the fire area can be further isolated or a charged hoseline
is advancing through the entrance door to extinguish the fire
2. Roof operations are not an initial consideration at peak roof PD fires. When necessary, the
second ladder is responsible to initiate roof ventilation.
3. If roof ventilation is required, the 2
nd LCC & 2
nd Roof FF should be assigned to vent the
4. The first ladder outside team should initiate removal of window bars on both the front and
rear of the building, early in the operation, if conditions allow.
5. The second ladder outside team should initiate and / or augment removal of window bars
on both the front and rear of the building, early in the operation, if conditions allow.
6. Members proceeding to the side or rear of a PD with an apparent first floor fire should vent
a cellar window to insure the fire did not start in the cellar
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
d 1245
First alarm units arrive at a 2 72 story, peak roof, 1-family Private Dwelling, with heavy fire on
the first floor of the building. There is also heavy smoke showing from the upper floors.
- Ladder companies searching for possible victims should be guided by all of the following
tactics except? (PDs Ch 4—5.2 A, 5.2 A-l, 5.2 B-5, 5.5 A-2)
A. If operating with portable ladders, the first Roof/OV team should take a portable ladder, 6’
halligan hook and / or halligan for each member.
B. If there is no visible life hazard showing around the perimeter of a one family PD, the first
Roof/OV team should perform VE1S in the area most likely to be occupied on either the first or
second floor.
C. If size up indicates an obvious occupied attic, the first LCC, when teamed up with the
second LCC or another member, may use the aerial or tower ladder to perform VEIS of the attic
D. The second ladder inside team’s position is to cover all floors above the fire. It is critical
that the second ladder officer contact the first ladder officer to determine the first ladder officer’s
- The fire now progresses to involve the second floor and attic area and the BC transmits a
second alarm and orders two members to make a roof cut to vent the upper areas of the building.
Regarding ladder apparatus use and positioning at peak roof operations, it would be correct to
state? (PDs Ch 4—6.1 A-l, A-3, B-2, B-3)
A. Preferably, roof access should be gained with an aerial ladder
B. If using a tower ladder to access the roof, the preferred position of the apparatus is parallel
to the front of the building, so the basket can be placed in the valley area
C. If using an aerial ladder to access the roof, position the apparatus to extend the ladder over
the comer of the building, and extend the ladder at least 3’ above and to one side of the peak
D. At an advanced fire, the main objective is to position a tower ladder in front of the building
- Regarding the operation of members cutting and opening up a peak roof, it would be
correct to state that? (PDs Ch 4—6.3 A-l, A-4, B-l, B-3)
A. The first hole should be made at the main gable as this will vent the blind attic space, knee
walls, attic hall and rooms below
B. The power saw may only be used from an aerial or tower ladder
C. If cutting the roof with an axe, work from a position straddling the peak, cut a hole over the
fire, perpendicular to and on the lee side of the ridge
D. A 6’ hook should be brought to the roof for all types of peak roof private dwellings to push
down the ceiling on the top floor after the roof cut is made
- First alarm units arrive at a fire in a 2-story, wood frame, flat roof PD, with heavy fire
showing out the first floor front windows. In this situation, it would be correct for the 1
st Roof FF
to think? (PDs Ch 4—7.1 A, A-l, A-3C, A-5B)
A. The 1
st Roof FF should proceed to the roof and must bring a halligan, 6
? halligan hook and
Life Saving Rope
B. If the PD is attached on both sides, the 1
st Roof FF should use exposure 2 or 4 for interior
access to the roof, if fire conditions (IDLH) allow
C. The scuttle ladder shall never be used to descend to the lower floors
D. If a Life Saving Rope rescue is required, contact the LCC via HT for assistance on the roof
- Roof firefighters operating on flat roof PDs must be aware that vertical ventilation is
permitted only if the Roof FF? (PDs Ch 4—7.1A-5) - Communicates with and receives approval from the Ladder Officer operating in the fire
area - Hears radio transmissions indicating the inside team has door control of the fire area
- Hears radio transmissions indicating a charged hoseline is advancing into the fire area
- At a flat roof PD fire, who is responsible to bring the first saw to the roof? (PDs CH
A. 1st
Roof FF B. 2nd Roof FF C. lstOVFF D. 2nd OV FF
- First alarm units operating at a top floor fire in a row of attached 2-story, flat roof PDs
would be incorrect to think? (PDs Ch 4—7.1 B-l, 7.2 B-l, B-5, C-2, 3)
A. If no ladder rescue is required in the front of the building, the 1
st OV should immediately
make his or her way to the rear to check the life hazard and perform necessary VEIS. The second
OV should check the rear to ensure ventilation is completed.
B. Both the first and second OV’s should take a portable ladder, halligan and / or a 6’ hook
C. If no ladder rescue is required in the front of the building, the first and second OV’s should
team up, and the first and second LCC’s should team up.
D. If there are exposure problems at a top floor fire, the 1
st LCC may be used, operating alone,
to quickly examine an exposure for possible life or extension, even if it is an IDLH
- At Queen Anne fires, due to the unique features of the building, it is a good practice to?
(PDs Ch 4—8.4)
A. Special call an extra engine company
B. Special call an extra ladder company
C. Special call an extra engine and ladder company
D. Transmit a second alarm
- At PD cellar fires, it would be incorrect to make which statement below?
(PDs Ch 4—9.2, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4)
A. In a two-family dwelling, the first Roof I OV team should survey the perimeter, and if no
life hazard is found, VEIS the first floor windows and assist in searches
B. The first ladder inside team should proceed to the same entrance as the first hoseline
C. When no hoseline is immediately available, and fire conditions permit, the first Ladder
Officer, Can FF and FE FF should all advance together down the cellar stairs to conduct a rapid
primary search and to locate and confine the fire
D. Whether the first ladder company uses the main entrance door or a secondary entrance,
they must maintain control of the door they use to enter the PD until a charged hoseline advances
via the main entrance door or secondary entrance
- First alarm units respond to a report of a fire in a PD in South Queens. Ladder 155 arrives
first and Ladder 133 arrives second finding a cellar fire in a row of two-story flat roof PDs.
Because the main entrance is the quickest access to the cellar, Engine 302 stretching the first
attack line, and Ladder 155 decide to go through the main entrance door. In this situation, who is
responsible for a primary search of the first floor? (PDs Ch 4—10.4.1)
A. Ladder 133, and they may send one member of their interior team to provide assistance to
Engine 302 to advance the line through the cellar
B. Ladder 133, and they should not send any member of their interior team to provide
assistance to Engine 302 to advance the line through the cellar
C. Ladder 155, and they may send one member of their interior team to provide assistance to
Engine 302 to advance the line through the cellar
D. Ladder 155, and they should not send any member of their interior team to provide
assistance to Engine 302 to advance the line through the cellar
- Regarding operations in attic areas of PD’s it would be incorrect to state that?
(PDS Ch 4—11.1-11.4)
A. Louvers for ventilation, which are often built into the underside of eaves are a special
concern—as fire near louvers readily communicate to the attic and roof
B. When opening knee walls, it’s a good practice to open walls near stairs where fire often
extends, to limit extension
C. Ladder companies should be prepared to open up a 3’ section of ceiling on the floor below
to assist the engine. If wood is encountered, shift 3’ to one side
D. The bent tip or cockloft nozzle may be used effectively in attic operations
- Units arriving at a PD fire with two entrance doors on the front of the house should know
that the door closest to the side wall will usually provide access to the second floor apartment.
(PDs Ch 4—Photo 4.2 Pg 24)
A. Agree or D. Disagree?