Principles Of Exodontia Flashcards
What are the indications for extraction?
1) elimination of local pathology
2) part of overall dedntal treatment plan
- crowdinng
- prosthetic treatment plan
3) overall treatment pllan
- radiotherapy
What are the pbjectives of the extracion of teeth?
1) removal of the whole tooth
2) conserve the alveolar ridge for subsequent prosthesis
What are the contraindications for extractions?
1) if conservation is possible at the tooth, mouth and whole ptient levels
2) current systemic health of patient
What factors can predispose teeth to difficulties with extractions?
1) abnormal number and shape of roots
2) root pathology: caries and hypercementosis
3) state of priodontal attachment
4) bone dnsity
5) pathology in area of bone and tooth
How are teeth attached to bone and how does this affect their extraction?
1) piodontal membrane: width
2) intdigitation of tooth root and surrounding bone
Hence, in order to extract, need to:
1) rupture periodontal membrane
2) expand socket
What are the three types of force apicable to a tooth during extractions?
1) wedging
2) expansion
3) know the strongest axis of the tooth
What is the role of the non dominant hand during extractions?
1) protect patient
2) retract tissues
3) support jaw
4) monitor the procedure
What are the three actions achievable using a dedntal elevator?
1) wedge
2) wheel and axis rotation
- creates lifting and horizontal movement
3) lever (crowbar) action - not recommended
What are th movements involved in the extraction of the respective teeth?
Mx incisors: rotational mvmnt to the mesial
Mx canines: rotational towards mesial mostly
Mx premolars: bu-li towards bu mstly then buccal traction
Mx molars: initially bu-li then when mobile rotational towards distal
Md incisors: bu-li predominantly to bu
Md canines: bu-li predominantly to lingual
Md premolars: rotational predominantly to mesial
Md molars: bu-li followed by figure of 8
Whqt should be carried out following the extraction of a tooth?
1) examine tooth - anything left behind?
2) apply pressure to socket
3) check for damage to vital structures
4) suture rrequired?
5) gauze over socket and patient to bite down
How can the strongest axis of a tooth be determined?
If round e.g. mx incisor, the sttrongest axis is similar throughout the tooth
If roots are curved, tooth should be rotated towards the curve
If oblong, Bu-lingual
Multirooted teeth: mesiobuccal and palatal root