Principles of Pharmacology Flashcards
To Memorise Key Info From Block 1
What is a drug?
A drug is a chemical substsance or natural product that affects ther function of cells, organs, systems or the whole body (i.e. is bioactive).
What is Pharmacokinetics?
Pharamacokinetics - essentially what the body does to the drug. Typically a generic term to descrive the fate of a drug molecule following administration to a liviong organism or how a drug molecule is affected by exposure to living cells.
What is Pharmacodynamics?
Pharmacodynamics - Typically used as a generic term to describe the mechanism of drug action or or what happens to cells, organs, systems, etc., as a result of drug exposure.
How did Pharmascology develop anyway?
Well, I’ll tell ya fella!
It emerged as a scientific discipline in the late 19th century. Principles of experimentation rather than dogma. Herbal and other remedies had been used for millenia, pharmacopoeias written, apothecaries flourished!
…However there was little to no evidence tht these treatments were actually succesful.
Where do drugs come from?
Drugs come from:
- Natural products (e.g. plants and animals)
- Serediptity (by accident)
- Changing the structure of an existing molecule (structure-activity relationships)
- Using an existing drug in a new disease (re-purposing)
- Computer-aided design
- Studying disease processes
Give six examples of drugs we derive from plants?
Six examples of drugs derived from plants include:
- Willow Tree - Aspirin (painkiller)
- Cocoa Plant - Cocaine (local anaesthtic)
- Cinchona Tree - Quinine (anti-malarial)
- Poppy - Morphine (painkiller)
- Foxglove - Digoxine (heart failure treatment)
- Guggul Tree - Statins (cholesterol lowering)
Give two examples of drugs derived from animals
Two examples of drugs derived from animals include:
- Leech - Hirudin (anticoagulent)
- Cone Snail - Zinconotide (powerful painkiller)
Give an example of Seredipity in drug discovery
In 1928, alexander Fleming first noted the antibacterial properties of Penicillium mould.
In 1938, Howard Florey and Emst Chain isolated penicillin from the mould and tested it in human volunteers
100 litres of broth was required for the production of one day’s dose. So they re-extracted from the urine of the volunteers as the drug is not metabolised by the body
During WWII, the USA developed large scale production technology
Give an example of Drug re-purposing.
Was discovered in 1989 by Pfizer pharmaceuticals, Sandwich, Kent.
They were looking for a drug thatlowers blood pressure (antihypertensive).
The clinical trials showed an unusal side effect (made PP hard).
ViagraTM sold around 10 million prescriptions in its first year.
Experimental vs. Therapeutic drug?
Experimental drugs are used in labs to explore biological processes or are in development for clinical use
Therapeutic drugs are those that are approved for the treatment of disease in (humans or animals).
What are the three types of drug names?
The three types of names for drugs are:
- Chemical - IUPAC name that describes the chemical sturcture of the drug. E.g. N-methyl-3-phenyl-3-[4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]propan-1-amine.
- Generic - International non-proprietary name given to a molecule. E.g. Fluoxetine.
- Proprietary - ‘trade’ name(s) given to an approved drug by the manufacturer. E.g. Prozac.
- Drugs in development are also typically given a ‘code-name’ to disguise their identity.
- When referring to a drug always use the generic name and do not use capital letters.
Give 4 Examples of Drug Targets:
4 Drug Targets:
- Receptors
- Ion Channels
- Enzymes
- Transporters
- Drugs can also target circulating proteins like bacterial cell walls.
Explain Pharmacological variability
Pharmacological Variability
- Drug responses are not always the same.
- Responses vary between people (i.e. inter-individual variability)
- Responses can also vary within the same person (i.e. intra-individual variability)
What are the main causes of Pharmacological variability?
The main causes of Pharmacological Variability are:
- Age
- Genetics
- Disease state
- Drug Interactions
- Environment
Memorise this diagram of the absortion, metabolism and excretion of drugs.
List routes of drug penetration into cells.
- Diffusion through lipid membrane
- Major route for lipophilic drugs
- Diffusion through aqeous channels
- Most drugs too large!
- Carrier-mediated transport
- Major route for hydrophilic drugs
- Pinocytosis
- Transport of insulin into brain
What does the oral absorption of drugs require?
