Principles of Vaccination part 1 Flashcards
How do we treat a newborn of a Hep B+ mother?
The baby gets HBIG within 12 hours of birth.
What is Palivizumab/Synagis?
This is a hyper immune globulin therapy for RSV given to babies at risk for getting RSV, particularly preemies.
Can a vaccine be an immunization?
What must an attenuated vaccine do in order to work?
Must replicate in host. This is why it is inappropriate for an immunocompromised patient. Attenuated =weakened. These are some of the most efficacious vaccines.
Which vaccines are live attenuated?
MMR, Varicella/Zoster, Rotovirus, intranasal influenza, oral polio (not US), Yellow fever (not US)
BCG (tuberculosis), typhoid (not in US)
What are two subcategories of inactivated vaccine?
Whole or fractional
What are some inactivated whole vaccines?
polio, Hep A, rabies, influenza (not US)
Bacterial: (NOT IN US)
pertussis, typhoid, cholera, plague
What are some inactivated fractional vaccines?
Hep. B, influenza, acellular pertussis, HPV, anthrax
tetanus, TDAP (diptheria)
What are two subcategories of an inactivated fractional vaccine?
protein based (sub unit or toxoid) or polysaccharide based (from bacterial cell wall). The polysaccharide based ones may need a conjugate ( a protein attached to the polysaccharide to increase its efficacy as an antigen)
Which vaccines must be avoided by those allergic (anaphylaxis) to eggs? (4)
- Measles
- Mumps
- influenza
- yellow fever
Which vaccines must be avoided by those allergic to neomycin or streptomycin?
Which vaccines should adults who are immunocompromised avoid?
Avoid live virus vaccines
Which vaccines should pregnant women avoid?
live virus vaccines