Principles of Learning and Teaching: Pre K-12 (5625) Flashcards
Which of the following activities will most likely require students to use higher-order thinking skills?
Developing conclusions based on evidence stated in a text
Which of the following teacher strategies is most effective for increasing students’ self-motivation?
Allowing students to select topics of study that interest them
Which of the following activities is most helpful for a beginning teacher when making use of reflection for professional growth?
Maintaining a journal on the effectiveness of different teaching methods
Before students read a chapter from the class novel, the teacher asks them to record a prediction in their reading journals about what they think is going to happen. After they finish reading the chapter, the teacher asks them to comment on the predictions they made before reading. The act of making and thinking about predictions is primarily an example of
Which TWO of the following statements are primary advantages of a teacher using an analytic rubric to evaluate a student’s oral presentation to the class?
Providing students with clear feedback on why a particular score was given increases students’ understanding of how to improve learning.
Using an analytic rubric reduces bias by allowing the teacher to evaluate work against a fixed set of criteria.
Which of the following statements best relates to Vygotsky’s theory of the zone of proximal development?
Learning is facilitated by the assistance of a more knowledgeable adult or peer.
Which of the following is the defining characteristic of a criterion-referenced test?
It measures student performance against specific learning standards.
Betsy watches her older brother build a bridge with plastic blocks. According to Bandura’s theory of learning, which of the following describes how observing her brother will most likely affect Betsy?
She will attempt to imitate her brother’s actions.
A fourth-grade teacher wants to assess the level of student understanding during a math lesson. The teacher asks the students to respond to a series of questions with thumbs-up or thumbs-down to indicate their answer. Most students indicate incorrect responses to several questions. Which of the following strategies is best for the teacher to implement next?
Adjusting instruction immediately to correct the errors
A teacher-centered, skill-building instructional model in which the teacher provides the majority of the information is best known as which of the following?
Which of the following best describes the type of scoring that applies many criteria at the same time to evaluate an end-of-course project and results in a single grade?
Holistic scoring
Which of the following is a teacher’s best course of action when a sixth-grade student answers a question incorrectly?
Asking the student a probing question to understand the student’s reason for the response
Which TWO of the following are benefits of using formative assessments in the classroom?
Giving the teacher timely feedback that can be used to adjust instruction
Allowing for administration with minimum preparation or planning
Which of the following statements is best supported by current research in education?
Student choice in learning activities increases active student engagement.
Which of the following best promotes self-evaluation skills in students?
Keeping a developmental portfolio
A physical education teacher decides to teach students how to execute the jump shot by showing them videos of great basketball players performing the action. Students then practice the shot based on the video. Which of the following educational theories is the teacher’s technique most based on?
Social learning
A teacher is disciplining a fourth grader for misbehavior in the lunchroom. As the student describes the incident, the teacher continually contradicts the student’s account. The student becomes increasingly agitated, resulting in disrespectful behavior and further discipline. Which of the following changes in the teacher’s communication is most likely to improve the outcome of the discipline?
Repeating what the student says to confirm understanding
Throughout the year, a teacher assists students with developing and achieving specific, challenging, short-term goals. Which of the following is the teacher helping to foster in the students?
Which TWO of the following are distinguishing characteristics of interdisciplinary instruction?
Combines knowledge and skills associated with two or more content areas
Uses teams of teachers to plan lessons, deliver instruction, and create assessments
Which of the following is an accurate statement about successful mentor observations of classroom teachers?
Multiple observations completed by mentors allow teachers to see an improvement in their practice.
A seventh-grade teacher prepares the following question for a test.
Plant photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar. It requires a green substance called chlorophyll to occur. Its chemical equation is 6 C O 2 plus 6 H 2 O, react to produce, C 6 H 12 O 6 plus 6 O 26CO2+6H2O→C6H12O6+6O2 . In which part of the plant does photosynthesis occur? Based on guidelines for constructing good questions, the teacher should have avoided the use of
irrelevant information
Which of the following is the median for the following set of scores: 85, 90, 87, 100, and 95?
An English learner (EL) recently dismissed from the English as a Second Language (ESL) program is now having difficulty in science. The student is proficient in everyday spoken English but has difficulty answering questions orally during class and responding in writing to test questions. Which of the following should the teacher do to best support the development of the student’s academic language proficiency?
Scaffold instruction to support the student’s comprehension.
A social studies teacher assigns students a research project on the Civil Rights movement. The school librarian is assisting the teacher for the duration of the project. Which of the following responsibilities is best handled by the school librarian?