The oral absorbtion of drugs require permeation of epithelial cell membrane so the physiochemical properties of the drug are important such as the mw, pKa, log P (provides an indication on whethter the drug will be absorbed by the plant/animal) etc.
What is Lipinski’s rule of 5 (1997)?
Lipinski’s rule of 5 is based on observation that most orally administrated drugs are relatively small and moderately lipophilic molecules.
- A Mr less than 500 daltons.
- No more than 5 H-bond donors (total number of N-H and O-H bonds).
- no more than 10 H-bond acceptors (all nitrogen/oxygen atoms).
- an octanol-water partition coefficient log P not greater than 5.
Diagram of Phase I of Drug Metabolism.
In Phase I the drug is actually made slightly more reactive. Seemingly counterintuitive as metabolism is supposed to make the
Where does Phase I metabolism occur?
Phase I metabolism occurs in the hepatocytes within the liver.
Diagram of Phase II metabolism.
Take a look at this Concentration-Time graph detailing some basic pharmacokinetic parameters
Give some examples of sites of drug action
The human body has 100 trillion cells with 200 different cell types. Some sites of drug action include:
- Primary tissues: muscles, nerves, epiuthelial, bone, connective etc.
- Tissues controlled by: innervation, EC fluids, blood supply, exocrine and endocrine secretions.
- Many drugs mimic (or block) the action of endogenous molecules (e.g. neurotransmitters, hormones)
- they act at specific sites such as ion channels, receptors, enzymes, transporters.
How do drugs act?
Drug molecules exert a chemical influence on constituents of cells to produce a pharmacological response. In order to this, the drug molecule must get close enought to the cellular constituents so they can interact chemically.
The interaction leads to an alteration in the molecular/cellular function.
The drug molecules must bind to the specific constituents of cells (aka Drug Targets) in order to produce an effect.
Why do we have receptors?
We primarily have receptors for the purpose of cell-cell comms
See, this is important in the contect of:
- Neurotransmission (e.g. nerve-nerve; nerve-muscle)
- Effects of chemical mediators in bloodstream (e.g. adrenaline on heart)
- Hormone and growth factor signalling (e.g. action of insulin on muscle)
What is a receptor?
A receptor is a recognition molecule for a chemical mediator through which a response is transduced. they are usaually a protein or complex of two or more proteins and often expressed on the surface of cells (with some exceptions).
Many drugs act to mimic or block rhe effects of endogenous molecules at their receptors.
Describe the basic Lock and key concept.
Well, it’s a very simple analogy. the receptor is the lock and the ligand is the key. Some ‘keys’ fit in the lock and others do not. What determines if a lock will fit in the key is the chemical structure of the lock and key. Are they complementary to each other?
Study this diagram of the basic receptor structure broooo.
Study this very simple flow chart of Signal transduction.
Study this diagram of four different types of receptors.
Study this diagram of effector mechanisms
Describe what: Ligands, Agonists and Antagonists are.
A ligand is any chemical that binds to a receptor.
An agonist is a drug that binds to a specific site on a receptor and mimics the effect of the endogenous ligand for that site.
An agonist is a drug that binds to a specific site on a receptor, blocks the effect of the endogenous ligand (same/different binding site as ligand).
Go on, explain the more advanced lock and key concept.
Okay, so the receptor is basically the lock, the endogenous ligand is the key. Now, an agonist drug fits into the lock; mimics the action of the key (like picking a lock) and activating the receptor (opening the door). However, an antagonist drug also fits into the lock; gets stuck and prevents the opening of the door (activation of protein) by agonists or endogneous ligands.
What is affinity and efficacy?
The affinity of a drug describes how well it binds to the active site of the target protein.
The efficacy of a drug describes how much the drug evokes a cellular response from the target protein as a result of this binding.
Endogenous ligands and agonists possess both affinity and efficacy. Antagonists only possess affinity and lack efficacy.
What is Neurotransmission?
Neurotransmission is a chemically-mediated form of the cell to cell comms. it is seen in Peripheral Nervous System (Neuromuscular Junction, Autonomic Nervous System, and Enteric Nervous System). It is also seen in the Central Nervous System.
What are the 13 Key processes in Neurotransmission?
