Principlals of CVC preps part 1 Flashcards
What does Fixed Prosthodntic Treatment involve
Replacement and restoration of teeth by artifical substitutes that are not readily removable from the mouth
What is Included in Patiente Selection
Chief Complaint Communication Dental history Med History Palpation Percussion Periodontal exam Systemic conditions TMJ TMJ dysfunction
Why the patient is here
CHief complaint
what is communication
being able to exlain what can be done and affordably
What does Dental history include
Fear of the dentist
Past work
What must all be considered in tooth preps
what does Biologic considersations consider
The health of the oral tissue
What does Mechanical considerations consider
Affect the integrity and durability of the resotration
What does Esthetic considerations consider
The appearance of the patient
What are the parts of the Biological considerations of tooth preps
Prevention of damage during tooth preps (soft tissues, pulp, adjacent tooth)
Considerations affecting future dental health ( axial reduction, margins, occlusal considerations, preventing fracture)
Conserving tooth structure
parts of mechanical considerations
Resistance form
Retention form
Preventing deformational of the restoration
what is considered for resistance form
Magnitude and direction of dislodging forces
GEometry of the tooth prep
Physical properties of the luting agent
What is considered for Retntion
Manitude of Dislodging forces Geometry of the tooth prep Roughness of the fitting surface Materials being cemented Film thickness of the luting agent
What must be considered to prevent deformation of the restoration
Alloy selection
Adequate tooth reduction
Margin design
Types of Corwns
CVC- complete veneer crown
MCC- metal ceramic crown
ACC- all ceramic crown
a Cast-gold extracoronal restoration which covers the clinical crown
Complete veneer crown (CVC)
The final Shape of the tooth produced by instrumentation to receive a restoration
Tooth preparation
What is a complete veneer crown preparation
Extracoronal preparation involving the entire clinical crown
The removalable part removed from the main cast to wax up a crown
How to protect the preped tooth and gingiva while a crown is being
A provisional
What does a provisional do to help with neighboring teeth and crown placement
Provides contour that keeps nearby teeth from tipping and crowding and hurting crown placement
Indication for a single corwn
Extensive coronal destrucution from caries or trauma
Short Clinical crowns
Endodontically treated teeth
Maximum retention and resistance is needed
Correction of axial contour, correction of occlusal plane
Provide Contours to receive a removable partial denture
Contraindication for a single crown
If there is an intact buccal or lingual wall
If less than maximum retention and resistance are needed
If objectives are met with a more conservative restoration
Advance of a single corwn
Because all axial surface of tooth are included in the preparation, the complete cast crown has greater retention than a more conservative restoration
Greater resistance form than a partial coverage restoration on the same tooth
allows operator to modify axial tooth contour as well as occlusal modification
Advantages of A gold crown
High strength
Good retentive qualities
Disadvantages of a crowns ( gold specifically)
Removal of tooth structure is extensive and can have adverse effects on the pulp and periodontium
–Because of the proximity of the margin to the gingiva, it is not uncommon to see inflammation of gingival tissues
After cementation, it is no longer feasible to perform electric vitality testing of abutment tooth
Patients may object to the display of metal associated with complete cast corwns
The terminal portion of the perpared tooth ( tooth margin)
Finish line