Principles Of Flight Flashcards
What are newtons 3 laws of motion?
1: Law of inertia - A body will remain in a state of rest or uniform motion unless it experiences an external force
2: Law of acceleration - The rate of change of momentum is proportional to the force applied and takes place in the direction of the force applies
3: Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
What is Bernoullis principle?
As the speed of fluid increases over a curved surface (When the fluid passes through a constricted section of the pipe) the static pressure of the fluid decreases.
Pressure in inversely proportional to velocity
Fast moving air = Low pressure zone/lift
Slow moving air = High pressure zone
What is the adverse pressure gradient?
Airflow over the wing: Pressure decreases and velocity increases
Airflow leaving the wing = pressure increase and velocity decrease
How is Air speed measured?
Through a Pitot tube by Total pressure - Static Pressure = Dynamic pressure (Gives IAS)
What is the Chord line?
A straight line from the Leading edge to the trailing edge.
What is meant by “Chord”
The length of the chord line
What is the Leading edge radius?
A measure of the sharpness of the leading edge as a percentage ratio of the chord
What is the thickness/chord ratio?
The thickest section of the wing, expressed as a percentage of the chord length.
What is wing taper?
A wing platform in which the wing of the chord changes continuously between the root and the tip
What is a swept wing?
A wing that is angled backward or forwards from the fuselage
What is the Mean Camber Line?
An imaginary line drawn through the centre of an aerofoil section, halfway between the upper and lower surfaces showing the camber.
Maximum Camber?
The maximum distance between the chord line and the mean camber line
What is the Camber?
The distance of the curve above or below the chord line.
Explain Positive Camber
The top of the wing surface is curved
Explain zero camber
The wing is cured on both sides
Explain negative camber
The wing is curved on the bottom only - providing a downward pressure
What does the Camber of the wing determine?
The characteristics and boundary layer
What is free stream flow?
A region of air that remains unaffected by the aircraft.
What is relative airflow?
The flow relative to the aircraft thrust direction not to be confused with free stream flow
Explain upwash and down wash.
Upwash - Air that moves towards the low pressure area of the wing
Downwash - The equal and opposite reaction at the trailing edge
What is span wise flow?
Air flowing sideways or backwards over the wing. It’s effect is greatest at the wing tip.
Explain the air movement on top of the wing.
A low pressure zone is created, the flow of air rushes over and flows towards the fuselage from the leading edge
Explain the movement of air under the wing.
A high pressure zone is created, the air flow moves past and curves outwards from the fuselage
Explain a vortex sheet.
A vortex sheet is the result of the airflow curving over and towards the fuselage and under and away from the fuselage creating multiple vortex “sheet”
How does aircraft speed and weight alter vortices?
High speed/weight = Slow vortices
Low speed/weight = Fast vortices
Explain the rams horn vortex
The Rams horn vortex is a controlled airflow separation of a vortex running along the fuselage down to the Leading edge and finally to the wingtip. Relative airflow moves over the Rams Horn reattaches itself behind the vortex. With the Rams Horn effect and dogs teeth on the LE, the boundary layer will remain on the LE
What are the three forces acting on a wing?
Lift - The force produced by an aerofoil, perpendicular to the RAF
Drag - The force from an aerofoil, parallel to and in the same direction as the RAF
Total Reaction (TR) - The combination of lift and drag. The direction the wing would move when subjected to both lift and drag.
Describe Angle of Attack AoA
The angle of the chord line in the wing and RAF. The Greek symbol alpha is used to represent this.
What are positive, negative and neutral AoA?
Positive - Chord line points up
Neutral - Chord line is S&L
Negative - Chord line points down
What is the critical point angle?
The point in which the angle of attack is too great and the RAF separates from the wing causing a stall
What is meant by best lift and least drag?
Aerofoil that produces the best lift with the least drag.
Practical applications would be Max endurance speed flown at the minimum amount of power to maintain S&L flight.
What is the Leading edge stagnation point?
Collated air molecules resulting in an envelope/bubble of high pressure air. It consists of both static air pressure and dynamic air pressure
What are low pressure bubbles?
Pending angle of attack are areas of Low pressure above and below the aerofoil. Lower angle of attack = larger Low pressure bubble. Higher angle of attack = smaller low pressure bubble