- Uptake of precursor molecules (via transporter)
- Synthesis of the neurotransmitter from the precursor molecule. (via enzyme action)
- The molecule is then packaged into a vesicle. (involves a transporter)
- An enzyme then breaks down the excess transmitter. (enzyme action)
- An AP is carried down the nerve terminal leading to depolarization. (via an ion channel)
- The AP reaches the nerve terminal and causes the Ca2+ channel to open and allows for the pre-synaptic entry of Ca2+. (ion channel)
- A Neurotransmitter is then released (not sure where the drug target here is, however)
- The neurotransmitter crosses the synaptic cleft.
- It then binds to the postsynaptic cell. (receptor)
- An enzyme in the synapse of the postsynaptic cell then breaks down the NT.
- The broken-down NT id the re-uptaken into the synaptic terminal. (via transporter)
- The broken-down NT can also be taken into non-neuronal cells via (transporter too)
- The broken-down Nt may even bind to the pre-synaptic cell membrane (receptor)
All the bracketed proteins are target sites for drugs to interact within neurotransmission.
What are the receptor types involved in neurotransmission?
Type 1 (Ligand-gated ion channels) and Type 2 (G protein-coupled receptors). Both of these receptors have a relatively fast signal transmission (milliseconds and seconds, respectively). type 3 and type 4 receptors take hours to days respectively and are just not viable.
Describe Drug-receptor selectivity.
- There is reciprocal selectivity between drugs and their target receptors.
- Individual drug classes only bind to certain receptors and individual receptors only recognize certain drugs.
- No drugs are 100% selective in their binding “they are dirty in that sense”.
- Most are reasonably selective at regular conc. but all have non-selective (or ‘off-target’) effects at high conc.
What is Receptor Heterogeneity?
Most endogenous chemical mediators have more than one receptor; often whole families and sub-families. For example, take ACh, it’s an NT that acts within the CNS, autonomic, somatic, and enteric nervous systems.
- Acts on nicotinic ACh receptors (ligand ion channels)
- Acts on muscarinic ACh receptors (G protein-coupled receptors)
Receptor heterogeneity is conferred by receptor type, subunit composition, and the amino acid sequence of proteins.
How are Receptors classed?
- Understanding of different receptor types and their classification has come from the use of drugs.
- Traditional anti-histamines blocked the effects of histamine on blood vessels and smooth muscle but not the effects of histamine on gastric acid secretion.
- Is there a different type of histamine receptor that is expressed in the stomach?
- Testing a range of drugs with different specificities allowed ID of H1-receptors and H2-receptors.
- Sir James Black discovered H2 receptors and H2 blockers.
Study the list of Major NTs and Receptors
Describe the relationship between Receptor Occupancy (%) against Agonist Concentration.
Receptor occupancy increases with increasing agonist concentration. As seen in the graph, this is not a linear relationship.
Describe the relationship between the concentration of the agonist against the response.
The relationship between the response (% maximum) against the agonist concentration is very exaggerated. Here is a graph to illustrate what I mean.
Use the graph on this flashcard for reference, what is an EC50?
The EC50 is the concentration of an agonist that elicits a half-maximal response. It’s an important efficacy measure that allows for comparison between drugs.
Study how a concentration-response curve looks on a semi-log scale.
The relationship in this graph is sigmoidal. So it is easier to see where EC50 is.
Use the graph to see the difference between potency and efficacy.
In the example graph, Drug A and Drug B are full agonists i.e. they produce ~100% maximum response from the activated proteins.
However, Drug A is more potent than Drug B. This is because Drug A has a lower EC50 compared to Drug B.
Drug A and Drug C have the same potency. because they have equal EC50 values.
Drug C is a partial agonist as it has lower efficacy than Drug A and Drug B.
Describe Competitive vs Non-competitive Antagonism.
Competitive Antagonism
- Binds to the same site as the agonist (or endogenous ligand)
- Competes with the agonist/endogenous ligand for binding.
- Conc. and affinities of agonist/antagonist determine the overall ‘winner’.
- The effect of the antagonist can be overcome by increasing agonist concentration.
- Some competitive antagonists bind covalently (irreversibly) to the agonist binding site. They cannot be displaced by the agonist but the extent of antagonism depends on the agonist concentration.
Non-Competitive Antagonism
- Binds to a site that is distinct from the agonist binding site.
- Causes change in conformation of receptor that restricts agonist binding.
- Effect of antagonist cannot be overcome by increasing agonist concentration.