Helping students identify credible sources for the project
A seventh-grade language arts teacher plans an instructional unit based on a novel that students will read in class. Which of the following activities is most appropriate to include in the unit if the students are in the formal operational stage of cognitive development?
Writing an explanation about the symbolism found in the novel
An eighth-grade class is using a computer software program to learn French. The students enjoy using the program, but they become frustrated when it frequently loops back to vocabulary they were shown earlier. The students most likely do not understand that
repeated exposure will help them place the vocabulary words in a schema
A fourth-grade teacher wants to evaluate students’ analyses of plot structure in a chapter book the class has just read. Which of the following assessments is the teacher’s best choice?
Extended constructed response
Which of the following contributes most to the development of an inviting and inclusive environment for middle school students?
Assigning an adult advocate to monitor each student’s academic and social development
A third-grade teacher works on reading skills with students after reading a story to them at the beginning of the week. At the end of the week, the teacher asks the students to list the sequence of events from the story. Which of the following types of memory are the students primarily using to create the list?
Long-term memory
Which of the following best describes the scope and sequence of a curriculum guide?
The content of the curriculum and the order in which it will be presented
Which of the following is the most appropriate use of an analytical checklist for assessment in the classroom?
Monitoring student success at completing a multistep project
A third-grade teacher uses a token system to recognize cooperative behavior and reward effort. The teacher is demonstrating an understanding of which of the following?
Extrinsic motivation
Which of the following is a curriculum accommodation appropriate for a student with an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?
A set of supplementary materials
A fourth-grade teacher is preparing a lesson on reading historical maps. Which of the following questions requires students to use higher-level thinking?
Why did people build the cities where they did?
A science teacher wants to build a garden on school property for students to grow plants and study life cycles. The teacher creates an action plan that includes goals for involving the community. Which of the following describes the best first step for the teacher’s action plan?
Meeting with administrators to talk about the purpose and scope of the project
A fourth-grade teacher places students in small groups. Each group receives a soil sample from a geographic region of the United States. The teacher instructs students to examine the sample and note its characteristics. Students then study various geographic regions, including each region’s vegetation, animal life, minerals, and natural resources. The teacher challenges students to use the information they have found about the sample and each region to hypothesize the sample’s origin. The activity is an example of which of the following instructional models?
A teacher implements message journals in the classroom. The teacher sends a journal home with each student on Monday, along with a note regarding accomplishments, concerns, needs, and upcoming school events. Parents return the journals on Thursday with any questions or concerns. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the journals?
Supporting communication between home and school
Which of the following would be the most beneficial result from a teacher’s use of a variety of assessment formats in the classroom?
Achieving a more comprehensive picture of a student’s learning process
A curriculum director asks the sixth-grade teaching team to evaluate new mathematics textbooks for possible purchase. When the team reviews the textbooks, it is most important for team members to consider the
vertical alignment of the curricular content
Which of the following best describes the primary role of a mentor working with a new teacher?
The mentor observes the new teacher in the classroom and then meets with the teacher to discuss and reflect on the observations and plan strategies for improvement.
A student who has just turned 18 has the right to obtain his or her education records from the public school administration because of which of the following laws?
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
A fourth-grade class contains several students who are reading below grade level. Which of the following is the best activity for improving their reading fluency and comprehension?
Participating in readers’ theater
Which TWO of the following statements are the primary purposes of a norm-referenced test?
To determine where a student is positioned among a sample of students who have taken the same assessment</p>
To discriminate between high and low achievers by ranking students in a peer group
Which of the following activities is specifically associated with reflection about teaching practices?
Peer observation
A teacher develops a mnemonic for the steps of writing a paragraph. Which of the following is the most effective method to teach the students the mnemonic?
Soliciting student input when creating the cues to link each letter of the mnemonic
Which of the following laws requires that students who receive special education services be educated in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Which of the following behaviors indicates a possible emotional disorder in a young child?
Throwing objects in anger
A teacher reviews the records of a second grader transferring from another school. The records show that the student received a stanine score of 5 in mathematics on the most recent standardized test. Which of the following does the score indicate about the student’s performance on the test?
The student performed on a second-grade level.
Which of the following best summarizes the intended benefit of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act for children with disabilities?
Removing barriers to education by ensuring a free appropriate public education (FAPE)
A teacher notices that some students learn best by discussing subject matter content with peers, while others prefer a quiet place to read and practice on their own. In response, the teacher decides to adjust lesson expectations and create space in the classroom to meet the needs of both sets of students. By taking this action, the teacher demonstrates an understanding of the importance of which of the following?
