Principles Of Permaculture Flashcards
Principle 1/2
Observe and interact
Catch and store energy
Observe and interact (principle)
Observe your sight for a year in all seasons
Observe and interact principle learn patterns of
Animal noises
Catch and store energy (principle) (2)
Green houses, sun
Rain barrels, rain
Principles or permaculture 3/4
Obtain a yield
Apply self regulation and respond to feedback
Obtain a yield
Exchange of skills and info from one Gardner to another
Principle of permaculture 5/6
Use renewable resources
Produce no waste
Flooding can be solved by
Principles of permaculture 7/8
Design from pattern to detail
Integrate rather than segregate
Principles of permaculture 9/10
Use small and slow solutions
Use and value diversity
Use small and slow solutions example
Use perennial crops that don’t need to be planted year to year
Principles of permaculture 11/12
Use edges
Creatively use and respond to change
Keyhole beds should be _(2) wide
Path in mandala gardens should be _ wide
2 ft
In beds the most frequently harvested plants go on the
Save the large broad beds for
Big staple crops
Big staple crop examples (4)
Corn, grains, potatoes, dried beans
Narrow beds for plants that are