Study this diagram detailing the % response with an agonist alone, an agonist + NC antagonist, and the same agonist + competitive antagonist.
Explain what the Two-State Model is.
Two State Model
Most receptors exist in two conformational states, resting (R) and activated (R*). However, in the absence of an agonist, the equilibrium lies to the left (i.e. most receptors are resting). Full agonists bind preferentially to R* and shift the equilibrium to the right, invoking a response. In this sense, the higher the affinity the agonist has for R*, the higher the efficacy.
Antagonists have equal affinity for R and R*. They effectively do not shift the equilibrium. This is because they have lack efficacy and prevent drugs to bind and shift the equilibrium.
Explain how the Two-State model works when there is a constitutively active receptor involved.
- Some receptors are ‘constitutively active’ like the cannabinoid receptor.
- In the absence of agonist, appreciable proportion of these receptors are in the R* state.
- These receptors have inverse agonists; they bind preferentially to R and shift the equilibrium to the left.
- This switches receptor activation off and reduces response.
- The higher the inverse agonist affinity for R = the greater the efficacy.
- Antagonists block agonists and inverse agonists equally.
Study the graph displaying how agonists and inverse agonists are affected by antagonism.
When can the true effects of partial agonists and inverse agonists be observed?
Partial Agonists
- True effects of partial agonists are only seen in the absence of full agonists.
- Partial agonists look like competitive antagonists in the presence of full agonists.
Inverse Agonists
- True effects of inverse agonists are only seen when the receptor is constitutively active.
- In the absence of constitutive activity, inverse agonists look like weak competitive antagonists.
Here’s a fun analogy for agonists, inverse agonists, partial inverse agonists, partial agonists, competitive and non-competitive antagonists.
What does an Allosteric Modulator do?
Allosteric Modulators
- Allosteric modulators bind at a distinct site to affect affinity and efficacy of agonists.
- They can be positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) or negative allosteric modulators (NAMs).
- NAMs can look like competitive antagonists (affinity) or non-competitive antagonists (efficacy)
- PAMs make the “volume knob” easier to turn (affinity) or increase the efficacy.
What is a biased Agonist?
Biased Agonists
- Receptors are typically coupled to effector mechanisms that elicit the response following against binding.
- Some receptors are coupled to more than one effector mechanism.
- Conventional Agonism - Different agonists bind to the same receptor and activate effector mechanisms to the same extent.
- Biased Agonism - Different agonists bind to the same receptor and preferentially activate one effector mechanism.
Define an Agonist.
An Agonist is a compound that binds to and activates a receptor.
Define an Antagonist.
An Antagonist is a compound that reduces the effect of an agonist at a receptor.
Define an Inverse agonist.
An inverse agonist is a •compound that binds to the same receptor site as an agonist but produces the opposite effect (constitutively active receptors only).
Define an Allosteric Modulator.
An Allosteric Modulator is a compound that binds to a receptor site distinct from the agonist binding site, inducing a conformational change that alters the affinity or efficacy of agonist binding (at the orthosteric site)
Define Specificity
a measure of the number of receptor sites that a given drug may bind to or the range of effects it may produce
Define Selectivity.
: the degree to which a drug binds to a given receptor site relative to other receptor sites (related to affinity)
What are the two types of ion channels directly involved in drug action?
Two major types of ion channels directly involved in drug action:
- Voltage-gated ion channels (VGICs)
- Ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs); considered as receptors
Other ion channels (cell surface and intracellular) may be activated indirectly via GPCRs (not considered here).
What is the passage of specific ions detemined by?
Passage of specific ions is determined by selectivity of channel pore.
What is ion flux driven by?
Ion flux is driven by the electrochemical gradient; direction of ion travel (influx or efflux) is determined by:
- Concentration gradient (many cell types)
- Electrical (or charge) gradient (excitable cells only)
Here is a diagram depicting the elctrochemical gradient.
What are some of the basics of voltage-gated ion channels?
- VGICs expressed in electrically excitable cells (e.g. muscle, nerve)
- Permeable to sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), calcium (Ca2+), chloride (Cl-)
- Comprise one or more a-subunit proteins that associate with ancillary subunits; modify function but not necessary for basic channel activity
- Gated (i.e. activated) by changes in membrane potential:
- Responsible for action potentials (Na+, K+)
- Pre-synaptic regulation of neurotransmitter release (Ca2+)
- •Key targets of several drug classes; antiepileptics, antihypertensives, local anaesthetics etc.
