Principles of Growth and Development Flashcards
When does the posterior fontanel close?
6-8 weeks
When does the anterior fontanel close?
12-18 months
What is hypotonia?
Having bad tone, little muscle, not rigid or stiff
What is microcephaly?
HC <32 cm
What is macrocephaly?
HC >38 cm
What can cause microcephaly?
Zika, cytomegalovirus, malnourishment during pregnancy
How much should a baby weigh by 6 months?
2x their birth weight
How much should a baby weigh by 12 months?
3x their birth weight
How much should a baby weigh by 24 months?
4x their birth weight
What is the average weight gain per year?
5 lb
How tall should one be by 4 years?
2x birth length
How tall should one be by 13 years?
3x birth length
How can you estimate adult height?
Double height of child at 2 years
When does a growth spurt begin for boys?
After first evidence of puberty
Lasts ~4 years
Average age of onset is 12.5
When does a growth spurt begin for girls?
After first evidence of puberty
Lasts ~4 years
Breast development happens around 10 years
What are the corresponding Erikson, Piaget, and Freud stages for the infant?
Trust vs. mistrust
Oral stage
What gross motor skills occur from 0-2 months?
Primitive reflexes
What gross motor skills occur from 2-4 months?
Hand to mouth
Some head lag when pulled to sitting position
Supports weight on forearms
What gross motor skills occur from 4-6 months?
Head and trunk control
Sits with support
Rolls back to front
Bears weight on feet when assisted.
What gross motor skills occur from 6-8 months?
Sits alone with steady head
What gross motor skills occur from 8-10 months?
Moves prone to sitting to standing
Stands alone without support
Crawls to creeps to cruise
Attempts to walk
What gross motor skills occur from 10-12 months?
Stands alone
Walks holding onto furniture
Sits down from standing
What fine motor skills occur from 8-10 months?
Grasps a spoon, can’t use it
What fine motor skills occur from 10-12 months?
Neat pincer grasp
What language development occurs from 0-2 months?
Cry, coos, vocalizes to the familiar
What language development occurs from 3-6 months?
Vocalizes during play, squeals, laughs aloud
What language development occurs from 7-9 months?
Increased vowel and consonant sounds
2 syllable sounds (baba, dada)
What language development occurs from 10-12 months?
Says mama, dada to identify, repeat sounds heard by others, 3-5 words
When are stranger anxiety and separation anxiety seen?
What are the corresponding Erikson, Piaget, and Freud stages for the toddler?
Autonomy vs. shame and doubt
Sensorimotor and preoperational
Anal stage
What gross motor skills occur from 13-18 months?
Walks up stairs
Creeps down
Removes shoes and socks
Uses all senses to explore
What fine motor skills occur from 13-18 months?
Turns pages of a book Unzips Stacks up to 4 cubes Drinks from a cup Good grasp of a spoon
What is language development like at 12-15 months?
Speaks 3-4 understandable words
Has own language not understood by others
What is language development like at 18 months?
Peaks 10 or more words
Uses jargon learned in the home
What is language development like at 24 months?
Refers to self by name
Uses pronouns
2-3 word sentences
What is language development like at 36 months?
Names body parts
Gives full name
900 different words
3-5 word sentences
What is echolalia?
When words are repeated over and over
What is telegraphic speech?
When a child will speak in compressed sentences - “give ball”
When are focus, individuation, and egocentrism development?
When is parallel play seen?
What are the corresponding Erikson, Piaget, and Freud stages for the toddler?
Initiative vs guilt (3-6) Preoperational substage - Preconceptual (2-4) - Intuitive (4-7) Phallic stage (3-7)
What gross motor skills occur from 3-5?
Balances on one foot
Alternates feet going up stairs
Rides tricycle
Skips/hops on one foot, alternates feet up and down stairs, walks heel to toe, catches ball with 2 hands
Skips on alternating feet, can begin to swim, rides bike, walks backward, good climber
What fine motor skills occur from 3-5?
Builds tower of 9-10 cubes, makes a circle with facial features,
Uses dull scissors, draws a stick figure with 3 parts, can lace shoes but may not be able to tie, copies a square, shows hand preference
Begins to tie shoes, uses a pencil very well, copies a triangle, draws a person with at least 6 parts
When do you see magical thinking, transduction, animism, and imaginary friends?
Preschool age
How do communication skills develop from age 3-5?
Speaks in complete sentences
Follows instructions with two or three steps
Can name most familiar things
Vocabulary of ~200 words
Can explain how to use something
Talks about past, future, and imaginary events
Can answer questions that use “why” and “when”
Vocabulary of ~2,100 words
What are the corresponding Erikson, Piaget, Kohlberg and Freud stages for the toddler?
Industry vs. inferiority
Concrete operational
What fine motor skills occur from 6-7?
Rides a 2 wheeler Throws over hand Legible prints Uses knife and fork Cuts pastes and folds paper Copies a diamond Walks a straight line
What fine motor skills occur from 8-9?
Fluid movement Team sports Increased flexibility Write cursive Dresses self completely
What fine motor skills occur from 10-12?
Good eye hand coordination
Fine motor well developed
Some awkwardness in gross motor due to growth spurt
What are the corresponding Erikson, Piaget, and Kohlberg stages for the adolescent?
Identity vs role confusion or diffusion
Formal operation
Postconventional level III
What are signs that an infant is ready for solids?
Double BW and weighs at least 13 lbs
Baby seems hungry despite nursing more than 8-10 times/day or drinking more than 32 oz (1 quart) of formula/day
Sits with support and has control of head movements
When placed on stomach can hold head up and support weight with straight elbows
What is a food jag?
Child asking for the same meal over and over again
What is physiologic anorexia?
When growth slows down around age 2