foam Flashcards
- An officer conducting drill on foam operations stated that when using foam on a fire, the fire must be completely extinguished, or it will begin to burn back across the surface as soon as the foam begins to break down. (TB Foam—2.2)
A. Agree or D. Disagree?
- A Lieutenant orders the use of an AFFF extinguisher on an oil burner fire in the cellar of a
multiple dwelling. In this situation, he would be incorrect to think that? (TB Foam—2.4, 3.2)
A. The AFFF will spread rapidly over the surface leading to a fast knockdown
B. The film produced by the AFFF may be unstable because AFFF is not aerated
C. The AFFF should provide a good seal against hot metal tank surfaces in the boiler room.
D. As a precaution, a foam handline should be called for as a backup
When using the AFFF extinguisher, knockdown will be
observed but the film produced might be unstable because it is not aerated.
Breakdown around hot metal, especially pipes in boiler rooms, should be anticipated. As a precaution, a foam handline should be made ready.
- There are 4 primary methods of extinguishment that occur when the FDNY uses foam to
extinguish a fire. Regarding these methods, it is incorrect to state that foam? (TB Foam—2.5)
A. Smothers—prevents air from mixing with the flammable vapors given off by the liquid
B. Suppresses—Stops or reduces the generation and release of flammable vapors
C. Separates the flame from the surface of the fuel, reducing the tendency of the fuel to boil,
thus giving off fewer vapors
D. Cools—Foam concentrate cools the fuel, further reducing vapor generation
Cools - water content of the foam cools the fuel, further reducing vapor generation. It also extinguishes burning Class “A” materials in the spill area and
cools adjacent metal surfaces such as tank walls.
- Regarding the FDNY’s Universal Gold l%-3% AR-AFFF, it would be incorrect to state
that? (TB FOAM—3.1)
A. It is freeze / thaw stable—if frozen, upon thawing there is no performance loss4
B. Can be generated only with fresh water
C. Should not be mixed as a concentrate with any other type of other foam product
D. May be used as finished foam side by side with other foam products on the same fire
- Foam concentrates must not be mixed, thus the FDNY color codes foam containers around
the top as follows? (TB Foam—4.1)
A. AR-AFFF—Brown, Hi-Expansion—Yellow, AFFF—Blue
B. AR-AFFF—Red, Hi-Expansion—Yellow, AFFF—Black
C. AR-AFFF—Brown, Hi-Expansion—Yellow, AFFF—Black
D. AR-AFFF—Red, Hi-Expansion—Yellow, AFFF—Blue
A vehicle that has rolled onto its side must be off-loaded. Never attempt to upright
- Company and Chief Officers must have knowledge of the capabilities of the FDNY Foam
Delivery System. Which point below is incorrect regarding this system? (TB Foam—7.2, 8.4)
A. A first alarm of 3 engines (who carry three 5 gallon containers of AR-AFFF) and 2 ladders
(who carry two 5 gallon containers of AR-AFFF) will provide 65 gallons of AR-AFFF
B. 65 gallons of AR-AFFF foam concentrate provides approximately 17 minutes of finished
firefighting foam at a 3% setting on the educator.
C. With one handline in operation and 65 gallons of AR-AFFF foam concentrate, you can
extinguish approximately 800 square feet of fire
D. Engine companies have handline foam eductors, which flow 125 GPM. At 3%, these
eductors consume 3.75 gallons of foam concentrate per minute
c 600 ft
You are a Lieutenant working in E99, which has a second piece, a Foam Tanker. You are
special called by a Battalion Chief to operate at an overturned gasoline tank truck mishap
where 1000 gallons of gasoline has been spilled in the street. The BC orders you to operate
your Foam Deck Gun to cover the spill using the 1500 gallons of AR-AFFF in your Foam
- If you utilize your Foam Deck Gun with a 1000 GPM nozzle, educting concentrate at 3%,
your 1500 gallon tank supply of foam concentrate will last approximately how long?
A. 50 minutes B. 66 minutes C. 75 minutes D. 100 minutes
1000 GPM nozzle 150 min. 50 min.
750 GPM nozzle 200 min. 66 min.
500 GPM nozzle 300 min. 100 min.
You are a Lieutenant working in E99, which has a second piece, a Foam Tanker. You are
special called by a Battalion Chief to operate at an overturned gasoline tank truck mishap
where 1000 gallons of gasoline has been spilled in the street. The BC orders you to operate
your Foam Deck Gun to cover the spill using the 1500 gallons of AR-AFFF in your Foam
- In this situation, all of the following tactic(s) below would be correct except?
A. A dedicated Engine with an operating hydrant should be assigned to supply the Foam
B. Water should be supplied to the Foam Tanker at 200 PSI
C. The Foam Tanker must be running, and must be in pumps
D. A 3 ’/z” supply line should be used to supply the Foam Tanker and extra 3 ’/z” hose should
be stretched to allow the Foam Tanker to reposition as progress is made
During this operation the Foam Tanker does not need to be running or in pumps. If necessary during a large operation, the Foam Tanker can also provide
concentrate to a portable FIMM simultaneously.