How do Voltage Gated Ion Channels and Ligand Gated Ion Channels compare?
Here is a diagram of the structural topology of key VGICs.
Give a brief overview on how a VGIC works.
- They are initially closed at resting membrane potential (-70mV)
- They hen rapidly open in response to changes in membrane potential
- Involved in depolarisation and repolarisation and neurotransmitter release
- Channel opening is mostly transient and rapidly inactivates
- Cycle through 3 conformational states; resting (closed), activated (open) and inacivated.
- Ball and chain mechanism and changes to conformational shape of transmembrane protein.
How does Phenytoin ineract with the Voltage Gated Sodium Channel?
- Phenytoin is a classical sodium channel blocking antiepileptic drug
- Binds preferentially to the inactivated state of the channel
- Slows conformational recycling back to resting state (does not block pore)
- Extends the refractory period between individual action potentials; reduces ability of neurons to fire at high frequency
- Local anaesthetics work in similar way but block nerve conduction completely
How do Gabapentin (GBP) and pregabalin (PGB) interact with Voltage Gated Calcium Channels?
- Gabapentin (GBP) and pregabalin (PGB) are newer antiepileptic drugs
- Bind to ancillary a2-d1 subunit of voltage-gated calcium channel
- The a2-d1 subunit associates with Cav2.1 a-subunit to form P/Q-type channel
- GBP and PGB indirectly block the P/Q-type channel
- Involved in neurotransmitter release at synapse; glutamate?
How does Retigabine (RTG) interact with the Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel?
- Retigabine (RTG) is a newer antiepileptic drug; now withdrawn due to serious adverse effects
- Potassium channel activator; selective for Kv7 channels; responsible for M-current
- M-current is non-inactivating potassium current that regulates neuronal excitability
- Contributes to refractory period between action potentials; limits repeated activation
- RTG enhances M-current, holds membrane potential below threshold, and reduces firing frequency
Describe the subunuit composition of LGICs
- LGICs consist of complexes of multiple independent protein subunits assembled around a central ion pore; heteromultimers.
- Heterogeneous assembly of multiple subunits; 19 GABAA receptor subunits but only 5 are required for a functional receptor.
- Subunit composition confers biophysical properties and pharmacology of the receptor complex
- Diversity of receptors; varying patterns of expression within the nervous system and other tissues
- Attractive targets for new drugs that possess subunit selectivity; i.e. discriminate between receptor isoforms.
What are the three LGIC families?
Give a brief overview of Cys-loop receptors
Cys-loop receptors are a superfamily of LGICs comprising:
- Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors
- GABAA receptors
- 5-HT3 receptors
- Glycine receptors
Pentameric structure; usually 2 alpha-subunits plus 3 others.
Each subunit contains large extracellular N-terminal domain (with Cys-loop).
4 membrane-spanning alpha helices (M1-M4); pore is formed by the M2 helices.
Endogenous ligands bind at interface between subunits in the extracellular domain.
What was the first ligand-gated ion channel to be purified and cloned?
The Nicotinic Aceylcholine (ACh) receptor.
Where is the Nicotinic Acetylcholine expressed?
The Nicotinic acetyulcholin (ACh) recptor is expressed at the neuromuscular junction, autonomic ganglia and in the CNS.
How many binding sites are there for ACh?
There are two binding sites for ACh; at interface between α-subunits and their neighbours. Both sites must bind acetylcholine molecules for receptor activation
What happens as a result of ACh receptor activation?
Activation results in fast synaptic transmission.
Nicotinic ACh receptor - a non-selective cation channel?
- Resting membrane potential of post-synaptic cell is ~-75mV
- High Na+ concentration outside cell, high K+ concentration inside cell
- Pore of the nicotinic receptor is equally permeable to all monovalent cations (e.g. Na+, K+ , Li+); non-selective
- Opening of pore allows ions to flow down concentration gradient; Na+ in, K+ out
Describe Cholinergic transmission at the NMJ
- Acetylcholine concentration in synaptic cleft; 10nM to 500µM in 1 millisecond
- Depolarisation of cell membrane; opening of voltage-gated sodium channels, release of calcium from intracellular stores → muscle contraction