Differentiated instruction
A written assignment can function as an informal assessment when used as
an early indicator of a student’s level of knowledge
A teacher wants to learn how a student’s home life may be affecting the student’s academic performance. Which of the following school support personnel is best for the teacher to consult?
Guidance counselor
Which of the following is the most appropriate pedagogical reason for occasionally using heterogeneous ability-level groupings in the classroom?
Students can benefit from sharing ideas, discussing perspectives, and mentoring one another.
Which of the following is the best assessment for a teacher to use to quantify students’ specific strengths and weaknesses in reading?
Running record
Which TWO of the following ideas best explain the purpose of a professional learning community (PLC)?
Participating in a recurring cycle of collective inquiry to improve student learning
Improving the skills and knowledge of educators through collaborative study
Which of the following is the most appropriate modification when assessing the vocabulary knowledge of a student struggling to retain information?
Providing a word bank of possible answers for test questions
A teacher notices several students are having difficulty articulating their ideas when responding to teacher‑led questions in a small reading group. The teacher points to the page or the picture in the book in which the students can find the answer and offers the students a sentence starter. By using this approach, the teacher primarily understands the importance of
providing verbal and nonverbal prompting
The concept of a spiraling curriculum, where learners continually build knowledge on what they already know, has its basis in the theories of
Jerome Bruner
Madeline scored in the 77th percentile in mathematics on a standardized assessment. Which of the following is the best way to explain her score to her parents?
She scored equal to or better than 77 percent of other students in her peer group.
A first-grade teacher begins the school year by explaining to students the procedures for hanging up their coats and storing their lunches in cubbies. Which of the following teacher actions will best support the students’ understanding of the procedures?
Modeling the procedures using the coats and lunches of several students
According to the cognitive theory of learning, the most valid evidence that students have learned a body of information is that they can
apply what they have learned in a new setting
Which of the following teacher statements is an example of appropriate and effective positive feedback?
“This was a tough problem, but you worked hard until you solved it.”
Which of the following is the best way for a business education teacher to incorporate community members into a learning activity?
Inviting guest speakers from the community to talk about a variety of business careers
Which of the following is a characteristic most often associated with gifted students?
A propensity for questioning
A student who exhibits a pattern of inappropriate interpersonal relationships frequently enough to interfere with the learning process may be eligible for special education services under which of the following areas of exceptionality?
Emotional/behavioral disability
A teacher wants to use an informal assessment to monitor students’ progress in writing. Which of the following assessments will best accomplish the teacher’s goal?
A journal entry from a portfolio
The primary purpose for which national and state agencies establish learning standards is to
define the skills and content to be taught and the level of expected performance
The following is a goal statement written by a third-grade student.
I will try harder in math. I will do better on Friday math quizzes. I will raise the grade on my next report card from a C to a B.
A teacher can best improve the goal by recommending that the student
make the goal more specific
Which TWO of the following suggestions would best help a middle school teacher create a more student-centered classroom?
Placing the teacher’s desk in the back of the room
Arranging the student desks in sets of three or four to facilitate group work and collaboration
Ms. Blaine wants to introduce students to peer assessment. She plans to begin by asking students to brainstorm criteria for evaluating each other’s work. She then plans to give students time to apply the criteria to a partner’s work as she provides feedback about how well the students are doing. Finally, she and the students will talk about how they can improve their peer assessment in the future. Which of the following changes will best improve Ms. Blaine’s lesson?
Adding a step where students practice applying criteria to sample work
In which of the following situations might a student’s culture or family structure affect his or her ability to learn?
A student from a large family whose members own and work in a family business is asked to work quietly and independently.
Which of the following types of standardized assessment best indicates a student’s intelligence quotient?
Which THREE of the following methods are most appropriate for helping students understand the concept of personal space?
Modeling for students the proper place to stand in relation to others
Discussing with students the idea of retaining a perimeter around oneself
Using visual cues with students to demonstrate nearness to other people
A student is unable to participate in a physical education class because of a physical disability. Which of the following support personnel is best suited to teach the student adaptations that will make participation possible?
Occupational therapist
At the conclusion of a unit on electing a president, a teacher plans to use a performance assessment to test student understanding of the unit. Which of the following student tasks is the teacher’s best choice?
Participating in a mock election
Which of the following is the best strategy for maintaining a supportive learning environment for young students?