When supplying the Foam Tanker with water, a dedicated Engine company with an
operating hydrant shall be assigned to this task. Water shall be supplied to the gated inlet at 200psi
- BC QUESTION— Regarding the duties of FOAM Coordinators on Signals 10-86 or 10-
87, it would be correct to state that? (TB Foam 7.8)
A. Three Foam Coordinators respond on signals 10-86 or 10-87
B. One Foam Coordinator, if necessary, may be used for routine fire duty at a 10-86 or 10-87
C. Upon completion of a major foam operation, the first arriving Foam Coordinator shall
request a Foam Inventory through the dispatcher
D. When more than 400 gallons of foam concentrate is used at an operation, a Foam
Coordinator shall take steps to replenish concentrate to the Foam System
Two Foam Coordinators
Foam Coordinators shall not be used for routine firefighting duties
more than 500 gallons
- First alarm units arrive at a spill of a liquid product from a tank truck, where the driver
requests that the product not be covered with foam so that it can be recovered. FDNY units
should know that a foam handline should be stretched and put into operation if? - The product is on fire
- The product is a combustible or flammable liquid
- Members will be operating in the area of the spill
- The spill causes an exposure problem
A. 1,3,4 B. 1,2,3 C. 2,3,4 D. 1,2,4 E. 1,2, 3, 4
Stretch a foam handline and put it into operation if upon arrival the following is
o The product is on fire.
o It is a flammable liquid.
o Members will be operating in the area.
o The product causes an exposure problem.
- A unit operating a foam handline at a spill that is contained should know that the widest
pattern at the lowest velocity will be achieved by directing the foam stream? (TB Foam 8.4)
A. On the ground ahead of the fire
B. Against something to deflect the stream and allow the foam to slide downward
C. Skyward in a back and forth motion
D. Skyward in a counterclockwise motion
- First alarm units arrive a Tank Truck accident where the tank is slowly leaking a
flammable liquid product. The BC orders to members to add water to the tank at the top because
there is room in the tank to do so, stating that the water will settle and create a water leak from
the tank. The BC is correct only if the leak is near the? (TB Foam—8.5)
A. Top of the tank and the leaking product has a specific gravity of less than one
B. Top of the tank and the leaking product has a specific gravity of more than one
C. Bottom of the tank and the leaking product has a specific gravity of less than one
D. Bottom of the tank and the leaking product has a specific gravity of more than one
gravity of less than 1 (almost all flammable and combustible liquids do)
- First alarm units arrive at a serious tank truck accident where there is a heavy fire exposing
the tank truck. Regarding the concerns of a possible BLEVE, it would be correct to state that?
(TB Foam—8.7)
A. With older steel tanks, a BLEVE will not occur
B. With newer aluminum tanks the chance of a BLEVE occurring has been greatly increased
C. Aluminum tanks melt at approximately 1220 degrees
D. It is extremely important to get a large caliber stream on the fire quickly
With the older steel tanks a BLEVE can occur.
With the newer
aluminum tanks, the problem of a BLEVE has been reduced because the shell will
melt at approximately 1220 degrees F.
If the tank is made of steel, or when an
aluminum tank remains intact, the chance of a BLEVE still exists and it is extremely
important to get a large caliber stream on the vapor area of the tank quickly.
- BC QUESTION — A Battalion Chief operating at a major Bulk Oil Tank fire should
know which point(s) below to be accurate? (TB Foam—8.3)
A. If the liquid in the tank is filled to the top, have bulk oil personnel remove product via the
bottom of the tank
B. Ensure that the product is within 10 feet of the top of the tank
C. Apply foam into the “WINDOW”, located on the downwind side of the tank
D. The “WINDOW” is a small area where the flames aren’t as tall, and has less convection
currents, allowing more foam to reach the surface of the fuel
b a
1. The Captain of E99, which is a foam storage depot, was discussing the proper stacking and
rotation of supplies to ensure effective foam concentrate is available to attack fires. Which point
made by the Captain was not entirely correct? 10.1
A. Foam concentrate should be stacked no more than three containers high. All foam
concentrates have an indefinite shelf life.
B. When foam concentrate is delivered to the foam depot, the officer on duty should inspect
the containers for a stamped date. If there is not a date on the container then a date should be
affixed using an indelible marker.
C. The Company Commander of the foam depot should ensure the proper rotation of foam
D. The oldest foam concentrate should be used first and if using foam for drill purposes then
use the oldest foam concentrate available.
- Maintenance is an important aspect regarding foam operations. Foam concentrate can have
a severe and debilitating effect on the equipment used to generate it and any foam equipment that
comes in contact with foam requires flushing. Which point about the proper maintenance of
foam equipment is incorrect? 12
A. Foam eductors, pick up tubes, FIMM’s generators, hose, and pumps are to be washed out
and cleaned after every use.
B. When cleaning an eductor, water should be educted through it until clean water flows
through the eductor.
C. All eductors of Engine Co.’s should be tested monthly at MUD by attaching the eductor to
a hose line one length from the pumper and supplying the eductor with 225 psi.
D. Any nozzle or eductor that is not functioning properly should be sent to the fire tools and
equipment unit with an RT2 attached.
E. All valves, pumps, and gates of foam pumpers need to be operated on a regular basis to
maintain functionality.