Following classroom routines consistently
Activating students’ prior knowledge is an effective method for helping students to
incorporate new concepts into their existing schema
After the first week of school, a beginning teacher has concerns about managing behavior in the classroom. Which of the following is the teacher’s best first step to address the concern?
Keep a reflective journal about the types of problematic behaviors that occur
Some gifted students have been integrated into a regular classroom. The teacher can most appropriately meet the needs of the gifted students by doing which of the following?
Creating assignments for gifted students that allow them to explore the content in greater depth
Which of the following is the best phrasing to use in designing observable and measurable instructional objectives for students?
The student will define…
When structuring reading groups according to student level of ability, which of the following is the best practice?
Basing students’ placement on their most recent reading assessment
Which of the following pieces of legislation mandates that students with exceptional needs be provided with a free, appropriate public education, tailored to their specific needs, in the least restrictive environment?
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
Which of the following is a primary factor for a teacher to consider when administering peer- and self-assessments on a class assignment?
The students’ ability to objectively assess one another’s work
One of the strategies teachers can use to best help students develop self-motivation is
guiding students to see personal meaning in what they are learning
According to research, professional learning communities (PLCs) are best characterized by which of the following?
Providing supportive and shared leadership
A teacher is planning to include daily discussion groups as part of an upcoming language arts unit on research. Which of the following best describes a strategy that the teacher can use to engage all students?
Students create an inventory of issues or topics that interest them.
Antonio, an intermediate-level English learner (EL) in the ninth grade, is having difficulty following a class lecture on frogs. He especially has trouble keeping track of all of the characteristics of the animal when trying to take notes. Which of the following actions would be best for the teacher to take to assist Antonio during future lectures on frogs?
Providing Antonio with a word-web graphic organizer that includes a word bank of key vocabulary being used during the lecture
Which of the following examples is the most appropriate act of leadership for a beginning teacher?
Initiating a collaborative relationship with an experienced teacher to develop effective teaching skills
A biology teacher is preparing to introduce an abstract concept related to cellular function and structure. Which of the following is the best way for the teacher to introduce the concept in a comprehensible way?
Using students’ prior knowledge to shape and guide the day’s lesson
Students read an article discussing common causes of the endangerment of species in this decade. The teacher then asks students to answer the following question.
“What are some factors that contribute to the endangerment of a species?”
The question serves primarily to
check for understanding
Mr. Young’s middle school students are having difficulty with a project that requires them to keep a notebook in which they record careful, systematic scientific observations and then write two possible hypotheses that could be tested on the basis of the observations. Which of the following theories will best help Mr. Young understand why so many of his students are having difficulty with the project?
Jean Piaget’s theory on the stages of cognitive development
Ms. Campbell is teaching a lesson on civic engagement to a sixth-grade class. When discussing voting responsibilities, one student asks, “Why should we vote at all?” Seeing an opportunity to expand the discussion, Ms. Campbell describes the struggles people have faced to gain the right to vote. Which of the following best identifies Ms. Campbell’s action?
Taking advantage of a teachable moment
Avery, a first grader, performs at grade level on classroom reading assessments, yet a standardized assessment indicates she is in the 30th percentile for reading for her grade. Her parents are concerned about the discrepancy in test scores. Which of the following is the teacher’s best response to the parents’ concern?
Avery’s level of performance in reading cannot be determined by a single test score.
Which TWO of the following instances are violations of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)?
A principal reads a report about an incident between students that resulted in suspensions for both students and shares the information publicly.
A school administrator declines to release personal educational records to an 18-year-old student.
A school district has instituted a new mentoring program for first-year teachers in which they spend time during the school day observing and talking with a more experienced colleague who offers guidance and assistance. Which of the following best describes the main purpose of the program?
Increasing new teachers’ job satisfaction and commitment
Which of the following assessments is most likely to be criterion referenced?
A chapter test from a textbook
Elementary school teachers volunteer to serve on a committee that is developing a character education program. The program is intended to help students use moral reasoning to guide their behavior. When developing the program, the committee will find the work of which of the following theorists most helpful?
Which TWO of the following strategies are best employed to develop a learning community where diverse students feel welcome and valued?
Asking students to research the origins of their names and to present their findings to the class
Pairing students to use teacher-produced questions to interview one another and introduce their partner to the class
Which of the following best describes Piaget’s cognitive stage in which children are able to debate social matters and other abstract ideas?
Formal operational
Which of the following describes the most appropriate use of manipulatives to help students develop understanding of an important topic in an Algebra 1 class?
Using tiles representing 1, x, and x squaredx2 to visualize the factorization of expressions